425 DX News #1622

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425 DX News #1622

Post by NP3N »

4 June 2022                                               A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1622

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4J     - Alex, 4J3DJ is active  again as  4JF1EU until 15 June.  The special
         callsign  celebrates  the  Formula 1 Grand Prix  that for the sixth
         time  will take place in  Baku, Azerbaijan  on 10-12 June.  QSL via
         home call (see qrz.com for information).
C5     - The C5C plans to be active as  C5B from the  Bijol Islands (AF-060)
         on 7 June between  9 and 16 UTC.  QSL via LoTW, eQSL,  or direct to
F      - Members of the Radio-Club de Caen will operate special station TM6J
         from the historic site of the  Merville Gun Battery  on the eastern
         flank of "Sword",  one of the beaches  where the  Normandy landings
         took place on D-Day (6 June 1944). They will be QRV on 6-12 June on
         80-6 metres CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via F6KCZ. [TNX F8REF]
HA     - Special callsign  HG22TISZA  (QSL via HA7VK and LoTW)  will be used
         during this year's  Tisza Cup, the  International CW Contest  to be
         held on 4 June (from 00.00 UTC to 23.59 UTC). Complete information
         can be found on http://www.tiszacup.eu/.
J6     - K9HZ (J68HZ)  and  WA2LLN (J68AG)  will be active from  Saint Lucia
         (NA-108) on 4-24 June. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8 and FT4
         on various bands.  QSLs via LoTW (preferred),  eQSL,  Club Log,  or
         direct to home calls. [TNX The Daily DX]
PA     - Celebrating the  900th anniversary since  Utrecht  was granted city
         rights (2 June 1122), special PA900UTR is being activated on  vari-
         ous  bands and modes  until 11 November.  QSL via  the  bureau  to
S9     - Ryan, K0EFW will be active  holiday style as  S9EFW  from  Sao Tome
         (AF-023) on  14-19 June.  He will operate mainly SSB on  40, 20, 15
         and 10 metres. QSL via his OQRS (https://dxpeditions.k0efw.com) and
         LoTW. During this trip he will set up a contest/remote station.
SP     - 3Z4PAR  was a  special  station  that  Poland's  Radiocommunication
         Agency  (Panstwowa Agencja Radiokomunikacyjna, PAR)  authorized  to
         operate on 50 MHz as an experiment.  The successful outcome of this
         operation paved the way for general availability of the  Magic Band
         to the Polish  amateur radio community.  Celebrating  the  30th an-
         niversary of the very first  6m QSO in Poland  (made on 5 June 1992
         at 12.53 UTC between 3Z4PAR and IK1EGC),  special callsign  3Z30PAR
         will be active from 5 June at 12.53 UTC  until the end of the year.
         QSL via LoTW and SP4KM (direct or bureau).
SV     - J43POTA is a special callsign to be used by  SV3SPA, SV3SPC, SV3SPD
         between  1 June  and 31 August  to promote  POTA (Parks On The Air)
         activity  from the  Peloponnese region  of Greece (SV3).  The first
         operation was expected to take place  on 3 June  from the  National
         Park of Kotychi and  Strofylia Wetlands.  All contacts will be  up-
         loaded to the POTA website, LotW,  qrz.com logbook and eQSL;  paper
         QSL cards will not be available.
UA     - Special callsigns  R350AO,  R350AR, R350AZ,  R350BR, R350D,  R350I,
         R350K, R350M, R350NN, R350OR, R350PP, R350RF, R350S, R350SM, R350SP
         and R350T will be active between  30 May and 30 June  for the 350th
         anniversary since the birth of Peter the Great (1672-1725). QSL via
         operator's instructions.
VE     - VE3CWM20 is the special callsign celebrating on 1-30 June  the 20th
         anniversary of  VE3CWM,  the amateur radio station located  25 feet
         underground  at  Canada's Cold War Museum  (a four-level  decommis-
         sioned  nuclear bunker,  https://diefenbunker.ca/en/)  near Ottawa.
         QSL via LoTW, bureau or direct.
W      - Len, K1NU will be active holiday style as  K1JV/4  from  Key Colony
         Beach on  Shelter Key  (NA-062, Grid EL94) on  11-18 June.  He will
         focus on 6 metres FT8 when the band is open,  and on 20-10m CW  and
         FT8 when it is closed. QSL via LoTW, Club Log,  or direct to K1NU.
