425 DX News #1673

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425 DX News #1673

Post by NP3N »

27 May 2023                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1673
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8Q     - Amir, A61MW will be active as 8Q7MW  from the Maldives (AS-013)  on
         27-29 May.  "QSL cards are available if you request them by email",
         he says.
9Q     - Vlad, OK2WX will be active as 9Q3WX from the Democratic Republic of
         the Congo from 15 August to 3 September. He will operate on CW, SSB
         and digital modes on 80-10 metres.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via
         IZ8CCW. See https://www.mdxc.support/9q3wx/ for updates.
DL     - Jacek, SP5APW will be active as DL/SP5APW from  Usedom Island  (EU-
         129) from  29 May to 1 June.  He plans to be QRV  on 6 metres only,
         from WWL JO73cu. QSL via home call, and possibly Club Log's OQRS.
DL     - DARC Team SES will operate special event callsign DB23SOWG  on 1-25
         June.  The suffix stands for  Special  Olympics  World  Games,  the
         world's largest sporting event for athletes  with intellectual dis-
         abilities whose 16th edition  will be held in  Berlin (17-25 June).
         QSL via the bureau, or direct to DL2VFR.
F      - For the 71st year the Association des Radioamateurs  de  la  Sarthe
         (F6KFI) will operate a special event station for the  24  Hours  of
         Le Mans. Look for TM24H on 28 May-11 June, with activity on various
         bands and modes. QSL via Club Logìs OQRS, or via F6KFI.
F      - Special callsign TM61TC  will be activated on  31 May-7 June  cele-
         brating  Claude Chappe's  invention of the optical  telegraph,  the
         first practical  telecommunications system  of the  industrial age.
         QSL via the bureau. [TNX F8REF]
F      - Members  of the  Association des Radioamateurs Vauclusiens  (F5KPO)
         will operate a series of eight special callsigns (TM230VA, TM230UC,
         TM230LU, TM230SE and TM84VA, TM84UC, TM84LU, TM84SE)  on  2-25 June
         for the 230th anniversary of the creation of the  French Department
         of Vaucluse. QSL via eQSL.  A number of certificates will be avail-
         able, see https://www.qrz.com/db/TM230VA for information.
I      - Franco, IZ5IUY will be active again as IL7/IZ5IUY  from San Domino,
         Tremiti Islands (EU-050) on 10-29 June. He will operate SSB on 40-6
         metres,  as well as  on 144 MHz  and  433 MHz.  QSL via  home call,
         bureau preferred.
KH8    - Lloyd, KH6LC and Oliver, W6NV will be active as KH8W from Pago Pago
         (OC-045),  American Samoa on 26-31 May.  They will operate CW only,
         and will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest.  QSL via LoTW, or
         direct to W6NV.
PA     - Ben, DO1BEN has been  on  Texel Island (EU-038)  since 22 May,  and
         will remain there until 2 June.  He is QRV as  PD/DO1BEN  on 40, 20
         and 10 metres SSB,  with some FT8/FT4 "if propagation is low".  QSL
         via home call (bureau preferred).
PA     - PA37AC is the  special callsign  for the  Marine Radio Amateur Club
         (PI4MRC) to participate in the Museum Ships Weekend (3-4 June) from
         the  former minesweeper  "Abraham Crijnssen",  moored  at the  Navy
         Museum in Den Helder, Netherlands. [TNX PA3CNI]
SP     - Jacek, SP5APW will be active as SP5APW/1 from Wolin Island (EU-132)
         on 1-6 June.  He plans to be QRV on 6 metres only, from WWL JO73gx.
         QSL via home call, and possibly Club Log's OQRS.
T31    - Team T31TT arrived in  Apia, Samoa at 18 UTC on 25 May.  After a 2-
         day stop, the  "Sheer Delight"  will set sail  for  Kanton, Central
         Kiribati.  Look for  E51DOM/mm  on 14183 kHz SSB  and  14002 kHz CW
         during the voyage.  Plans are for  T31TT  to be QRV for  12-14 days
         with one CW, one SSB and seven FT8 stations. Their band plan can be
         found on https://www.qrz.com/db/T31TT. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
UA     - Commemorating the role that radio (and radio amateurs)  had in res-
         cuing the survivors of the airship "Italia" disaster, special call-
         signs  RT95NS, RT95MS and RT95KG  (QSLs via RN3RQ)  will  be active
         from  25 May to 12 July.  The suffixes memorialize Nikolai Schmidt,
         the radio amateur who  first picked up the SOS on 3 June 1928,  and
         his close friend Mikhail Smirnov, as well as  Aleksandr Kozhevnikov
         and Vladislav Grzhibovsky, radio amateurs and radiomen on board two
         of the ships that participated in the search and rescue operations.
         Also active will be R1LK (QSL via RV1AQ), the onboard amateur radio
         station of the "Krasin", the icebreaker (now a museum ship in Saint
         Petersburg) that reached the castaways on 12 July 1928. A couple of
         certificates will be available on  https://hamlog.online/  for con-
         tacts made with these stations and II1ITR [425DXN 1669].
UA0    - Team RI0Z  (namely R7AA, RM0F, UA6EX and UA7A)  will be active from
         Bering Island,  one of the Komandorskiye Islands (AS-039),  from 18
         August to 3 September. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (direct and bureau),
         or  via  R7AA.  See https://dxpedition.wixsite.com/ri0z/  for  more
VE     - Team VB2M will be active from Petite-ile-au-Marteau (NA-176) on 22-
         30 July, IOTA Contest included.  Plans are to operate 24/7  on 80-6
         metres CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW, Club Log,  or direct to Fede-
         ration des clubs radioamateurs du Quebec (RAQI), 7665 Bd Lacordaire
         Montreal, QC H1S 2A7, Canada.
VU7    - Yuris, YL2GM will be active again as VU7W from the Lakshadweeps  on
         6-18 June.  This time he will operate from Minicoy Island (AS-106),
         with a focus on 6 metres  ("however other bands will also be used",
         he says).  QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or direct to YL2GN.
         See https://www.lral.lv/vu7w/ for updates.
XW     - "I will return again to live in Luang Prabang from about the end of
         May 2023",  Simon, XW0LP  (HS0ZIB) says.  "I'm just  sorting out  a
         suitable house to rent with a garden for my HF antennas.  I hope to
         be operational  soon on  160, 40, 20, 15, 12 and 10 metres  (80, 30
         and 6m are now not authorised for use in Laos)". QSL via EA5GL.
Z3     - Henning, OZ2I will be active as Z38EE from North Macedonia on 24-30
         May.  He operates CW only, and will participate in the CQ WW WPX CW
         Contest. "I think of spending some time in the country for the next
         six months, doing some more of the big contests  (it may even be CQ
         WW)", he says. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via the bureau to OZ2I.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CQ AMATEUR RADIO HALL OF FAME ---> The CQ  Amateur  Radio  Hall of Fame  was
established in January 2001 to recognize those who have made major contribu-
tions to amateur radio as a whole,  and  radio amateurs  who have made major
contributions to society at large.
The 2023 inductees are:
* Andrew "Andy" Andros, W0LTE (SK), and brother Theodore "Ted" Andros, W0URN
  (SK), founders of Hy-Gain Corp. Their first antenna, the TH-3 triband trap
  beam, got the company off to a solid start.  The company went on to become
  a major antenna manufacturer for the amateur, CB, military and  diplomatic
  markets; later sold to Telex and then to MFJ Enterprises,  which continues
  to produce Hy-Gain antennas, rotors and accessories.
* John G. "Jack" Curtis, K6KU (SK) - Revolutionized CW keying  by developing
  circuitry for  an iambic memory keyer and putting it on a chip.  The chips
  were later integrated into many commercial transceivers featuring built-in
  electronic keyers.
* Gerald "Jerry" Lawson, WA6LVN (SK) - Pioneer of home video games,  helping
  to develop the first cartridge-based video game controller,  which allowed
  users to switch between multiple games. Also one of the few African-Ameri-
  can engineers working  in the computer industry  as the first  video games
  were developed.

