425 DX News #1635

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425 DX News #1635

Post by NP3N »

3 September 2022                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1635

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4U1ITU - Chris, PA2CHR  and  Lins, PA3CMC  will be active from  4U1ITU,  the
         International Amateur Radio Club's station at the  ITU HQ in Geneva
         (https://life.itu.int/radioclub/),  on 13-16 September.  As it will
         be an EME activity,  they will be QRV from 18 to 6 UTC,  with JT65B
         as their  preferred mode on  144 MHZ,  and probably Q65-60B on  432
         MHz.  The ITU building where the club station is located is  due to
         undergo a  complete renovation,  so  this will be  the last  4U1ITU
         activity for at least 6-7 years.  QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or
         direct to IARC, P.O. Box 6, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
4W     - Satoshi,  4W/JH2EUV  has been active again  from  Dili, Timor Leste
         (OC-148) since early August, and will remain there until 20 Septem-
         ber. He operates FT8 on 20, 15, 12 and 10 metres. QSL via LoTW, or
         home call (bureau).
5R     - Gerben PG5M,  Erno DK2AMM,  Guenter DL2AWG  and Ron PA3EWP  will be
         active as 5R8CG, 5R8MM, 5R8WG and 5R8WP, respectively, from Nosy Be
         (AF-057), Madagascar on  11-22 October.  They will operate CW, SSB,
         RTTY and FT8 on 160-6 metres with two stations.  QSL 5R8CG via Club
         Log's OQRS or via PG5M;  QSL 5R8MM, 5R8WG and 5R8WP  via Club Log's
         OQRS or via DL2AWG. The logs will be uploaded to LoTW "later".
5W     - "After four months of careful planning",  the  February 2023  5W0DX
         operation from Samoa [425DXN 1630] has been cancelled "due to unex-
         pected,  unforeseen reason",  Pista, HA5AO (https://www.ha5ao.com/)
         has announced.
CN     - Michel, F5LRL has had to cancel his trip to Morocco. He expected to
         be QRV as CN2DX from 28 August to 9 September [425DXN 1634]
CT9    - Jorge CT1BOL, Jose CT1DSV, Antonio CT1ENV, Ricardo CT3KN, and  Jose
         CT3MD will be active as CR3SI from Selvagem Grande (AF-047) on  21-
         25 September. Plans are to operate CW, SSB and FT8. The Reserva Na-
         tural das Ilhas Selvagens was created in 1971, and DXCC wise counts
         for Madeira. QSl via CT1DSV.
DL     - In August 1922,  the US Department of the Navy  successfully tested
         printing telegraphy between an airplane and  a ground radio station
         - radioteletype was born. Celebrating RTTY's 100th anniversary, the
         Interest  Group  RTTY  (https://www.ig-ry.de/)  will be  active  as
         DR100RY from 26 August until 31 December.  QSL via LoTW, eQSL, Club
         Log, or via the bureau.
F      - Thomas, DL1ASA will be active as F/DL1ASA/p during a 3-week holiday
         trip.  He will be QRV from  mainland France,  as well as from three
         IOTA groups: EU-039 (Ile de Chausey) on 5 September for a couple of
         days, EU-048 (Ile de Groix or Belle Ile en Mer)  on 9 or 10 Septem-
         ber, and EU-064 (Ile de Noirmoutier)  on 13 September  for a couple
         of days. QSL via the bureau to home call. [TNX DX Newsletter]
G      - Nigel, M0NJW and Lee, M0YDG will be active as GB1SAK on 2-4 Septem-
         ber during the  St. Anne's Kite Festival.  Plans are to operate SSB
         and  hopefully some CW and FT8  on various bands.  QSL via  M0OXO's
         OQRS. This special event station will run from the beach using long
         wires supported by a kite.
HB9    - In 1847, Switzerland's first train ran from Zurich to Baden.  Cele-
         brating the 175th anniversary of the Swiss Railways,  special call-
         sign HB175RAIL will be active from  1 September to 31 October.  QSL
         via  LoTW.  A  number  of  certificates  will  be  available,   see
         https://www.qrz.com/db/HB175RAIL for information.
HK0_sa - Daniel LU9FHF (5J0DX),  Pablo LU7MT (5K0C),  Jose Luis LU1FM (5K0T)
         and Alejandro LU8YD (5K0YD)  will be active from  San Andres Island
         (NA-033) on 16-25 September. They will operate SSB, FT8, FT4 and CW
         on 160-6 metres;  also planned are FM satellites.  QSL 5J0DX direct
         to LU9FHF;  QSL 5K0C via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW  and eQSL;  QSL 5K0T
         direct to LU1FM; QSL 5K0YD direct to IK2DUW.
I      - The IP1X team  (I1NVU, I1WXY, IK1CJO, IK1NEG, IK1QBT, IU1JCZ)  will
         be active again from Gallinara Island (EU-083)  during the daylight
         hours on 10-11 September,  with 17-18 September as backup dates  in
         case of bad weather.  They will run  two stations on  CW,  SSB  and