W      - The second  Youth on the Air (YOTA)  summer camp  for  young  radio
         amateurs  aged 15-25  in the  Americas (https://youthontheair.org/)
         will  return to  West Chester, Ohio  and  be  held  on  12-17 June.
         Campers will operate special event station  W8Y  from the  National
         Voice of America Museum of Broadcasting  during breaks between ses-
         sions,  and from the  camp hotel  before and after  camp activities
         each day.  In addition,  dedicated operating time  on the  HF bands
         will be on 13-14 June between 18 and 3 UTC. QSL via LoTW or W0AAE.
ZC4    - Dave, G4WXJ  will be active as  ZC4RH  from  the  UK Sovereign Base
         Areas Cyprus  (AS-004)  on  5-15 June.  He will operate CW, SSB and
         possibly FT8 on  40-10 metres,  and hopefully also  via  the QO-100
         satellite. QSL via LoTW, or via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0J: LATEST NEWS ---> The 2023 Bouvet Island DXpedition team leaders posted
their Press Release #10 on 3 June.
"In late April we successfully conducted a 4-day vessel inspection in Brazil
that ended with a very good result.  The inspection was carried out by a 3rd
party vessel inspector  and  covered  more than 105 checkpoints.  The vessel
inspection focused on safety equipment,  instruments,  navigation,  engines/
machinery, deck, tenders, fuel & fluids, interior, and exterior. 'Marama' is
in  very good condition  and hence  the overall feedback  is  positive.  The
vessel  went through  significant  upgrades  with regards  to machinery  and
engines in 2021 and has since been tested for years,  most lately during the
previous Antarctica season.  The inspection file resulted in a punch list of
only a few minor items to be followed up, no major findings during the 4-day
The team is  currently  working on  the final preparations  for packing  the
container scheduled  to be shipped  from Oslo in early September.  Preparing
the packing and  shipping  the container is  extremely  time  consuming  and
requires a focus on details  as our more than two years of work now is being
materialized into packing lists and  labelling the equipment.  Today we have
finally decided  our container  will be  shipped to  Port Stanley,  Falkland
Islands. In Port Stanley a local team of ham radio operators  will assist us
in receiving the container, conduct a container inspection and make sure all
is OK before the team arrive in early January. To Bouvet the team will bring
6500 kg of equipment,  which includes  several tons of  fuel  and food.  Our
contract allows for 22 days on the island,  but we have food for 30 days and
a plan for rationing should we have to stay beyond 22 days.
At this stage  all the operators  have already paid  their  full deposit  of
their individual $20,000 operator fee.  This is your insurance that  we will
do whatever we can to make this DXpedition a success. In a few weeks we will
pay our  2nd vessel deposit to 'Marama'.  Ultimately this represents  a huge
undertaking  for us financially  as well a commitment  to go  to Bouvet  and
activate  the rare  #2 DXCC  Bouvet Island.  With all  the  preparation  and
planning  over  the course  of  the last  two  years  you  can rely  on  our
commitment  and  our determination  to go onshore Bouvet  in a zodiac  seven
months from now.
Going to Bouvet  would simply not be possible  without the support  from the
vendors, clubs, foundations, and individual sponsors. June 1st, we completed
our budget update, and this shows we're still missing roughly  $100,000  out
of our $690,000 budget to be able to go to Bouvet. As we now prepare for the
next vessel deposit, we need your support to close the gap.  Please consider
supporting us by donating upfront.
You can follow  our plans from our  website (https://www.3y0j.no/)  and  the
3Y0J Facebook pages (https://www.facebook.com/groups/3093983840726129)".

