425 DX News #1667

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425 DX News #1667

Post by NP3N »

15 April 2023                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1667
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2    - Cezar, VE3LYC will be active as 3D2LYC from Yanuca Island (OC-189),
         Fiji on 1-5 May.  He will operate CW and SSB on  30, 20, 17, 15, 12
         and 10 metres;  his goal  is  "to make 4000 QSOs with  2500  unique
         stations  located  on  six continents".  QSL  via  Club Log's  OQRS
         (preferred),  or via VE3LYC (direct and bureau).  More  information
         can be found on https://3d2lyc.weebly.com/.
4W     - 4W1A  is the callsign issued  to the current operation  from  Timor
         Leste [425DXN 1665],  which started on  12 April at 10.43 UTC . The
         three operators (DL6FBL, E77DX and SP5XVY)  expect to remain QRV on
         40-10 metres  CW, SSB and RTTY  until 22 April.  QSL via Club Log's
         OQRS, or via DJ4MX.  See http://timor-leste-dx.de/ for information,
         and https://clublog.org/charts/?c=4W1A for logsearch & statistics.
CN     - Celebrating World Amateur Day and IARU's 98th anniversary, Moroccan
         amateurs are allowed to use special prefix CN98 on 15-20 April. QSL
         via operator's instructions.
EA     - Representing  the  three  provinces  of  Aragon,  special callsigns
         AM23SJH (Huesca), AM23SJT (Teruel) and AM23SJZ (Zaragoza)  will  be
         activated on 23 April to celebrate Day of Aragon  and  the name-day
         of  San Jorge  (St. George,  Aragon's  patron saint). All QSOs will
         be confirmed automatically via the bureau.
I      - Look for IY0CG,  IY0GA (Sardinia),  IY0IMD, IY0MMR, IY0ORP,  IY0TC,
         IY1MR,  IY1SM, IY1SP, IY1TO,  IY4FGM, IY5PIS, IY6GM and IY7M  to be
         active  during the  International Marconi Day  (22 April).  QSL via
         operators'  instructions.  These stations  are  affiliated  to  the
         "Coordinamento Stazioni Marconiane Italiane" which gathers  amateur
         radio stations  operating from  historic  Marconi sites  located in
         Italy (http://csmi.altervista.org/wp/).
JA     - Take, JI3DST  will be active  from  Miyako Island (AS-079)  from 17
         April to 15 May.  He will operate SSB and CW as  JS6RRR  (including
         participation in the CQ WW WPX CW Contest), JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6  and
         JR8YLY/6,  as well as  JI3DST/p, JJ5RBH/p and JR8YLY/p on FT8.  The
         QSOs will be made available for Club Log and  LoTW Matching  on the
         IOTA website.
JD1_oga- Kou, JP1IHD will be active again as JD1BQP from Chichijima (AS-031)
         Ogasawara from 29 April to 5 May. QSL via the bureau to JD1BQP,  or
         direct only to JP1IHD; he will upload his log to LoTW and Club Log.
OE     - Special  event station OE23M will be activated to take part in  the
         International Marconi Day  (22 April).  QSL via OE1YPP (bureau)  or
         direct  to  DokuFunk,  OE23M,  An den Steinfeldern 4A,  1230  Wien,
PY     - Depending on sea  and weather conditions,  team ZY1M  [425DXN 1666]
         will be active from Maricas Island (SA-079) on 14-16 April. QSL via
         PY1AA (direct or bureau), LoTW, eQSL.
PY     - Team PR5M will be active from  Mel Island (SA-047) on  21-23 April.
         They will operate CW and SSB on 20, 15, 10 metres (maybe also 30m).
         QSL via PP5BZ (direct or bureau), and LoTW.
VU     - Members of  the  Bengal Amateur Radio Society  will  be  active  as
         AT8BRS on 15-19 April.  They plan to operate  from  Henry's Island,
         which they hope can qualify for  IOTA group AS-153.  [TNX The Daily
XE     - 4A9O is the special callsign to celebrate the  90th anniversary  of
         the Club de Radio Experimentadores de Occidente (XE1TD), founded on
         25 May 1933. Look for activity between 1 April and 30 May.  QSL via
         LoTW only.
XE     - Enrique, XE2AA has been active as XF3O from Cozumel Island (NA-090)
         since 9 April;  according to his announced plans  [425DXN 1662], he
         should remain there  until 15 April.  Please note that  on 9 April,
         between 14.15 UTC and 19.10 UTC, he used the wrong callsign (XF3M):
         "I offer  my apologies for this  unforgivable error",  he says, and
         invites those  who had a QSO with 'XF3M' during  that time frame to
         amend their logs.  Enrique still expects  to be  QRV  as  XF3M from
         Mujeres Island (NA-045) on 17-22 April. [TNX IT9EJW]

WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY 2023 ---> Every 18 April,  radio amateurs  worldwide
take to the airwaves  in celebration of  World Amateur Radio Day.  It was on
this day in 1925 that the  International Amateur Radio Union  was formed  in
Paris. IARU has announced that the theme for this year's World Amateur Radio
Day will be "Amateur Radio: Contributing to Human Security for All  (HS4A)".
See https://hs4a.iaru.org/ for more information. Announced special callsigns
participating in WARD 2023 include stations from Bahrain (A91WARD),  Belgium
(OT23WARD),  Bosnia & Herzegovina   (E7WARD),  Croatia  (9A23WARD),  Denmark
(5P0WARD),  France (TM98WARD),  Germany (DA23WARD),  Netherlands (PA23WARD),
Oman   (A43WARD),   Poland  (3Z0WARD),   Portugal  (CQ7HS4A),   Saudi Arabia
(HZ1WARD),  Slovenia  (S50WARD),  South Africa  (ZS9WARD),  Spain  (AO5WARD,
EG4DDR, EG5DMR, EG5WRD, EG7DMR),  Switzerland  (HB9WARD),  Trinidad & Tobago

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3C3CA: QRT ---> Ersoy,  TA2OM  has been active  from  Bioko Island (AF-010),
Equatorial Guinea since  September 2022.  On 12 April he tweeted that he was
"stopping all activities as of now.  There is no problem  with the activity.
I have  the  full  support/understanding  of  local  authorities.  For other
reasons... Sorry".  According to Club Log, he made the last QSO on  12 April
at 15.41 UTC.

3Y0J: FINAL PRESS RELEASE (13 APRIL) ---> "With this Final Press Release the
team want to express gratitude to all our sponsors that generously supported
our Bouvetoya adventure.  Without the upfront support this trip would simply
not be possible.
We announce today that we have decided to refund $50,000 of the donations to
the DX community. 
One month before we departed Falkland Island,  we informed the  DX community
we had financed our budget.  We have continued to receive a great amount  of
financial support up until now.  This way we can reduce the $25,000 operator
fee, and at the same time we are able to refund the DX community.
We have decided  to refund our  Lead Sponsor NCDXF  with $40,000.  Initially
NCDXF supported the team with their largest grant ever $100,000.  It is with
pleasure we can give back as much as 40% of the donation to them.
We will distribute the rest of the refund among our major club sponsors  who
all stepped up and donated generously to this DXpedition. 
We will refund the  following  clubs and organizations  with apprx.  10%  of
their donation: GDXF $3,000,  INDEXA $1,000,  ARRL Colvin Award $500,  NIDXA
$500, FEDXP $500, TCDXA $500, SEDXC $500, LADX group $300,  Clipperton $300,
South Carolina $300, Chiltern DX Club $300, IOTA $300, Delta DXA $300. Thank