         digital modes.  QSL via IU1JCZ, direct or bureau. [TNX IK1QBT]
I      - II7ML is the special callsign for ARI Molfetta (IQ7ML) to celebrate
         their  25th anniversary  on  19-25 September.  Electronic QSLs  and
         certificates will be emailed,  see https://www.qrz.com/db/II7ML for
         information. [TNX IK7XNA]
JD1_mt - Take, JG8NQJ expects  to be back to the  weather station on  Minami
         Torishima  (OC-073)  on 15 September,  his QSL manager reports.  He
         will  remain  there  for about  three months, and will be active as
         JG8NQJ/JD1 in his  limited spare time.  He operates mainly CW.  QSL
         via JA8CJY (direct), JG8NQJ (bureau) and LoTW.
JD1_oga- Nobu, JA0JHQ (https://pandasan.jimdofree.com/) will be active again
         as  JD1BOW from  Chichijima (AS-031), Ogasawara  on  3-5 September,
         with  main activity  during the  All Asian DX SSB Contest.  QSL via
         LoTW, via the bureau to JD1BOW, or direct to JA0JHQ.
P2     - Rolf, DL7VEE and other ten operators  (DG2RON, DJ7TO, DJ9KH, DJ9RR,
         DK3CG, DL1KWK, DL2RNS, DL4SVA, DL6KAC and DL7JOM) will be active as
         P29RO from Loloata Island (OC-240), Papua New Guinea  from 25 Octo-
         ber to 10 November.  They plan to be QRV 24/7 on  160-6 metres  CW,
         SSB, RTTY and FT8 (F/H)  with four well equipped stations.  QSL via
         Club Log's OQRS (direct and bureau),  or via DL4SVA (direct and bu-
         reau), and eventually LoTW. QSLling instructions and other informa-
         tion can be found on https://p29ro.mydx.de/.
PJ2    - Frank, PH2M will be active holiday style as  PJ2/PH2M  from Curacao
         (SA-099) on 10-25 September.  He will operate mainly FT8 on  60-6m.
         QSL via LoTW, or via home call.
PY     - Celebrating the  200th anniversary of  Brazil's  independence  from
         Portugal  (7 September 1822),  the  Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de
         Radio Emissao's HQ will be operating special callsign PV200BR on 1-
         30 September. QSL via PY2KP. Information about the  Worked Indepen-
         dence Day Award can be found at https://www.labre.org.br/wid/.  Ad-
         ditionally, LABRE SP (PY2AA)  will be active  as  ZZ2OO  during the
         same time frame.
TF     - Look for Steve TF/K4EU, Tom TF/K4NMR and  George TF/K5KG  to be QRV
         from Iceland (EU-021)  on  6-20 September.  The trip was originally
         planned for the SAC CW, which has been cancelled.  The team, howev-
         er,  will be working  in various other contests  to be held  during
         that time frame.
T7     - Members of the ARRSM Radio Club  will operate special event station
         T71GP on 3-4 September in celebration of the  San Marino and Rimini
         Riviera Grand Prix, part of the 2022 MotoGP World Championship. QSL
         direct to T70A.
T8     - Members  of the  Western  Washington DX Club  (namely  K5EM,  N7JP,
         N7QT, N9ADG and WA7CPA)  will be active as  T88WA  from Koror  (OC-
         009), Palau on 2-14 November. They will operate CW, SSB and FT8  on
         160-6 metres . QSL via  M0URX's OQRS  (https://www.m0urx.com/oqrs/,
         preferred), or direct to his mailing address. Bureau cards will not
         be  provided.  See  https://www.qrz.com/db/T88WA  for band plan and
         QSLling policy.
V2     - Bud, AA3B will be active again as V26K from Antigua (NA-100) on  7-
         15 September. He will operate mainly CW in his spare time.  QSL via
         LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, eQSL,  or via home call (direct and bureau).
         [TNX The Daily DX]
VQ9    - Steve, WB4GHY will be active as VQ9SC  from  Diego Garcia (AF-006),
         Chagos Islands between  approximately 16 September and 16 November.
         In his spare time he will operate FT8 and SSB on 160-10 metres. His
         FT8  band plan  is on  https://www.qrz.com/db/VQ9SC.  QSL via  Club
         Log's OQRS, or direct to WB2REM. [TNX DX World]
W      - Look for Don K6ZO, and Brian WV8BNM  to be active as  W1N (SSB) and
         N1N (CW and FT8) from  Nantucket Island (NA-046) on  1-7 September.
         QSL via LoTW or via K6ZO. [TNX DX World]
W      - Commemorating the 21st anniversary of 9/11,  WA2NYC  will be active
         on 11-12 September  on or around  28450, 21350, 14340 and 7238 kHz.
         QSL via LoTW, or direct to WA2NYC.
ZL     - Mike, VE6TC is active  as  ZL4/VE6TC  from  Stewart Island (OC-203)
         until early October.  He is QRV "most days between around  3 and  8
         UTC" on 20 metres SSB and CW.  QSL via VE6TC, direct or bureau;  he
         will upload his log to LoTW and eQSL when he gets back to Canada.