CQ DX MARATHON ---> The  CQ  DX  Marathon  is  a  year-long  DX  hunt,  with
participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of  countries
("entities") and CQ zones during the calendar year. Complete results of  the
2021 edition are on https://www.dxmarathon.com/Results/2021/Results2021.htm.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3D2TS       M0OXO       FY4JI       EA5GL       R19JRA      UA9JLL
3V8SS       LX1NO       GB70D       M0OXO       R19JSV      UA9JLL
3W3B        E21EIC      GB70E       M0OXO       R19UGRA     UA9JLL
3Z0CHKZ     SP2KFQ      GB70I       M0OXO       R350AR      RN1ON
3Z200IL     SP8KJX      GB70J       M0OXO       R350D       RV1AQ
4A7A        XE2T        GB70M       M0OXO       R350M       R3AP
4K6FO       DC9RI       GB70U       M0OXO       R350OR      R3EE
4L8A        M0OXO       GB70W       M0OXO       R350PP      RZ5D
4T4T        OA4DX       GS4FOC      G3SWH       R350RF      RV1AQ
4U1UN       HB9BOU      H25A        LZ3SM       R350S       UA9LBH
4X1VF       K1FJ        HF74QMP     SP9PRO      R350SM      RK3LC
5B4AMX      LZ3SM       HF77DIORA   SP3PDO      R350SP      R1AX
5P2A        OZ1HX       HG0WFF      HA0HW       S573M       S53M
5Q6EE       OZ2I        HG22TISZA   HA7VK       S79VU       N4GNR
5X4E        IQ3CO    HG3R        HA3NU       SN150JS     SP9PTA
5X4E        IZ3ZLG [d]  HG7T        HA7TM       SN35FISTS   SQ9S
6W1TG       EA4R        HI3MPC      EB7DX       SN500GM     SP5PMU
7X2HF       EA5GL       HI3SD       EC6DX       SN7Q        SP7GIQ
7X4LV       F6FZG       HK3C        M0URX       SO4R        SP4PND
9A0DIG      9A3SM       HP2DFA      EC6DX       SP8R        SP8PCF
9A22Y       9A1TT       HZ1WED      HZ1SAR      SZ2RCK      SV2BXZ
9G5XA       G3SWH       IB8A        I8QLS       TI7W        M0URX
9J2BO       EA5GL       IF9A        IT9ATF      TM24H       F6KFI
9J2MYT      EA5GL       II2CC       IZ2FED      TM50ARML    F4ILK
9V1YC       W5UE        II8RM       IQ8BB       TM57M       F8EFU
9X2AW       M0OXO       JD1BOW      JA0JHQ [d]  TM6CXJ      F2FZ
A61QQ       A61BK       JD1BOW      JD1BOW   TM8ADJ      F4KJP
A62A        EA7FTR      JY76IB      JY5IB       TO2AZ       DL2AAZ
A65TE       K3IRV       JY76MM      IK2DUW      TR8CR       F6AJA
A71BX       EA7FTR      KL7RA       N4GNR       UE37MS      RQ7L
A92EE       EC6DX       KP2AD       OK1TN       UP0L        DL8KAC
AP2NK       W3HNK       KP2M        NZ4DX       UP100PIONER RW6HS
C4W         5B4WN       LN8W        LA6YEA      V48A        WX4G
CB3R        XQ3SK       LT100KC     LU4KC       V85A        EB7DX
CE3CT       EA5KB       LT6M        EC6DX       VC7M        VE7JH
CM6WYZ      RW6HS       LV1F        LU4FTA      VG3TTB      VA3TTB
CQ3J        CT3MD       LZ444KA     LZ1KCP      VJ3A        VK3JA
CR5O        CT7AJL      LZ5R        LZ1YQ       VK6T        EA7FTR
CT9ABN      OM2VL       MD2C        MD0CCE      VP5M        K4QPL
CW3A        EA5GL       NP4TX       EB7DX       VP9UKR      VE3DZ
CX5UA       IK2DUW      OD5ZZ       N4GNR       VX3ZN       VE3ZN
D4Z         IK2NCJ      OH3077F     OH3JF       VY2ZM       EA7HBC
DP0GVN      DL5EBE      OH9W        OH5BQ       WP2Z        KU9C
DQ44WCA     DF6EX       OK5Z        OK2ZI       WP3C        M0OXO
DX9EVM      IK2DUW      OL3Z        OK1HMP      XF3N        EA5GL
E2A         E21EIC      OM0R        OM3GI       XK0AA       VA5DX
E2E         E23NEZ      OM7M        OM4MM       XR2K        CE2ML
E2WRTC      E21EIC      OY1DZ       F5CWU       XR3W        XQ4CW
E77A        9A2AA       P29LL       EA7FTR      XV9K        DJ6TF