FO/AA7JV ---> On 10 April  Northern California DX Foundation Directors  suc-
cessfully concluded  their 11-day  ground-breaking  experiment  from Tikehau
Atoll  in the  Tuamutu Islands,  French Polynesia,  with a remotely operated
DXpedition.  While FO is not rare for DXCC,  Tikehau (OC-066)  was needed by
72% of the active IOTA chasers.
  George, AA7JV and Mike, KN4EEI Mike, arrived at Tikehau  on the morning of
28 March and  deployed  two RIBs (Radio In a Box)  in a matter of hours.  In
addition to their CW and SSB QSOs  done locally (from the ship),  a total of
over  11,000 FT8 QSOs  were completed  remotely.  The remote operators  were
N1DG, AA7A, K6MM, K6GFJ and ND2T. The station was accessible 24/7 using home
computers and desktop sharing software.  No specialized hardware or software
was required.  The operators were working  from their homes in shifts,  just
like on a regular DXpedition, without the cost and hassle of traveling.
  This operation  did not use any unattended operation  (as required by ARRL
DXCC rules). All callsigns were selected by the operators for a QSO.
  The remotely operated stations were connected to the Internet via a  Star-
link satellite connection.  Operating mode was  FT8 and FT8 F/H.  The radios
were Flex 6700 radios housed in the  NCDXF sponsored RIB stations that  were
put ashore by AA7JV and KN4EEI.  Operating power was 100 watts and each sta-
tion  had its own  vertical antenna.  AC power was provided by  Honda EU2100
generators running in the ECO mode.  The stations were  on the island  unat-
tended,  with remote  supervision and control  from the  catamaran "Magnet",
which was anchored a mile off-shore.
  The NCDXF RIB is a complete,  fully wired station in a  weather-tight box.
The RIB integrated a Flex 6700 SDR radio, an amplifier, power supplies and a
comprehensive Raspberry Pi based control system developed by KD4Z.  The RIBs
were designed to eliminate the need for camping  and to make DXpedition set-
up faster (hours, instead of days). For more information on the RIBs see the
NCDXF Winter newsletter at https://www.ncdxf.org/pages/newsletter.html.
  In this  Remote DXpedition  experiment a dual-radio version of the RIB was
used, which contains two complete 100 W stations in a single box.
  A RIB will be shown at the NCDXF booth at the  International DX Convention
in Visalia  (22 April), and plans are  also being made  to allow  convention
goers to operate the RIB Friday evening.
  In development and testing since early 2022, the NCDXF Remote RIB technol-
ogy is aimed at  future DXpeditions.  It is intended to enable remote opera-
tors to participate in DXpeditions  without the expense  and  lengthy travel
usually involved.  Kevin Rowett, K6TD, President of NCDXF commented: "remote
DX operation  will bring the opportunity  to participate in DXpeditions  and
share  the excitement  of handling  the pile-ups  to a wide range  of  radio
amateurs. It will also allow future DXpeditions to have a smaller number  of
on-site operators,  reducing  the expenses  and  footprint of future DXpedi-
tions". Ken, WZ0L wrote us: "Now that's the way to activate an island".
  The NCDXF mission is to make DX happen.  The NCDXF has been aware for some
time that  financing  is not the only obstacle  faced  by would  be  DXpedi-
tioners.  The NCDXF has sponsored the development of the  RIB technology  to
lower  the threshold of obtaining landing permits  to ecologically sensitive
  Later in 2023 the "Magnet" hopes to visit other DX locations, including an
entity or two in the top 20 most wanted.  We trust this just concluded oper-
ation is one of the final steps in demonstrating  to the permitting services
that limited intrusion  to the island is possible and  Amateur Radio  can be
made eco friendly.
73 de AA7JV, KN4EEI, and the remote team.

INTERNATIONAL MARCONI DAY ---> Organized by the Cornish Radio Amateur  Club,
the International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour amateur  radio  event  held
annually to celebrate the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (25 April 1874). It  is
not a contest, but an opportunity for amateurs  around  the  world  to  make
contacts with historic Marconi sites  using  HF  communications  techniques.
This year's event will be held  on 22 April, from  00.00  UTC  to 23.59 UTC.
Details, including information on the Award Certificates and the listing  of
participating stations, can be found at http://gx4crc.com/gb4imd/.

YOTA CONTEST 2023 ---> The first session of this year's YOTA Contest,  orga-
nized by the IARU R1 Youth Working Group  in cooperation with the  Hungarian
Amateur Radio Society (MRASZ),  will take place on  22 April (0800-1959 UTC)
on the five classic bands CW and SSB.  Everyone can work everyone.  Complete
rules can be found on https://ham-yota.com/contest.


QSLs received direct  or  through managers:  3D2AG/p, 3W1T,  5J01EA,  5R8PA,
7P8WW, 7Q5RU, 8P1W, 9U5R, AP2TN, C6AZM, FO/K5PI, FT8WW, HD8M, HL5IVL, J20MR,
S79VU,  SV2RSG/A, T88UW,  T88WA,  TI2VLM,  UK8OM, VP2V/N2IEN,  VU4T,  XE1XR,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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