425 DX News #1438

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425 DX News #1438

Post by NP3N »

24 November 2018                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1438

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

C5     - Andre, ON7YK has been active again as  C5YK since  18 November, and
         will remain in The Gambia until  9 March 2019.  He operates digital
         modes (especially FT8) with some SSB and CW on  60, 40, 20, 17, 15,
         12  and  10 metres.  QSL via  LoTW  and  eQSL,  or  via  home  call
         (see qrz.com for instructions);  logsearch on http://www.on7yk.eu/.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
FY     - Pierre-Louis, F5NED  will be active  as TO5NED  from  French Guiana
         from  24 November to  3 December. He will operate CW and SSB on the
         HF bands. QSL via home call. [TNX F8REF]
H44    - Remo, HB9SHD is again  active again as  H44SHD  from Uepi (OC-149),
         Solomon Islands  until mid-December.  He operates FT8 and SSB.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX World]
PY     - Martin, PT2ZDX (LU9EFO) will be active as PQ6T from  Tinhare Island
         (SA-080)  on  26-30 November, and  as  PS6I  from  Itaparica Island
         (SA-023) on 1-7 December. QSLs direct to PP5GEL (Brazilian stations
         only) or F4BHW (rest of the world).
SV     - Special callsign  SX60RAAG  will  be  active  on  1-31 December  to
         celebrate the 60th anniversary of the  Radio Amateur Association of
         Greece (RAAG).  QSL via LoTW, eQSL, Club Log's OQRS.  Logsearch and
         downloadable awards can be found at http://sx60raag.hamlogs.net/.
VP2M   - Lee K7NM  (VP2MLB),  Steve WM7Z  (VP2MMZ),  Rich NS7K  (VP2MSK) and
         Glenn AC7ZN  (VP2MZN) will be active  from Montserrat (NA-103) from
         25 November to 2 December. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on all
         the HF bands, and will participate in the ARRL 160 Meter Contest as
         VP2MLB. QSL via operator's instructions.
VU     - Datta, VU2DSI will be active again as  AU2JCB  from  23 November to
         11 December to commemorate the birthdate  of  Indian physicist  and
         radio pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose.  Look for activity on  80, 40,
         20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL direct to VU2DSI.
XT     - Alain, F8FUA  will  be  active again  as  XT2BR  from  Ouagadougou,
         Burkina Faso  on  2-11 December.  He plans to operate  CW, SSB  and
         digital modes.  QSL via F8FUA (direct or bureau) and LoTW.  [TNX DX
XU     - Steff, HB9FXL will be active again as XU7AKB from various locations
         in Cambodia  between  22 November and 14 December.  He will operate
         SSB and FT8 on 40-10 metres. QSL via HB9FXL, direct or bureau. [TNX
         OPDX Bulletin]