E7CW        E73ESP      P3AA        RW3RN       YB7RV       EA5GL
EA6FO       EA3AIR      P44W        N2MM        YS1RR       W3HNK
EA9KB       EA7FTR      P49Y        AE6Y        Z66BCC      DL2JRM
ED8W        EA5GL       PA900UTR    PI4UTR      Z68QQ       DF8DX
EE5AA       EA5BM       PJ2MAN      EC5AHA      Z68XX       DL2JRM
EE5K        EA5DF       PJ2T        W3HNK       ZA/IW2JOP   IW2HAJ
EF0F/8      EA4URE      PP5/DJ4CW   IK2ILH      ZF1A        K7ZO
EF1A        EA1X        PR2E        PY2AA       ZF1EJ       K6AM
EF8R        EB7DX       R117MS      RQ7L        ZF2LZ       EA5GL
EG2DMA      EA2EWF      R150S       R2DX        ZM1A        ZL3CW
EG8CID      EA8URL      R19JHM      UA9JLL      ZP6/N2GK    EA5GL
EH1OLA      EA1UVR      R19JIG      UA9JLL      ZQ2TT       M0URX
EI90IRTS    EI6AL       R19JKG      UA9JLL      ZX2E        PY2ZEA
EL2DT       N2OO        R19JMG      UA9JLL      ZX5J        NZ4DX
ES5TTT      N4GNR       R19JNV      UA9JLL      ZY7GOB      PS7KC

6O1OO    Ali Solhjoo, Freienwalderstr. 35, 13359 Berlin, Germany
7T0A     Ben Lagha, 3 rue Claude Curtat, 69330 Meyzieu 69330, France
7X4AN    Mohamed Boukhiar, Apartado Postal 30133, 08080 Barcelona, Spain
9H6A     Paul Galea, 66 Triq Guze Ellul Mercer, Had-Dingli, DGL 1118, Malta
9H6CAP   John Cassar, Kunvent Tal-Kappucini, Triq Frangisk Saver Fenech,
         Floriana, FRN 1211, Malta
9M2TO    Tex Izumo, 827 Nakanojo, Ueda-shi, Nagano, 386-0034, Japan
C5C      Luc Thibaudat, 15 rue de Moiscourt, 27140 Gisors, France
CR6K     Filipe Monteiro Lopes, Rua Manuel Jose da Silva 184, Espinheira,
         3720-537 Sao Martinho da Gandara, Portugal
E7DX     Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
ED1R     Jesus Maria Gimare Marquez, C/ Jacinto del Barrio 2,
         05358 Papatrigo (Avila), Spain
ES9C     Toomas Soomets, Lootuse tn 22-2, 50108 Tartu, Estonia
FM/OQ3R  Marius Dancilla, Corps B Ap.03, Avenue Schlogel 39, 5590 Ciney,
FR4QT    Francois Barbier, 5 bis La Marrerie, 50500 St Andre de Bohon,
FY5KE    Jacques Mazzoni, 678 route de l'Egalite, 74290 Talloires Montmin,
HG1S     MTTOSZ Gyor Varosi Radioklub, Gyor, Nagysandor Jozsef u. 27, 9027,
HS0ZLV   Torsten Veith, Bahnweg 7, 55129 Mainz, Germany
J42L     Leo Fiskas, 1 Argyriou Gouzgou, 52 200 Argos Orestiko, Greece
JA0JHQ   Nobuaki Hosokawa, 8270 Fujimi, Fujimi-cho, Suwa-gun, Nagano,
         399-0211, Japan
LW1F     Jesus Rubio, Calle Mendoza 2484, S2000PBF, Rosario, Argentina
OX3LX    Joergen Roemming, Brandelev Stationsvej 9, 4700 Naestved, Denmark
PR3A     Fabio Martins, Rua Joao Evangelista da Costa 787, Apto 503A,
         Coloninha, Florianopolis - SC, 88090-301, Brazil
PX1C     Liece Gomes De Souza Junior, Rua Sao Joao Gualberto 329,
         Vila da Penha, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 21221-380, Brazil
T71CC    ARRSM Radio Club, Casella Postale 77, 47890 San Marino,
         Repubblica di San Marino
TM4W     Stephane Van Langhenhoven, 24 bis rue de Anter Hent,
         29830 Ploudalmezeau, France
TO3F     Marius Dancilla, Corps B Ap.03, Avenue Schlogel 39, 5590 Ciney,
VC2A     Victor Androsov, 1185 Rue de Blois, Boucherville, QC J4B 7Z5,
VJ6X     Alan Cheshire, PO Box 8, Willetton WA 6955, Australia
VP8DKW   David Houlden, 29 Court Barton, Portland, DT5 2HJ, United Kingdom
VX7GL    Dale Jackaman, 43726 Duncan Rd, Chilliwack BC V2R 4R2, Canada
XE2X     Jorge F. Rios Alvarado, 116 E Coma Ave, PMB #426, Hidalgo TX 78557,
ZZ7A     Marco Antonio Hardmeier, Caixa Postal 18, Gravata - PE, 55641-970,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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