425 DX News #1470

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425 DX News #1470

Post by NP3N »

6 July 2019                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1470

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

G      - On  20 July  members  of  the  Poldhu  Amateur Radio Club  will  be
         operating GB50AML from the  Goonhilly Earth Satellite Station  near
         the Lizard in Cornwall.  This is to commemorate the part  Goonhilly
         played in relaying TV signals of the  Apollo 11 Moon Landing  fifty
         years ago. Look for activity on 40 metres SSB, and 20 metres CW and
         SSB. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred), or via G3UCQ.
GI     - The North West Group ARC (MN0NWG)  will  run special event callsign
         GB0OGC on 17-21 July for the 148th Open Championship, the oldest of
         the four most prestigious annual tournaments in professional  golf,
         this  year  to  be held  at  Royal Portrush Golf Club  in  Northern
         Ireland. QSL via the bureau or eQSL.
HL     - Look for D73F to be active on all bands and modes from 5 July to 18
         August for the  FINA  (Federation Internationale de Natation)  18th
         World Championships (12-28 July)  and  World Masters  Championships
         (5-18 August). QSL via HL4CCM, Club Log, eQSL.
I      - Members of ARI Torino, Ivrea and Pinerolo will be active as  II1EMG
         between 2 July and 4 August  for  the  European Masters Games  that
         will be held in the city  of  Torino  and  its environs  (26 July-4
         August). They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF  and
         VHF bands. QSL via the bureau.  An award will be available for free
         download; see https://www.ii1emg.it/ for information.
I      - ARI Spezia will be active as  IY1SP  on  9-18 July  to  commemorate
         Marconi's first demonstrations  of his  wireless system  in  Italy,
         conducted for observers from the  Italian navy at  Spezia  in  July
         1897. QSL via I1ANP. [TNX IS0JMA]
JA     - Harry, JG7PSJ will  be  active  as  JG7PSJ/7  from  Oshima (AS-206,
         new one for IOTA) starting around 22 UTC on  19 July until around 6
         UTC on 21 July.  He will operate CW, SSB and RTTY on  40-10 metres.
         QSL via home call.
KH0    - Tom, KH0/KC0W will be using the  special callsign K0W  from  Saipan
         (OC-086) on 5-14 July. QSL via home call, direct only.  He does not
         use LoTW.
OH0    - CO8DM, E21EIC, OH2BH and  OH2TA  will  participate in  the  IARU HF
         World Championship (13-14 July)  as  OH0C  from  the  Aland Islands
         (EU-002).  Outside the contest they will use  their personal calls.
         QSL OH0C via E21EIC.
OJ0    - Market Reef was added to the DXCC List fifty years ago. Taking part
         in the  golden jubilee  celebrations,  which started  in June  with
         OJ0AW and OJ0JR, during the next coming weeks will be:
         6-10 July     OJ0A         by CO8DM, DJ9ZB, E21EIC, E20NKB, SM3DYU,
                                    OH2TA, OH2BH, OH3JR
         10-13 July    OJ0B & OJ0Z  by DJ9ZB, OH2PM, PB2T, OH3JR
         13-20 July    OJ0C         by OH1UBO, OH2FB, OH3UAF, OH3WS
         25-31 July    OJ0DX        by DL3DXX, DJ4MF, DL5SE, SM0W, SA0LAT
         17-24 August  OJ0O         by JH4RHF, JE6HIB, DS4EIO, W5XU, OG2M,
         Additionally, the host operators will  "fill some slots and several
         odd band/modes":  OJ0BH (OH2BH),  OJ0JR (OH3JR),  OJ0MR (OG2M)  and
         OJ0W (OH3WS). See https://www.qrz.com/db/OJ0A for information about
         the special awards that will be available  for working  five or ten
         different OJ0 callsigns in 2019.
OZ     - Carsten, OZ4CG  from  Bornholm Island (EU-030) is  active  again as
         OZ4SOP for the Sea Of Peace Award until 31 July. QSL via Club Log's
         OQRS, LoTW and eQSL.
PA     - Special event station PA11APOLLO will be active from 6 July until 2
         August to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission
         to the Moon. QSL via PA1UN.
PJ2    - This year the Dave Kalter Memorial "Youth DX Adventure" will see  a
         team consisting of three teenagers  (KG5HVO, KM4BUN and KM4ZIA)  be
         active again as PJ2Y  from Curacao on  14-18 July.  Plans are to be
         QRV on all bands  SSB, CW, FT8 and  possibly  some satellites.  See
         http://qsl.net/n6jrl/  for more  information.  QSL direct to AB8YK;
         logsearch on Club Log.
SP     - Special event callsign SN86LOT is active on  1-31 July  to commemo-
         rate the 86th anniversary of  the  ill fated flight  of  Lithuanian
         pilots Steponas Darius  and  Stasys Girenas.  On 15 July 1933  they
         attempted a  nonstop flight  from  New York City, United States  to
         Kaunas,  Lithuania  in  a  small airplane  named  Lituanica.  After
         successfully crossing the Atlantic Ocean,  they crashed on  17 July
         when thy were only 650km short of their final destination.  QSL via
VP9    - Look for KU9C/VP9 (QSL via KU9C)  and  KL7SB/VP9 (QSL via N4GNR) to
         be active from Bermuda (NA-005) on 7-15 July. They will participate
         in the  IARU  HF  World  Championship  as  VP9HQ  (RSB Headquarters
         station, QSL via KU9C and LoTW). [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
W      - Using the  John F.  Kennedy  Space  Center  Amateur Radio Society's
         original callsign, special event station  WB4ICJ will be active  on
         14-20 July to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the  first manned
         lunar landing ((http://www.wb4icj.com/).  Activity will be centered
         on 80, 40 and 20 metres SSB and FT8.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
website has been updated.  Sixteen different galleries include  17,119 cards
for the  ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2009-18), the  62  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1945-70), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, stations using the United Nations prefix (4U), Antarctic bases
and TAAF (Terres  Australes and Antarctiques Francaises), the various French
DXCC island Entities in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Americas
(from 1945 to 1969), pre-1945  countries, French Departments and CONUS, plus
a gallery for cards not accepted  by DXCC. Your participation is encouraged:
http://www.lesnouvellesdx.fr/galerieqsl.php. [TNX F6AJA].