CQ  WW DX  CW  CONTEST ---> The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (24-25 November):
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA    
02     VE2EKA        SOAB HP      Canada               LoTW       
05     VP9I          M/S          Bermuda              LoTW/WW3S  
07     HQ9X          M/2          Honduras             KQ1F       
07     TI7W          SOAB HP      Costa Rica           W4FS       
08     6Y3T          M/2          Jamaica              LoTW/M0URX 
08     8P1W          SOAB LP      Barbados             KU9C       
08     C6AGU                      Bahamas              HA7RY      
08     C6AQQ         SOAB LP      Bahamas              N3IQ       
08     C6ARW         SOAB LP      Bahamas              LoTW/N0HJZ 
08     FG/F6ARC      SOSB         Guadeloupe           LoTW       
08     HH2AA         SOAB LP      Haiti                LoTW       
08     J68GD         SOSB 20m     St Lucia             LoTW/K9AW  
08     J68GU         SO           St Lucia             DL7VOG     
08     J8NY          M/2          St Vincent           LoTW/VE7NY 
08     KP3Z          SOAB HP      Puerto Rico          N4AO       
08     NP2J          SOSB 160m    US Virgin Isls       LoTW/K8RF  
08     NP2P          SOAB         US Virgin Isls       LoTW       
08     PJ7/K0CD      SOSB 20m QRP Sint Maarten         K0CD       
08     PJ7AA         SO           Sint Maarten         LoTW/AA9A  
08     TO5A          SO           Martinique           LoTW       
08     V26K          SOAB LP      Antigua              LoTW/AA3B  
08     V47T          SOAB HP      St Kitts & Nevis     LoTW/W2RQ  
08     VP2EAB        M/S          Anguilla             LoTW/WA7NB 
08     VP2EAQ                     Anguilla             LoTW/KE1B  
08     VP2EJS        M/S          Anguilla             N2LK       
08     VP2V/WJ2O     SOAB LP      British Virgin Isls  LoTW/N2ZN  
08     VP5M          SO           Turks & Caicos Isls  LoTW/K4PQL 
08     ZF1A          SOAB HP      Cayman Isls          LoTW/K6AM  
08     ZF9CW         SO           Cayman Isls          LoTW/K5GO  
09     9Y4/VE3EY     SOAB HP      Trinidad & Tobago    LoTW/VE3EY 
09     FY5FY         SOSB 20m HP  French Guiana        FY5FY      
09     P40C          SO           Aruba                LoTW       
09     P40W          SOAB LP      Aruba                LoTW/N2MM  
09     P49Y          SOSB 40m     Aruba                LoTW/AE6Y  
09     PJ2T          M/M          Curacao              LoTW/W3HNK 
09     PJ4A          M/S          Bonaire              LoTW/K4BAI 
09     PJ4Q          M/2          Bonaire              W4PA       
09     PZ5T          SOAB HP      Suriname             VE3DZ      
09     TO1A          SOSB 15m LP  French Guiana        LoTW       
09     YW4D          SOSB 15m     Venezuela            LoTW/EA7JX 
10     HC5M          SOAB HP      Ecuador              DL8UD      
11     PY0F          SOAB HP      Fernando de Noronha  LoTW/PY7RP 
12     CB1H          M/?          Chile                XQ1KN      
13     LS1D          M/S          Argentina            LoTW/LW9EOC
14     CU8AS         SOAB HP      Azores               LoTW/HB9CRV
14     CU8FN         SOAB HP      Azores               LoTW/HB9CRV
14     GU3HFN        SOAB LP      Guernsey             GU8ITE     
14     GU4CHY        SOSB 20m HP  Guernsey             GU4CHY     
14     MD4K          SOSB 20m     Isle of Man          G3NKC      
14     MW5B          SOSB 160m    Wales                LoTW       
14     PE75W         M/?          Netherlands          LoTW       
15     ES9C          M/?          Estonia              LoTW/ES5RY 
15     LY4A          M/M          Lithuania            LY4A       
15     OG60F         M/?          Finland              LoTW       
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Isls           LoTW/W0MM  
15     OH5Z          M/M          Finland              LoTW       
15     SN8B          M/?          Poland               LoTW/SP8CUR
15     SO4M          M/S          Poland               LoTW       
15     TK0C          M/2          Corsica              LoTW/S50C  
