425 DX News #1648

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425 DX News #1648

Post by NP3N »

3 December 2022                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1648

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5U     - Giorgio, IU5HWS has been back to Niamey, Niger for a few days,  and
         expects  to remain there  until 20 December.  In his spare time  he
         will be active as  5UA99WS  on 80-10 metres SSB.  QSL via EA5GL and
         LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
8Q     - Vadim, R6CA will be active as  8Q7CA  from the Maldives (AS-013) on
         13-22 December.  He will operate  CW, SSB and FT8  on 80-10 metres.
         QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via home call. [TNX DX World]
C5     - Andre, ON7YK has been back to Bijilo, Gambia since 28 November, and
         will remain there until 24 February. In his spare time he is QRV as
         C5YK on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 metres SSB, CW and digital modes. QSL
         via eQSL,  LoTW (updated on a monthly basis),  or  direct  to  home
         call;  logsearch  on  http://www.on7yk.eu/h-logbook.php.  [TNX  The
         Daily DX]
EA     - Special callsign EE44CE will be active on 3-18 December to commemo-
         rate the 44th anniversary of the promulgation  of the  Spanish Con-
         stitution of 1978,  which marked the culmination  of the transition
         of Spain to democracy. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or direct to EC5WR.
F      - The  Radioamateurs  du  Val d'Oise  (F4KKT)  will  operate  special
         callsign TM6DEO on 9-21 December  in memory  of their friend Marcel
         Chaillou, F6DEO, who passed away on  21 December 2021.  QSL via the
LU     - Hernan, LU1COP  will be active as  LP1A/E  from  Isla Martin Garcia
         (SA-055) on 8-11 December.  He will operate SSB and FT8  on 80-10m.
         QSL via LoTW, or via EA7FTR.
ON     - UBA Section Bruxelles-Est (ON5UB) will be active as OR78NUTS  on 9-
         11 December to commemorate the  78th anniversary  of the  Battle of
         the Bulge during World War II.  The suffix of  the special callsign
         is  General  Anthony C. McAuliffe's  famous  single-word  reply  in
         response to a surrender ultimatum. QSL via ON5UB.
PA     - Celebrating Christmas and the New Year,  special callsigns PH22XMAS
         will be active on 6-28 December,  while PH23HNY will be QRV from 28
         December to 31 January. QSL cards will not be available.
S2     - Barring any setbacks, team S21DX will be active as S21DX  from Dhal
         Char Island (AS-140) on 10-16 December [425DXN 1636]. Plans are for
         eight operators (S21AM, S21BK, S21D, S21IT, S21MK, S21OM, S21RC and
         S21TG) to be QRV with two SSB stations, one FT8 (F/H) station,  and
         one station for  QO-100 satellite (SSB).  QSL direct to EB7DX;  all
         QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.  See https://s21dx.org/
         and https://www.facebook.com/s21dx for information and updates.
VK9W   - Sands, VK4WXW has been on Willis Island (OC-007) since October, and
         will remain  there  until the  end of April 2023.  He works  at the
         Australian Bureau of Meteorology's  weather  monitoring station  on
         the island, and in his spare time he is QRV as VK9WX.
XT     - Harald, DF2WO will be active again as XT2AW from Burkina Faso on 4-
         17 December.  He will operate  CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4  on all  bands,
         with plans  to be  QRV  also on QO-100.  QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
XW     - Vincent, F4BKV will be active as XW4KV from Laos on  2-23 December.
         Main activity will be on  QO-100 from as many as 12 grids  (details
         on https://f4bkv.net/xw4kv.html), with some activity on  40, 20, 15
         and 10 metres planned for 13-18 December. QSL via F4BKV and LoTW.
YO     - YR1400VT is the special callsigns that members of Radio Club YO6KGS
         will be using until 30 June 2023 to popularize the newly inaugurat-
         ed  Via Transilvanica,  a long-distance trail  (1400 km)  used  for
         hiking, cycling and horse riding that crosses Romania.  More infor-
         mation  can be found  on  https://www.qrz.com/db/YR1400VT.  QSL via

