425 DX News #1643

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425 DX News #1643

Post by NP3N »

29 October 2022                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1643

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4X     - Special callsigns  4X01R and 4X02R  will be in use on  4-5 November
         from  the  historic railway stations  of Elroi  and  Kfar Yehoshua,
         respectively.  These  activities  are part  of  the  Jezreel Valley
         Railway project: https://iarc.org/railway/. QSLs via 4X6ZM
5H     - Jeff, K5DRJ will be on a mission trip to Same, Tanzania on  2-9 No-
         vember.  He plans  to be active as  5H2JC on 3-6 November "as time
         allows", indicatively between  13 and 17 UTC.  He will operate  SSB
         and PSK31 mainly on  40 and 20 metres,  and will upoload his log to
         LoTW and Club Log.
5R     - Eiki, JH8JWF has been active as 5R8AS  from  Talatamaty, Madagascar
         (AF-013) since 24 October, and will remain there  until 6 November.
         He will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  QSL via LoTW  and
         Club Log.
9L     - John, G0EWI has been in  Congo Cross, Freetown, Sierra Leone  since
         15 October, and will be active as 9LYJD1 (correct callsign) until 3
         November. QSL via home call.
CN     - CN47MS will be active from 30 October to 10 November to commemorate
         the 47th anniversary  of the so-called  Marche Verte (Green March).
         QSL via CN8WW.
CX     - Radio broadcasting in Uruguay began on 6 November 1922,  when Radio
         Paradizabal  went on the air  for the first time.  Celebrating that
         centenary, the Radio Club Uruguayo  will operate special event sta-
         tion CX100B on 1-30 November. QSL via CX1AA and LoTW.
F      - Celebrating  the  15th  anniversary  of  SOTA  (Summits On The Air)
         France,  special callsign  TM15SOTA  will be activated for  fifteen
         days between 1 November and 30 December.  QSL via eQSL,  paper QSLs
         will not be available.
HS     - Lars, SM6NT will be active again as HS0ZME  from  Hua Hin, Thailand
         from 1 November to 2 April 2023. He will operate mainly CW on 40-10
         metres. QSL via SM6NT. [TNX The Daily DX]
I      - Once again special callsign IR3MD will be in use by ARI Rovereto on
         1-30 November. The suffix stands for Maria Dolens, the  mighty bell
         casted after World War I to commemorate the fallen in all wars. QSL
         via the bureau, or direct to IN3MDR.  Information on the award  can
         be found on qrz.com.
KH0    - Harry, JG7PSJ will be active as WH0RU from  Saipan, Mariana Islands
         (OC-086) on 2-6 November. He will operate CW and SSB on 40-10m. QSL
         via LoTW, or direct to JG7PSJ.
PY     - Special callsign ZW200ESQ  will celebrate  the bicentennial  of the
         Esquadra Brasileira (the Brazilian Navy) on  1-30 November.  Opera-
         tions  will take place  from the premises  of the  Brazilian  Naval
         School's Communication Group (PY1BJN). Look for activity on all the
         bands from 80m to 70cm, CW, SSB, digital modes and FM on satellite.
         QSL via the bureau, or direct to PY1JR.
SP     - The Bydgoszcz Amateur Radio Club (SP2PBY) will be active as SN2BUW,
         SN4IW, SN5ESH and SN5IU on  7-20 November  to honour the memory  of
         Henryk Kruszynski  SP2BUW  (1957-2020),   Ryszard Czerwinski  SP2IW
         (1932-2018),  Boleslaw  Krzymin  SP2ESH  (1936-2016)  and  Zbigniew
         Gorgolewski SP2IU (1933-2017). QSLs via SP2PBY.  A certificate will
         be available: http://www.sp2pby.pl/.
SV     - Celebrating  Hellenic Air Force Day (8 November),  SV1AHH,  SV1GGF,
         SV1JFL, SV1QA and SV1QVA will be active as  SX22HAF  on 1-30 Novem-
         ber. Look for activity on all bands SSB, CW, and digital modes. QSL
         via LoTW and eQSL, paper cards will not be provided.  A certificate
         will  be  available,  see  https://www.qrz.com/db/SX22HAF  for more
TL     - The Italian DX Team's  TL8AA & TL8ZZ  operation  from  the  Central
         African Republic  is still set for  12-26 November  [425DXN #1636],
         but the news from Bangui does not sound very promising.  "The capi-
         tal city is undergoing a severe shortage of fuel, available only at
         black market tripled prices", the team reported a few days ago.  "A
         litre costs about 1600 XAF,  in excess of 2.4 USD.  Our location is
         equipped  with  an oil-hungry  30kW generator.  Electric  power  in
         Bangui, as well as the Internet,  are available only  a few hours a
         day, day or night with no foreseeable schedule. Obviously, we shall
         try our best  to be available on air,  but oil shortage  makes  any
         plan most uncertain".
VK9C   - Four operators were expected to be active as  VK9CM  from the Cocos
         (Keeling) Islands from 26 October to 3 November, and to participate
         in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest as  VK9C  [425DXN 1637].  The team de-
         parted Perth on schedule on 25 October, but "we got half way to Co-
         cos Keeling  when the captain  announced we were returning to Perth
         due to  tropical storms  to the north",  they say.  The flight  has
         been rescheduled for  29 October:  "unfortunately,  we've lost four
         days  and are now left with only five days of on-air time.  Discus-
         sions are being held on  how to pack a  10-day DXpedition into five
         days.  The team is disappointed with the situation, but at the same
         time also determined  to make the best use  of the remaining time".
         Updates will be posted to https://www.qrz.com/db/VK9CM.
YB     - Amir, YB9IPY/p will be active from  the  Rajaampat Islands (OC-239)
         on 1-8 November.  He will operate FT8 only.  QSL direct to  IK2DUW.
         [TNX  DX World]
ZD7    - Christopher, HB9FIY will be active as ZD7CA from  St. Helena Island
         (AF-022)  on  5-26 November.  When  time allows  he will operate  a
         variety of modes  (SSB PSK, RTTY, VarAC, CW)  on 40-10 metres . QSL
         via EA5GL. [TNX The Daily DX]

CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST ---> The following stations  have announced  their par-
ticipation in this year's event (29-30 October):

ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     COUNTRY              QSL VIA    
02     VE2IDX        SO           Canada               VE3ZF      
08     FG4KH         SOAB         Guadeloupe           LoTW/F1DUZ 
08     FJ/SP9FIH     SOSB 15m     Saint Barthelemy     SP9FIH     
08     J68HZ         M/?          St Lucia             LoTW/K9HZ  
08     KP2B          SOSB 10m     US Virgin Islands    LoTW/EB7DX 
08     PJ5/W5JON     SOAB         Sint Eustatius       LoTW/W5JON 
08     PJ7PL         SO LP        Sint Maarten         N2HX       
08     TO5A          M/2          Martinique           LoTW/F5VHJ 
08     TO5M          M/?          St. Martin           LoTW       
08     V26B          M/M          Antigua              LoTW/KA2AEV
08     V47T          SOAB HP      St Kitts             LoTW       
08     V48DM                      St Kitts and Nevis   LoTW/N4GNR 
08     VP5DX         M/S LP       Turks & Caicos       LoTW/NU4Y  
08     ZF1A          M/2          Cayman Isls          LoTW       
08     ZF2AA         SOAB         Cayman Isls          VE3IKV     
09     9Z4A          SO           Trinididad & Tobago  9Z4A       
09     FY5KE         M/S          French Guiana        LoTW       
09     P40L          M/?          Aruba                LoTW/WA3FRP
09     PJ4G          M/S          Bonaire              LoTW/K4BAI 
09     PJ4K          SOAB         Bonaire              KU9C       
09     PJ4TB         SO           Bonaire              LoTW       
10     HD1A          M/M          Ecuador              HD1A       
11     PT4A          M/S HP       Brazil               LoTW       
12     CE3CT         M/?          Chile                LoTW/EA5KB 
13     LQ5D          SOSB 10m LP  Argentina            LoTW/EA7HBC
14     CR2B          SOAB HP      Azores               LoTW/EA1BP 
14     CR5T          M/?          Portugal             LoTW/CS5ARC
14     CR6K          M/?          Portugal             LoTW       
14     DA0RR         M/?          Germany              LoTW       
14     ED1B          M/S LP       Spain                EC1A       
14     ED1R          M/?          Spain                LoTW       
14     ED7O          MO           Spain                ED7O       
14     GC5DX         SOSB 10m     Wales                LoTW/EB7DX 
14     GM5G          M/S HP       Scotland             LoTW       
14     HB0A          M/?          Liechtenstein        LotW       
14     LX8M          M/S LP       Luxembourg           LoTW       
14     TM1Q          MO           France               LoTW/F1ULQ 
15     ES9UKR        M/2          Estonia              ES5RY      
15     IB3M                       Italy                LoTW       
15     IM0B          SO           Sardinia             LoTW       
15     IR7R          M/S HP       Italy                IZ7GXB     
15     IS0/OM2TW     SOSB 80m     Sardinia             OM2FY      
15     OH0Z          SOAB HP      Aland Isls           LoTW/W0MM  
15     OH5Z          M/?          Finland              LoTW       
15     Z68XX         SOAB LP      Kosovo               DL2JRM     
20     4X7R          M/?          Israel               4X6OM      
20     5B4AQT        SO           Cyprus               5B4AQT     
20     TC7G          M/S          Turkey               LoTW/YM7KK 
21     4L2M          SOSB 40m HP  Georgia              EA7FTR     
21     A44A          M/M          Oman                 LoTW       
22     9N7AA         SOSB         Nepal                LoTW/S57DX 
23     JT5DX         M/?          Mongolia             JT5DX      
24     B7P           M/M          China                LoTW/BA4EG 
26     E2A           M/?          Thailand             LoTW/E21EIC
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 LoTW       
27     JD1BQP        SO           Ogasawara            JD1BQP     
28     7A2A          M/?          Indonesia            LoTW/YB2DX 
28     V85RH         SOAB HP      Brunei               LoTW       
28     YB0ECT        SOAB HP      Indonesia            W2FB       
30     VJ4K          M/2          Australia            LoTW/N3SL  
32     YJ0CA         SO           Vanuatu              VK2YUS     
33     CQ3W          SOSB         Madeira              LoTW       
33     CR3W          SOSB         Madeira              LoTW       
33     CR3Y          SOSB 10m HP  Madeira              OM2FY      
33     IH9/IK5AEQ    SOSB         AF Italy             LoTW       
33     IH9YMC        SOSB         AF Italy             LoTW       
35     D4Z           M/?          Cape Verde           LoTW/IK2NCJ
37     5H8HZ         SO           Tanzania             LoTW       
37     7Q6M                       Malawi               LoTW/K6ZO  
39     5R8AS         SO           Madagascar           LoTW       
40     TF3T          SOAB HP      Iceland              LoTW/TF3MH 

Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations  listing maintained
by Bill, NG3K  at https://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqs2022.html  -  good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

ANTARCTICA (AN-016) ---> Upcoming  activities  from  the  Antarctic mainland
during the 2022-23 Austral summer season include:
* Oleg, ZS1OIN (UA3HK) is participating in the  68th Russian Antarctic Expe-
  dition and is active again as  RI1ANU  -  this time from  Novolazarevskaja
  Station - until early March 2023.
* Oleg, ZS1ANF (UA1O, ex UA1PBA) will be active again as ZS7ANF  from Wolf's
  Fang Runway starting around 1 November for the duration of the season. QSL
  via ZS1ANF and RK1PWA. [TNX DX World]
* Seba, SQ1SGB is preparing for his 4th season at the BAS Halley VI Research
  Station. He expects to arrive there  sometime in November  and  stay until
  the end of January 2023. In his spare time he will operate SSB and digital
  modes as VP8/SQ1SGB (or VP0HAL, if he gets the callsign). QSL via EB7DX.

EUDXF ACTIVITY MONTH ---> Celebrating the  36th anniversary of the  European
DX Foundation, a number of special callsigns will be activated between 1 and
30 November: DL36EUDXF (Germany), OO36EUDXF (Belgium), PA36EUDXF, PB36EUDXF,
lands), TM36EUDX (France), UE36EUF (Russia).  An award will be available for
QSOs made with these and possibly other special callsigns, complete informa-
tion will be available on https://www.eudxf.eu/.

FISAIC 70 ---> Special  callsigns  3Z70FI  (Poland),  DB70FISAIC  (Germany),
HA70FI (Hungary), II70FI (Italy), OE70FI (Austria), OL70FI (Czech Republic),
OR70FI (Belgium) and TM70FI (France) will be activated on  1-30 November  to
celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Federation Internationale des Societes
Artistiques et  Intellectuelles de Cheminots  (International  Federation  of
Railway Workers' Art  and  Intellectual Societies).  QSL via operators'  in-
structions.  See https://www.firac.de/html/70_fisaic.html  for more informa-

TX5XG: POSTPONED ---> Haru, JA1XGI has announced that his 2-9 November TX5XG
operation from  Raivavae, Austral Islands  [425DXN 1639]  has been postponed
until sometime in 2023 (https://australvacation.amebaownd.com).

VP2MDM: CANCELLED ---> George, K2DM has had  to cancel  his  VP2MDM activity
from Montserrat, which was expected to take place  from  25 October to 2 No-
vember [425DXN 1641], CQ WW DX SSB Contest included.

VK9QO: CANCELLED ---> Mikio, JA3GEP expected to be active as VK9QO from  Co-
cos/Keeling (25-27 October)  and  Christmas Island  (28-31 October)  [425DXN
1642]. His flight was cancelled (see VK9CM above), and he has returned home.


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3A/F6EXV, 3A/PB8DX, 3B8CW, 5B4AQC,
6O1OO, 9H1TX, 9M2LAN, 9M2WAZ,  9M8DEN, J20EE, J79WTA,  N3ME (NA-142),  OL5Y,
RI0IR (AS-059), RI0QQ (AS-082), RL20LH (AS-066), SU9VB, TK5MH, TO7GJ, V31DL,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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