15     ZA/LZ1MS      SOSB 40m     Albania              LoTW/LZ1MS 
15     ZA/OU2I       SOAB LP      Albania              LoTW       
20     SW9AA         M/S LP       Crete                LZ1PM      
20     SZ1A          M/S          Greece               LotW       
21     4L2M          SOSB 20m     Georgia              EA7FTR     
21     A44A          M/M          Oman                 A47RS      
21     A71EM         SOSB 40m HP  Qatar                LoTW/M0OXO 
21     EK3GM         SO           Armenia              LoTW/EK3GM 
21     EK6RL         SOAB         Armenia              EK6RL      
21     EK6SI         SOAB LP      Armenia              EK6SI      
21     EK7AF         SOAB         Armenia              qrz.com    
21     EK7DX         SOAB LP      Armenia              EK7DX      
22     8Q7DX         SOAB HP      Maldives             OE1EMS     
22     8Q7JX         SO           Maldives             LoTW/JR3RIU
22     AT3A          SO           India                LoTW       
24     B4T                        China                LoTW/BA4TB 
24     B7Q                        China                BA1DU      
24     BA7JS         SOSB 160m HP China                BA7JS      
24     BD1IIJ        SOAB         China                LoTW/BD1IIJ
26     E28AI         M/?          Thailand             LotW/E24NQN
26     E2A           M/?          Thailand             LoTW/E21EIC
26     XV9D          SO           Vietnam              LoTW/EA5GL 
27     AH2R          M/?          Guam                 LoTW       
27     T88PB         SOAB         Palau                LoTW/JA0JHQ
27     V6A           SOAB HP      Micronesia           LoTW/JA7HMZ
28     9M6NA         SOAB LP      East Malaysia        LoTW/JE1JKL
28     YE2A          M/?          Indonesia            LoTW       
30     VK3HF         M/?          Australia            LoTW/M0OXO 
31     KH7M          SOAB HP      Hawaii               LoTW       
33     3V8SF         SOSB 160m    Tunisia              LotW/LX1NO 
33     CN3A          M/?          Morocco              LoTW/IK2OHG
33     CR3DX         M/?          Madeira              LoTW/OM2VL 
33     CR3X          M/S          Madeira              LoTW/K2PF  
33     EA8/GU4YOX    SOSB 20m LP  Canary Isls          LoTW/GU4YOX
33     EA8CUU        SOSB         Canary Isls          OH6CS      
33     EA9LZ         SOSB 40m     Ceuta & Melilla      LoTW/EA5KB 
33     IH9/OK6RA     SOSB 40m LP  AF Italy             OK6RA      
33     IH9/OL3R      SOSB 20m LP  AF Italy             OK1VWK     
34     SU9JG         SOSB 15m     Egypt                LoTW/EA5GL 
35     5U9AMO        SOAB LP      Niger                LoTW/M0URX 
35     6V7A          M/2          Senegal              LoTW/F6BEE 
35     D41CV         SOAB HP      Cape Verde           LoTW/IK2NCJ
36     9X4XX         SOAB LP      Rwanda               LZ3SM      
37     5X1XA         SOSB 20m     Uganda               G3SWH      
37     5X2B          SOAB LP      Uganda               LoTW/JA1PBV
37     5Z4LS         SO           Kenya                G3RWF      
37     7Q6M                       Malawi               K6ZO       
38     ZR2A          SOAB LP      South Africa         LoTW/DM5EE 
39     5R8UM         M/S          Madagascar           LoTW       
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill, NG3K  at  http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2018.html  -  good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0I ---> "A few good  DXpedition Pilot stations"  have been chosen to serve
during the expedition to Bouvet:  https://www.rebeldxgroup.com/3y0i-pilots/.
They  "will  not  handle  busted  calls,  log/mode  requests  or  DXpedition
details", but  "will assemble RX  information and forward that  consolidated
info into a single  direct  communication link to Dom,  the DXpedition  Team
Leader". 3Y0I plans to upload the logs to Club Log twice a day. For the time
being, the team in Cape Town expects  to complete  the  "Special Operations,
Water,  Rescue,  Recovery  and   Survival"  training  on  26  November:  see