BALKAN TOUR ---> Henning, OZ2I (https://oz2i.dk/wp/)  and  Harald, OZ8X will
be visiting Bosnia Hercegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Albania  from
11 to 23 September.  They expect to be active "during most of the trip using
Different  callsigns".  While  in  Kosovo  (15-17 September),  Henning  will
operate CW as Z68EE (QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via OZ2I).

INDIAN OCEAN TOUR ---> Michal, OK1WMR will be active as FR/OK1M from Reunion
Island (AF-016) on 8-12 September, and as  FH/OK1M from  Mayotte (AF-027) on
13-25 September.  He will operate SSB, RTTY  (especially during the CQ WW DX
RTTY Contest) and maybe FT8 on 20, 15 and 10m. QSLs via Club Log's OQRS.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0J: LATEST NEWS ---> "With  only  four months left  until  we  go  onshore
Bouvet, we approach September that will come with  two major milestones  for
us", the team posted on 30 August in their Press Release #11.
  One major milestone is  the shipping of the container  from Norway that is
  scheduled on 18 September.  From Oslo the container will be shipped to the
  Falkland Islands,  where a team of local hams lead by Don, VP8ON will make
  an effort to inspect the content before our arrival.
  The 3Y0J team is currently  busy packing all our equipment  at our staging
  site at Oslo airport,  where we for the next few weeks  will finalize  the
  packing of the equipment. This will end an extremely busy period for us.
  We have been through  12 months  of  purchasing, assembling, testing,  and
  packing the equipment.  The team has worked hard,  and ultimately shipping
  the container will complete this intensive period of work that will enable
  us  to achieve  our goal  to activate  the  rare  #2 DXCC Bouvetoya.  Rest
  assured this is a well-planned DXpedition!
  We have detailed out the logistic plan and have made a few changes.  Among
  the improvements are: 
  - We have bought yet another outboard engine enabling us to use two zodiac
    boats simultaneously  during beach landing to speed up  the unloading of
    gear. In addition, we have a 3rd spare zodiac and engine.  Having a pair
    of zodiacs is a great advantage to us,  as we have developed a plan  for
    going onshore Bouvet even for a short weather window down to 2 hours.
  - We have swapped the Yanmar generators with 5 kW Hyundai generators  that
    will enable us  to run full station setup  with only two out of 4 diesel
    gens.  It means that we are  less dependent  on a long duration  of good
    weather to achieve a good setup.
  - We have  carried out  a  risk analysis  and  identified  37 hazards  and
    assessed the risk for each hazard.  Ten hazards are identified as 'high'
    risk and 17 'medium',  all which  have been  mitigated  to an acceptable
    residual risk level.  We have prepared a plan for rationing of food  and
    water in case resupplies are difficult, and when we unload operators and
    equipment  onshore  Bouvet,  they will be  self-sufficient  for  28 days
    without needing resupplies.
  The second milestone for September is the payment of the third deposit for
  the 'Marama' contract.  This payment is a  major commitment  from the team
  and our sponsors,  individual and clubs,  that we together  will make this
  happen.  We thank each and every one of you who have contributed  to pay a
  share of the vessel cost to have the opportunity to work Bouvet.  We still
  need  $70,000  to be able  to go  to Bouvet.  If you  want  to see  Bouvet
  activated, please consider to donate.
You can follow the 3Y0J plans on the DXpedition's website and Facebook pages