CQ CONTEST HALL OF FAME ---> Established  in  1986,  the  CQ Contest Hall of
Fame honours those amateurs  who have made major contributions to the art of
radio contesting. The 2023 inductees are:
* Kirk Pickering, K4RO - Founding member, past president and past vice-pres-
  ident of the Tennessee Contest Group; webmaster of TCG website; has hosted
  many new contesters at multi-ops  from his home station;  3-time US winner
  in ARRL Sweepstakes CW/QRP category and regular top-ten finisher in multi-
  ple contests;  past editor and columnist ("Contesting 101")  for  National
  Contest Journal.
* Ken Claerbout, K4ZW - Accomplished contester both domestically and  as DX,
  operating from over a dozen countries around the world. A driving force in
  the ongoing training and mentoring of students at ET3AA, the radio club at
  the Addis Ababa  University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  On a recent visit,  he helped students install one of the few  HF skimmers
  in Africa  to feed the  Reverse Beacon Network.  He has served in multiple
  positions for the YASME Foundation, and is  past president of the  Potomac
  Valley Radio Club. In that role,  he began a series of  contesting-related
  webinars that has morphed into today's Contest University.
* Bernhard "Ben" Buettner, DL6RAI - Avid contester and contest administrator
  who has operated from 49 different DX entities. Co-founder and past presi-
  dent of the Bavarian Contest Club (BCC),  Ben helped develop  and maintain
  the club's DX cluster, the first in Germany. He is also a past director of
  the Worked All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC). In that role, he spearheaded the
  conversion from paper to electronic logging  and the introduction of elec-
  tronic log checking. Ben is also a former member of the  CQWW Contest Com-
  mittee, served as IT manager for WRTC-2018 in Germany, and has been a beta
  tester for Win-Test contest logging software.
  [The official announcement  does not mention  that  Ben tragically  passed
  away two days before his induction, Ed.]