425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE ---> The  October  2018  issue  is  now  available  for
download at http://www.425dxn.org/index.php. [TNX IZ3EBA]

4U1UN ---> "90% of the remoting of the  4U1UN  station  has been completed",
The Daily DX reports.  "The main equipment  is in a secure area  on the 41st
floor and in the near  future operators  will be able to have easier  access
down below".  Hopefully the United Nations HQ station  will be QRV again  by
year's end.

QSL EP6RRC ---> Club Log's OQRS is  the  preferred method,  and  it  will be
enabled after the DXpedition  to  Shif Island (AS-189, new one for IOTA)  is
over: https://clublog.org/logsearch/EP6RRC.  The  QSL manager  is R7AL,  but
those who choose to go direct in a traditional way should mail their request
to  EU7A  (maildrop):  Andrey N. Teterukov,  P.O. Box 49,  220050  Minsk-50,

TEN YEARS OF CLUB LOG --- > "It's  now been  10 years  since  the  first few
features  of  Club Log  were  put together",  Michael,  G7VJR  wrote  on  22
November.  "This feels like longer than  I expected - probably  because  the
whole story of Club Log has rushed by. They say that time flies when  you're
having fun! I wanted to share a few reflections and say a few thank-yous, to
mark this decade" - continue reading on https://g7vjr.org/.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER        CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       NI5DX       CU8FN       HB9CRV      PA75STAR    PA1UN
3D2TS       FK1TS       D41CV       HB9DUR [d]  PC6IPA      PA9LUC
3G4NU       CE4CNU      D41CV       IK2NCJ   PJ4/KU8E    K4BAI
4J100A      4J5A        DP0GVN      DL5EBE      PJ7/UR5BCP  KD7WPJ
4L1FL       EA7FTR      EG7ESA      EA7URF      PJ7AA       AA9A 
4L6QL       RW6HS       EL2EF       N2OO        PJ7TM       K2GSJ
4O7CC       UA4CC       EM44WFF     UT4WA       PZ5T        VE3DZ
4S7DLG      DK8ZZ       EM85QZS     UT3QZ       R130TU      RZ5D
4S7KKG      DC0KK       ER4KAA      ER1FF       R200SB      RZ4AWB
4X0B        4X6ZM       EX8TR       RW6HS       RI0BC       RW1AI
5H3MB       IK2GZU      FG/F6ARC    FE11DX      SN1918WAR   SP5AXL
5R8UM       K2BB        FM5FJ       KU9C        SO100RON    SP3J 
5U9AMO      M0URX       GB100MPD    G3UCQ       SO750W      SP6CES
5W1SA       JA1DXA      GB2LWF      G4SJX       SX100WWI    SV2HTI
5W20SAMOA   EA5GL       GB900PC     M5ATR       T80B        JF1OCQ
5X1XA       G3SWH       H2X         IZ4AMS      TM100BS     F5KOU
5Z4LS       G3RWF       HA50KHC     HA5KHC      TM100LGG    F4GRW
6W1RW       F6BEE       HC5M        DL8UD       TM16PO      F5DRD
6Y3T        M0URX       HC7AE       EA5GL       TM18PGM     F4FCE
7Q7M        W7KFI       HF0STO      SQ8W        TM1VG       F4FCE
7Q7W        DK2WV       HP3SS       AC2OV       TM57GG      F-11734
7S2G        SM2GSR      HS0ZME      SM6NT       TM88FU      F8KHP
8Q7DX       OE1EMS      HS0ZNW      DL1QQ       TM95KOB     F5KOB
9G5AR       N4GNR       IR3MD       IN3MDR      TU0PAX      TU2CI
9X4XX       LZ3SM       IY5PIS      IW5AOT      V26K        AA3B
A35EU       GM4FDM      J68GD       K9AW        V31MA       M0OXO
A60TVD      A61BK       J8NY        VE7NY       V47NT       W2RQ
A61Q        EA7FTR      JD1BOI      JI1LET      V63DX       JA7HMZ
A65BG       PA5M        JD1BON      JA1UII      V63PSK      JA1FMN
A93DX       A92AA       K2SC/KH2    JJ2PIK      VP2EAB      WA7NB
AH2EA       JF2WGN      KH6/AH2Y    HL1IWD      VP2EAQ      KE1B
C31CT       EA3QS       NL7S        N4GNR       VP2EJS      N2LK
C5YK        ON7YK       NP4G        NP3O        VP2V/K6NAO  JA1HGY
C6AGU       HA7RY       OE100KFV    OE9KFV      VP2V/WJ2O   N2ZN
C6ARW       N0HJZ       OE100XCL    OE5AMR      WP3C        W3HNK
CN3A        IK2OHG      OH0Z        W0MM        XT2AW       M0OXO
CO2RQ       EC6DX       ON1418END   ON4HRT      XV9D        EA5GL
CO6RD       EA5GL       OP18RCL     ON3AR       YR1918BB    YO8AXP
CP4BT       DJ2BW       OT100FB     ON6LC       ZF2MJ       N6MJ
CP6CL       W3HNK       P40W        N2MM        ZF9DX       K0DEQ
CT9/R7KW    K2PF        P49Y        AE6Y        ZY6V        PY6HD

6D50I    Jose Felix Nunez Enciso, Av. Revolucion de 1910 #3080,
         Col. Pueblo Nuevo, 23060 La Paz BCS, Mexico
EP6RRC   Andrey N. Teterukov, P.O. Box 49, 220050 Minsk-50, Belarus
FE11DX   Stephane Laigneau, 1 Residence Francois Foreau, 28110 Luce, France
GM4FDM   Tom Wylie, 3 Kings Crescent, Elderslie, Johnstone, PA5 9AD,
         United Kingdom
JA1FMN   Shuji Yamanishi, 72-83-203 Toyoshiki, Kashiwa-city, Chiba-ken,
         277-0863, Japan
JA7HMZ   Shoji Igawa, 17 Shirogane-cho, Yokobori, Yuzawa-shi, Akita-ken,
         019-0204, Japan
PY6HD    Jose Hamilton Limeira, Caixa Postal 182, Feira de Santana - BA,
         44001-970, Brazil
TM100ARM Rachid Bassit, 59 Rue Dussouich, 62800 Lievin, France


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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