CQ CONTEST POLICY: UPDATE ---> On 31 August the editors of  CQ Amateur Radio
released their  "Updated CQ Contest Policy Relating to  Russia's Invasion of
  The deadline for the September issue of CQ arrived  while spirited discus-
  sions were  still taking place  regarding possible updates to  CQ's policy
  regarding stations from Russia and Belarus competing in CQ contests. 
  Since no agreement had been reached,  it was decided  to retain the policy
  as it had been since  last spring.  However, discussions continued  and we
  have now agreed on  several minor changes  to the policy that will broaden
  participation in our contests  while still joining  with  sporting federa-
  tions  around the world  to condemn the  invasion of Ukraine.  The updated
  policy follows, which  supersedes  that published  in the  September issue
  of CQ.
  1) Effective with the upcoming  CQ WW RTTY DX Contest on  September 24-25,
     2022, and all CQ contests going forward, we will resume accepting Russ-
     ian/Belorussian log entries as regular logs,  publish their scores  and
     credit QSOs/points/multipliers in all related logs.
  2) However, plaques will not be awarded to otherwise-eligible  Russian/Be-
     lorussian stations. In the event that one of these stations has the top
     score  in a given  category,  the plaque  will be awarded  to the  top-
     scoring non-Russian/Belorussian entry in that category.
  3) Online certificates  will not  be awarded  to  any  Russian/Belorussian
     entry, either as a participant award or based on ranking.
  4) CQ will identify partners with which to initiate a humanitarian program
     to support the people of Ukraine. This effort will occur either in col-
     laboration with current activities or be entirely new.  Details of this
     program will be announced as they develop.
  5) Specifics of this policy are  subject to future review  as developments
     may warrant.

CQ DX MARATHON POLICY: UPDATE ---> The DX Marathon  had previously announced
that  any QSOs with Russian or Belorussian  amateurs would only count in the
2022 DX Marathon if the contacts were made before 26 March 2022.
Consistent  with the  updated CQ Contest policy,  the following announcement
was released (https://www.dxmarathon.com/Russia-Belarus.htm):
- QSOs with those countries will count for DX Marathon credit if made before
  26 March or after 23 September 2022.
- The DX Marathon will accept logs from Russian and Belorussian amateurs for
  the 2022 DX Marathon, but only QSOs made  before 26 March or after 23 Sep-
  tember will count.
- Russian and Belorussian hams  will not be eligible for Plaques or Certifi-
  cates in the 2022 DX Marathon in accordance with CQ policy.

IIA ---> An  Italian Islands Activity Day  will take place on  10 September.
This is not a contest, just an opportunity for enjoying being QRV for island
residents  (e.g. IC8TEM from Capri) and  casual  activators  (e.g. IM0M from
Maddalena) alike.

QSL EL2CX ---> During the 1989-1992 period, Carl, K3RV operated from Liberia
as EL2CX.  At that time, all logs were maintained in paper format.  Finally,
all 22,000 QSOs  have been transcribed to ADIF format  and uploaded to LoTW.
Anyone  wishing  confirmation  of these QSOs  with EL2CX  can use  the  LoTW
service. Alternatively, paper QSL cards are still available via  QSL manager

QSL FW1JG --- > Jean-Gabriel has been active again from  Wallis Island  (OC-
054) since  23 January,  and expects  to remain there  for  the  foreseeable
future. He uploads his log to LoTW, Club Log and QRZ on a weekly basis,  and
strongly favours paperless QSLling. As for traditional cards, he offers "two
possibilities  which are  deliberately dissuasive, and are only intended for
very determined  and  patient collectors".  Requests for direct cards can be
sent via Club Log's OQRS, or mailed to
  Jean-Gabriel Guillemonat
  BP 60 Falaleu
  98600 Hahake
  Wallis and Futuna Islands
(please include USD 2,00 or EUR 5,00, and note that "mail takes at least two
months to arrive  and one month to leave").  Jean-Gabriel is  QRV  on  40-6m
mainly SSB and FT8/FT4 ("send your grid first, not the report), plus some CW
using  "a keyboard and CW skimmer  (send me your report and callsign several

QSL JX/LB4MI ---> "I am  now reaching  the end of my stay",  Helge, JX/LB4MI
says, "and have a very busy schedule before leaving Jan Mayen  on 5 October.
So expect  less activity on  the bands".  As for QSLling,  those who want  a
direct 'Postcard QSL'  mailed from Jan Mayen post office  should send  their
request via Club Log's OQRS before 21 September. After that, the OQRS option
for direct cards will be disabled;  Helge will re-enable it  when he returns

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
website has been updated.  Sixteen different galleries include  19,945 cards
for the  ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2012-21), the  62  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1945-80), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, stations using the United Nations prefix (4U), Antarctic bases
and TAAF (Terres  Australes and Antarctiques Francaises), the various French
DXCC island Entities in the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and the Americas
(from 1945 to 1969), pre-1945  countries, French Departments and CONUS, plus
a gallery for cards not accepted  by DXCC. Your participation is encouraged:
http://www.lesnouvellesdx.fr/galerieqsl.php. [TNX F6AJA].


QSLs  received direct  or  through managers: 3D2AG,  3DA0RU,  3X2021,  5X3R,
7O/DL7ZM,  7P8RU, 9X2AW, A41ZZ, A92AA,  C6ACB, D44PM,  E21TMW, E51BQ,  E73S,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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