CQ DX HALL OF FAME ---> Established in 1967, the CQ DX Hall of Fame  honours
those amateurs who have made major contributions to DXing and DXpeditioning.
The 2023 inductees are:
* Arecio "Al" Hernandez, K3VN - Al  has been deeply involved  in DXpeditions
  to many rare and difficult to reach destinations.  He has traveled to more
  than 100 countries, operated from at least 20 of them and has participated
  in close to  a dozen award-winning  expeditions.  Al is a prolific  public
  speaker and author. His first DXpedition article was published in CQ maga-
  zine in 1976. He is an expert in electromagnetic interference and compati-
  bility and holds seven patents in the field.
* Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA - Adrian has been on  30 DXpeditions  in just over
  seven years, including  the recent 3Y0J expedition  to  Bouvet Island.  He
  actively promotes amateur radio  to young people  in places that he visits
  (assuming it's a location with people!), and  is frequently  the voice  or
  face of various trips  to the amateur  community,  appearing on  interview
  shows  and writing  about  the adventures for CQ and  other  publications.
  Adrian is also the tech support person for  4U1UN,  the amateur station at
  United Nations headquarters in New York City, and can frequently  be found
  operating there when he isn't traveling to some remote part of the world.

DXPEDITION OF THE YEAR ---> Presented  annually  at  the  DX Dinner  by  the
Southwest Ohio DX Association, the  DXpedition of the Year Award  recognizes
excellence in DXpedition planning and execution  from Most Wanted  entities.
DXpeditions that were completed  from March 2022 through February 2023  were
eligible for  this year's award,  which  has gone  to  the  Czech DXpedition
Group's  TN8K operation from the Congo (January 2023, https://www.cdxp.cz/).

MUSEUM SHIPS WEEKEND ---> Sponsored  by  the  Battleship New Jersey  Amateur
Radio Station (NJ2BB), this year's  Museum Ships Weekend  will be held  from
00.00 UTC on  3 June until 23.59 UTC on the 4th.  Information  on the event,
including  the  listing of  expected  participating ships, can  be found  at

NCDXF DQRM PROJECT ---> The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) recog-
nizes the negative impact  deliberate QRM (DQRM) is having on our hobby.  We
believe this is a problem  that can be mitigated  by amateur radio operators
applying their vast knowledge and creativity  to the advanced receiving  and
direction finding technology currently available.  In order to spur research
into solving this problem, the NCDXF Board of Directors at their  April 2023
Board Meeting allocated $100,000 for grants to develop DQRM solutions.
NCDXF will entertain grant proposals from individuals or groups that specif-
ically outline their approach to identify bad actors.  A group of NCDXF  Di-
rectors led by Craig Thompson, K9CT and  Don Greenbaum, N1DG  will weigh the
probability of success of their proposals as well as monitor the progress of
the grantees.
Funding will be available for research and development, as well as implemen-
tation of  technology proposals.  It is hoped that  manufacturers will  also
assist NCDXF and grantees with equipment and other resources.
NCDXF will shortly outline specifics for how to apply for these DQRM grants.
We have created  a webpage  devoted to the  DQRM Request For Proposal  (RFP)
Project: https://www.ncdxf.org/pages/dqrm.html

TX5S ---> Paul, N6PSE  has joined  the operating team of the Perseverance DX
Group's DXpedition to Clipperton Island (18 January-1 February 2024) [425DXN
1668]. In addition, joining the team are also two French scientists who will
conduct research  while on the island,  and a member of the  Association  la
Passion-Clipperton,  a French organization involved with  improving and pre-
serving Clipperton Island's environment.
Band/Mode additions include Satellite and 6m EME.  "The fundraising campaign
is underway,  with 18 Clubs/Foundations and  87 individuals  already showing
their support for the project", the team's Press Release #3 states.  "At 24%
of the target,  we have a long way to go  in order to reach  the goal of 50%
team member funding of  the estimated project cost  of USD 350,000.  If  you
need  Clipperton for  an  All Time New One,  or will work us,  we  would ap-
preciate   your  help,   most  bills  must  be  paid  before  we  sail": see
You can also follow TX5S on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tx5s2024.


QSLs received direct  or  through managers:  3A/IW1RBI,  3B7M,  3Y0J, 4L4DX,
5A1AL, 5W0RS,  5Z4PA, 8B0RARI, 8Q7KB, 8Q7PR, 9U4WX, 9U5R, A75GC, C5YK, CW1C,
D2EB, D4NA, DU1/SP5APW (OC-092 and OC-244), ES9UKR, EX0M, FK8IK,  FT4YM (AN-
017), FT8WW, HD8M, J20MR,J8NY, OF9X, OH0Z,  PZ5KV, S01WS, SV2RSG/A,  SV5DKL,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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