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

QSL GALLERY ---> "Globetrotters" is a  new gallery  that  Jean-Michel, F6AJA
has added to the large collection of QSL cards on Les Nouvelles DX's website
(http://www.lesnouvellesdx.fr/galerieqsl.php).  It "focuses on the QSLs used
by those who have travelled the world",  and for the time being  it contains
839 QSLs.  Those who operated under an individual or group callsign from "at
least 50 Current or Deleted DXCC Entities can be included in this album.  It
is absolutely certain that some globetrotters are missing,  so your coopera-
tion is needed. If you are one of them and eligible for this album,  or know
of one or more  OMs that  could be included,  thank you in advance  for your

T33T ---> Team T33T made 97,193 QSOs (FT8 86545,  FT4 7186,  SSB 3457, CW 5)
with 17,211 unique callsigns  on 5-25 November.  The complete statistics can
be found on https://clublog.org/charts/?c=T33T#r. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
"We will  concentrate now on a humanitarian  project  called Hams for Banaba
Kids", they announced on 26 November(https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup/)
"We will continue what Zorro JH1AJT (SK) started years ago. Information will
be sent  to the public  after we're back home  to Europe.  There's  a lot of
simple things to do  for those kids.  It will cost us almost nothing to make
them happy".

VK9NT DXPEDITION BOOTCAMP 2023 ---> Chris, VK3QB  and others  will be active
again as VK9NT from Norfolk Island for 12-14 days  during the second half of
March 2023  (indicatively on 15-28 March, dates to be confirmed).  This time
they  will be running a  "DXpedition Bootcamp",  and are inviting  people to
register to attend and be a part of the event.  They are still  in the plan-
ning phase of this DXpedition, but are ready to accept expressions of inter-
est: see http://dxpeditionbootcamp.net/hello-world for information.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER      CALL        MANAGER
3B8/KX7M    F5CWU       CT9ABV      DL5AXX      OE5TXF      G3TXF
3B8HA       M0OXO       CW3A        EA5GL       OH0Z        W0MM
3B8M        M0OXO       CX2BR       EA5GL       OK6W        OK1MU
3B8X        PF0X        D4L         IK2NCJ      OT7T        ON4DS
3B9FR       M0OXO       DU6/PE1NSQ  EA5GL       OX7AKT      OZ1ACB
3B9KW       M0CFW       E2X         E20GMY      OX7AM       OZ1ACB
3V8SS       LX1NO       E7CW        E73ESP      P35A        5B4AQN
3Z95PRK     SP9MRP      EF6T        EA3AIR      P44W        N2MM
4K6FO       DC9RI       EH2EUS      EA2TP       P44X        DJ4MX
4L9M        R3XA        EH5FPM      EA5JDN      PA10FF      PH0NO
4O9KOM      EB7DX       EI90IRTS    EI6AL       PA75DXCC    PA0ABM
4U1UN       HB9BOU      EL2EF       N2OO        PJ4/KU8E    K4BAI
4U1WB       KK4HD       ER1KAA      ER1FF       PJ4A        K4BAI
5H3FM       HB9DSP      FK8CE       N4GNR       PR2E        PY2AA
5R8AL       G3SWH       G3DR        M0OXO       PV22CUP     PY2KP
5R8CG       PG5M        G5AT        M0OXO       PZ5CO       UA2FM
5R8MM       DL2AWG      G5WS        M0OXO       R2022DX     RQ7L
5R8PA       PA5X        G6XX        M0OXO       R80URAN     UA4AJD
5R8WG       DL2AWG      G6ZZ        M0OXO       SN95PRK     SQ9FMU
5R8WP       DL2AWG      G9W         M0DXR       SO95PRK     SP9SCI
5UA99WS     EA5GL       GJ5WS       M0OXO       SP95PRK     SP9PNB
5X4E        IQ3CO    GM2V        N3SL        SQ95PRK     SP9PKM
5X4E        IZ3ZLG [d]  GM5WS       M0OXO       SX1T        SV1ENG
5Z4VJ       M0URX       GW5WS       M0OXO       T77CX       T70A
7A2A        YB2DX       HB9CA       HB9FMU      T88RC       JH1FFW
8P2K        KU9C        HC1DW       W0OR        TK0C        S50C
9H3TX       DL5XAT      HF95PRK     SP9KJU      TM100CARD   F5PTI
9K9OMAN     EC6DX       HG22TISZA   HA7VK       TO5Z        N6GQ
9N1CA       EA5ZD       HG7T        HA7TM       TO9W        W9ILY
A41KB       ON7LX       HG8R        HA8JV       UE32DX      RQ7L
A41KJ       N4GNR       HH2MK       EB7DX       V31CQ       K5PS
A44A        EC6DX       HI3Y        EB7DX       VC7O        VE7JH
A60FIFA     EA7FTR      HK1N        EA5KB       VE2IM       VE3DZ
A60FIFA/12  EA7FTR      HO2T        KU9C        VJ3A        VK3JA
A60FIFA/15  LZ1YE       HQ9X        KQ1F        VK6T        EA7FTR
A60FIFA/2   EA7FTR      HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       VO2AC       VE3FU
A60MD/14    LZ1YE       HZ1UAE      HZ1SAR      VP2MJA      VA3WB
AO120DRI    EA7URU      IB9A        IZ2FWL      VP5/VE3RZ   M0URX
AT8JCB      VU3XRY      IB9T        IT9TQH      VP5Y        M0URX
AU2JCB      VU2DSI      IO1BRA      PA1FNW      VP8/SQ1SGB  EB7DX
B0A         BA4TB       IS0/OM2TW   OM2FY       XV9K        DJ6TF
C4W         5B4WN       JW8AJA      LA8AJA      YR8D        YO8KRR
C56DF       G3XTT       K8H         W7YAQ       Z68EE       OZ2I
C6AGU       HA7RY       KH7Q        AH6NF       ZF2MJ       N6MJ
C6AQQ       EA5GL       KP2B        EB7DX       ZL1X        ZL1BVA
CN22CWQ     CN8MC       LN8W        LA6YEA      ZL7STU      M0OXO
CO2RQ       EC6DX       LZ25MIG     LZ1ZF       ZS2DL       M0OXO
CR3DX       OM2VL       LZ5R        LZ1JZ       ZS7ANF      ZS1ANF
CR3W        DL5AXX      LZ634SM     LZ1KCP      ZV2BNP      PT2OP
CR5O        CT7AJL      MD2C        MD0CCE      ZZ1M        PY1SAD
CS2C        OK1RF       MJ0X        M0RTI       ZZ4WTT      PP7AA