T33T ---> "Dom arrived safely in Japan today", the  Rebel DX Group  reported
on 2 July (https://www.rebeldxgroup.com/).  "He has several meetings  sched-
uled over the next few days/week.  Once back in Fiji and after a little more
boat 'work', then the Rebels will be off for Banaba and T33T".

USA-CA AWARD ---> Effective 1 June, Brian Bird (NX0X) is the  new  Custodian
for CQ magazine's United States of  America Counties Award (USA-CA).  He has
succeeded Ted Melinosky (K1BV), who served as USA-CA Custodian and CQ Awards
Editor for 21 years. Any correspondence relating to the CQ USA-CA  programme
should   be   directed  to  Brian  Bird,  4567  Caribou  Lake  Road,  Duluth
MN 55811-9607, USA; or via e-mail to  nx0x[@]aol.com.  A few updates in  the
USA-CA Award rules have taken effect at the same time - details can be found
at https://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awa ... wards.html.

WW DIGI DX CONTEST ---> The  World Wide Radio Operators Foundation  (WWROF),
in collaboration with the Slovenia Contest Club (SCC), announces that  first
annual World Wide Digi DX Contest ("WW Digi") will occur over 24 hours on 31
August-1 September (from 12:00:00 UTC to 11:59:59 UTC). The objective is for
amateurs around the world to  contact  as many  other amateurs  in  as  many
Maidenhead grid squares as possible using the FT4 and FT8 modes  on 160, 80,
40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. See https://ww-digi.com/ for complete information.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       N4GNR       EU19RO      EW1I        PX50Y       PT2OP
4O7AA       YU1CA       EV0CA       EV1R        R2019CG     RV9WB
4O7CC       UA4CC       EV19ATH     EV1R        R39PGD      RA1WU
4O7DST      HB9DST      EV19BAD     EV1R        R3ARS/4     RA3AKF
4O7TC       UA3TCJ      EV19BAS     EV1R        R53ICGC     RV9WB
5B19CWC     5B4AJT      EV19BOX     EV1R        R53ICGF     R9WG
5C1M        RW6HS       EV19BSO     EV1R        R53ICGJ     RV9WB
5P19CWC     OZ1ACB      EV19FRS     EV1R        R53ICGS     R9WEI
5R8UI       IZ8CCW      EV19JUD     EW1W        R53ICGV     RX9WT
5Z4FV       N3ZS        EV19KAR     EV1R        R53ICGW     RZ9WU
6M6M        HL1IWD      EV19SHO     EV1R        R550Y       UA4YE
6Y3Y        JJ2RCJ      EV19TEN     EV1R        RI0BC       RW1AI
7R7W        7X2VB       GB13COL     G0VLF       RI1OM       RN1ON
9A01GPPVC   9A5WW       GB2AFD      M1CCF       RZ1CWC      RW6HS
9A440KA     9A1CVW      GB5EHL      G4SJX       S92HP       CT1ENW
9A8NXC      IK3GES      HF40STOK    SP4LVK      SF2CW       SM3DMP
9H3KZ       G2BKZ       HF75AK      SP8MMW      SN86LOT     SP1PMY
9K2HQ       EC6DX       HF75MG      SP9VFR      SP4WOJTEK   SQ4AVD
A65DR       N4GNR       HH2JR       W3HNK       T2AR        3D2AG
AN50LGBT    EB3GCP      HK3JCL      DK8LRF      TK/IQ5JA    IU5JHK
AO50MOON    EA1RCI      HL18FINA    HL4CCM      TM230RF     F4DTO
AP2NK       W3HNK       HP1XT       KU9C        TM4IPA      ON6ZV
CB2E        CE2LS       HZ1SK       IZ8CLM      TM500LDV    F4GPB
