WRTC 2018 Info - Callsigns and Live Scores

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WRTC 2018 Info - Callsigns and Live Scores

Post by NP3N »

These are the  63  teams  that  will  compete  in  the  World
Radiosport Team Championship,  to be held in  parallel with  this  weekend's
IARU HF World Championship:
AS #1    R8CT    UA4FER             NA #2    AD4Z    NP4Z
AS #2    RC9O    UA9PM              NA #2    N4YDU   N3KS
AS #3    4X6FR   4X1DX              NA #3    N4TZ    N1UR
AS #5    E21EIC  9M2ZAK             NA #4    N5AW    K5WA
AS #6    JH5GHM  WA1Z               NA #5    K3PA    N3AD
EU #1    LY9A    LY4L               NA #6    N9RV    N6TR
EU #1    ES5TV   ES2RR              NA #6    K6XX    WA6O
EU #1    OH6KZP  OH6UM              NA #6    K2PO    KU1CW
EU #1    SM5AJV  SM3SGP             NA #7    VY2ZM   KK6ZM
EU #2    F8DBF   F1AKK              NA #8    VE7CC   VE7SV
EU #2    OR2F    ON5RA              NA #9    K9VV    VE3EJ
EU #2    F4DXW   F8CMF              OC #1    N2NL    W2SC
EU #3    UR0MC   VE3DZ              OC #2    ZL3IO   ZL4YL
EU #3    OM3BH   OM3GI              SA #1    PY1NX   PY2SEX
EU #3    OM2VL   OM3RM              SA #2    LU1FAM  YO9WF
EU #3    OK2ZI   OK2ZC              Defending Champions  N6MJ    KL9A
EU #3    US2YW   UW7LL              Youth Team #1        CE2LR   KG5HVO
EU #4    EC2DX   EA5KA              Youth Team #2        YO8TTT  UT5GW
EU #4    IZ3EYZ  IK4VET             Youth Team #3        HA8RT   DK6SP
EU #4    EA2OT   EA8RM              Wild Card #1         9A7DX   9A3LG
EU #5    9A1UN   9A6XX              Wild Card #2         UN9LW   UN9L
EU #5    E77DX   9A5K               Wild Card #3         ZL3CW   F6BEE
EU #5    S50A    S57AW              Wild Card #4         K1DG    N2NT
EU #6    RW7K    UB7K               Wild Card #5         YV1DIG  RA9USU
EU #6    UA2FB   RA2FA              Wild Card #6         VA2EW   DL1CW
EU #6    RW1A    RA1A               Wild Card #7         LZ5VK   RW4WR
EU #7    DJ5MW   DL1IAO             Sponsored Team #1    N6XI    AE6Y
EU #7    DL4NAC  DL8DYL             Sponsored Team #2    W2GD    AA3B
EU #7    DL2CC   DK9IP              Sponsored Team #3    K3LR    DL1QQ
NA #1    K1LZ    YO9GZU             Sponsored Team #4    E73A    4O3A
NA #1    LZ4AX   LZ3FN              Sponsored Team #5    YO8SCA  S55M
NA #1    KE3X    KD4D               
The competing teams will be assigned special callsigns in the  Y2A-Y9Z block
(not used since the dissolution of the German Democratic Republic, which the
block had been allocated to). Only 63 out of the following 70 callsigns will
be in use during the competition:
Y81A Y81D Y81K Y81M Y81N Y81R Y81U
Y82A Y82B Y82D Y82F Y82G Y82K Y82L Y82M Y82N Y82R Y82V Y82W
Y83B Y83C Y83D Y83G Y83K Y83L Y83O Y83P Y83R Y83U Y83V Y83X Y83Z
Y84B Y84C Y84G Y84J Y84O Y84P Y84Q Y84W Y84X Y84Y Y84Z
Y86C Y86F Y86J Y86O Y86P Y86Q Y86V Y86W Y86Y
Y87B Y87C Y87G Y87K Y87L Y87M Y87O Y87P Y87U Y87V Y87W
Y89A Y89D Y89K Y89M Y89N Y89R Y89U
The teams will know their callsigns at 11.45 UTC on 14 July, i.e. 15 minutes
before the contest starts.

WRTC 2018 LIVE SCOREBOARD ---> A live scoreboard will be online during  this
weekend's  World Radiosport Team  Championship:  http://sb.wrtc2018.de.  The
fully automated system will display score  data received directly  from  the
competitors' logging  programmes.  The Main Scoreboard  page  will show  the
latest total score data received from each team.  The Leaders page will show
the Top 5 teams in each of the "Special Awards"  categories  (highest number
of SSB QSOs and CW QSOs, and highest overall Multiplier total).  The Compare
Teams page can be used to select up to five teams to  view and  compare band
73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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