5W0RS     Antonello Scauso, Via Tenente Minniti 105, 98057 Milazzo ME, Italy
6Y8LV     Lester B. Veenstra, 452 Stable Lane, Keyser WV 26726, USA
9M2TO     Tex Izumo, 827 Nakanojo, Ueda-shi, Nagano, 386-0034, Japan
C5YK      Andre Bourbon, Route de Xhoffraix Hockai 30, 4970 Stavelot,
ED7O      Pedro L. Alvarez, Apartado Postal 306, 23700 Linares (Jaen), Spain
GJ2A      Mathieu Roche, Flat 1, Statscombe House, Le Quai Bisson,
          Le Boulevard, St. Brelade, Jersey, JE3 8JT, United Kingdom
KH0W      Thomas M. Callas, P.O. Box 1058, Minnetonka MN 55345, USA
NH7T      John Hillyer, 37859 Messer St, Soldotna AK 99669, USA
NP2J      Dan Flaig, PO Box 25941, Christiansted VI 00824-1941, USA
OX3LX     Joergen Roemming, Brandelev Stationsvej 9, 4700 Naestved, Denmark
OX3XR     Harry de Jong, Broekdijk 59, 7695 TC Bruchterveld, Netherlands
PJ7/G4JEC Chris Cox, 2836 Colfax Avenue South #E543, Minneapolis MN 55408,
PZ5MA     Saulius Zalnerauskas, Nemuno g. 3A, Bruze, LT-54190 Kauno r. sav,
SX2I      Andreas Voulgaropoulos, Aiolou 11, Makrochori, 591 50 Veria,
T88PB     Nobuaki Hosokawa, 8270 Fujimi, Fujimi-cho, Suwa-gun, Nagano,
          399-0211, Japan
VP5M      James F. Jordan, 11013 Farmwood Dr, Raleigh NC 27613, USA
XE2X      Jorge F. Rios Alvarado, 116 E Coma Ave, PMB #426, Hidalgo TX 78557
XR2K      Luis D. Matho, Burgos 255 #91, 7550160 Las Condes,
          Region Metropolitana, Chile
ZM1A      Jacky Calvo, 780 Whakamarama Road, RD 7, Tauranga 3179,
          New Zealand
ZV8C      Sandro Tolosa, Joao Alfredo 170, Marapanim - PA, 68760-000, Brazil


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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