CS2019CWC   CT7ACG      II0GDF      9A8AOT      TM57FFC     F-11734
DF0RSA      DL3DUE      II0ROSA     9A5URI      TM5LHP      F1LNS
DL0SOP      DL4SVA      II1IVR      IQ1IV       TM75RG      F5KLJ
DL50NFA     DL8NBM      II4MJR      IQ4FE       TM8FF       F8DZU
DQ600UNI    DL5KVV      IY1DCI      IK1GPG      TT8FC       EA3GWK
DR100BADZ   DK8HE       JT1QP       DJ8QP       V73NS       W3HNK
DU1IST      JA1HGY      LG80T       LA2T        VK19AUS     VK2IR
E750RKK     E71CQ       LX0RL       LX1KQ       VP2ETE      W3HNK
EA6/EI6DX   RA3R        LY10WCA     LY3IV       VX4WARC     VE4BB
EF0F        EA4URE      LZ10WCA     LZ1YE       WP3C        W3HNK
EF8L        EA8URU      LZ1809PNS   LZ1KCP      XW4XR       E21EIC
EF9Z        EA5KB       LZ815NI     LZ1KCP      XZ2B        JH3SIF
EG3HKD      EA3MM       OD5TX       W4JS        YP0H        VE7NY
EG5HSJ      EA5RKB      OE88YL      OE3YSC      YR6MUSEUM   YO6KNE
EG7FAM      EA7RCM      OH0Z        W0MM        YR90AR      YO2KBQ
EG7FCJ      EA7FC       OR50BFS     ON2KFJ      YT10WCA     YT2KID
EI100ABC    EI2II       PB100IAU    PA9RZ       YV7MAY      EA8MU
EI100YXQ    EI9FVB      PC100IAU    PB7TT       Z81D        OM3JW
EK8ZZ       EK7DX       PD10WCA     PD0RWL      ZF2CJ       JJ2RCJ
EN60KSR     UT1KY       PJ4DX       M0URX       ZP5DA       EB7DX

3D2AG     Antoine de Ramon N'Yeurt, P.O. Box 10842, Laucala Beach Estate,
          Suva, Fiji
3W1T      Eddy Visser, I.P.O Box 88, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
4W/JH2EUV Bin Kawamura, 497-2 Okubo Ryoke, Sakura-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama,
          338-0826, Japan
ED9E      Jose Antonio Mendez Rios, C/Martin Moreno 15-1, 51002 Ceuta, Spain
HG7DANUBE Szekely Jozsef, Budakalasz, Kinizsi u. 5, 2011, Hungary
HR9/AD8J  John L. Getz, 24 Stony Ridge, Asheville NC 28804, USA
JH3SIF    Kiichiro Onishi, 3-19 Tomogaoka, Suma-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo,
          654-0142, Japan
K0W       Thomas M. Callas, P.O. Box 1058, Minnetonka MN 55345, USA
KD7WPJ    Oleh Kernytskyy, 554 Deb Corallo Terrace, Mountain House CA 95391,
LX50MOON  LARU LX QSL Bureau, PO Box 85, L-9201 Diekirch, Luxembourg
SK6SAQ    Grimeton Veteranradios Vanner Radiostationen, Grimeton 72,
          SE-432 98 Grimeton, Sweden
SM3DMP    Thomas A. Rylander, Berg 110, SE-870 52 Nyland, Sweden
TC16BURSA TRAC Bursa Subesi, Gencosman PTT Merkezi PK 76,
          16105 Osmangazi/Bursa, Turkey
TR8CA     Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
XV1X      Eddy Visser, I.P.O Box 88, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
ZB2IG19   GARS, PO Box 292, Gibraltar
ZX40ZT    Carlos Moreira, Rua Pamela Loren 59, Mangabeira, Eusebio - CE,
          61760-000, Brazil


                425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:  http://www.425dxn.org
                425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE:   http://www.425dxn.org/monthly


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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