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425 DX News #1734

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:20 pm
by NP3N

27 July 2024                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1734

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

8Q     - Gregor, S53RA  will  be active  holiday style  as  8Q7GG  from  the
         Maldives (AS-013) on 3-13 August.  He will operate QRP CW, SSB  and
         some FT8, mostly during the local evenings. QSL via home call.
A2     - Andi, DB8UX will be active as  A25UX  while touring Botswana on 3-9
         August.  He will operate  low power  on  40-10 metres  during local
         evenings.  QSOs will be uploaded to  LoTW  and  Club Log.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
F      - Geoffrey, F4FVI will be active as  F4FVI/p  from Noirmoutier Island
         (EU-064) on 26-28 July. Main activity will be on QO-100  from three
         different locators on the island,  but he might be operating during
         the IOTA Contest as well. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
F      - Celebrating the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, members of
         the Union des Radioclubs (URC)) will use TM2024JOP from  26 July to
         9 August, and TM2024JPP on 10-11 August and  28 August-9 September:
         https://log-et-qsl.associations-radioam ... /boutique/
F      - Vitaly, F4WBU will operate two special callsigns  in support of the
         33rd Summer Olympics Games:  TM33SOG (26-31 July)  and TM24G  (1-11
         August). All QSOs will be confirmed via the bureau.
FY     - In celebration of the Olympic Games, Thierry, FY4JI  will be active
         as TO973FY from  French Guiana  from 26 July to 10 August.  He will
         operate SSB and FT8. QSL via EA5GL.
J3     - Ishmael, 8P6PE has been active as J38PE from Grenada (NA-024) since
         23 July,  and  will remain there  over  the weekend  with plans  to
         operate from POTA sites. He will then move to Carriacou Island (NA-
         147),  with more POTA activations from 29 July to 4 August. QSL via
         8P6PE. [TNX The Daily DX]
OM     - Special station OM80SNP will be active on 1-31 August commemorating
         the  80th anniversary  of the  Slovak National Uprising  (Slovenske
         Narodne Povstanie) during  World War II.  QSL via  Club Log's OQRS,
         LoTW, or via OM2FY.
SP     - Special callsigns SO80PW and SP80PW will be active from  29 July to
         4 August commemorating the 80th anniversary of the  Warsaw Uprising
         (Powstanie Warszawskie) during World War II. QSLs via SP3PDO.
SV     - Members of the Deep Blue DX Team will be active as J48FT from Tinos
         Island (EU-067)  on  26-31 July.  They will operate CW, SSB and FT8
         (MSHV) on all bands, and will participate in the IOTA Contest.  QSL
         cards will  not  be available,  but QSOs will be uploaded to  LoTW,
         Club Log and eQSL.
SV     - Savas, SV2AEL  will be active  again as  SV2AEL/8  from  Ammouliani
         Island (EU-174, WWL KN10wh) on 1-10 August. He will be QRV on 80-10
         metres,  plus 6 metres  if the propagation permits.  QSL via  LoTW,
         Club Log's OQRS, or direct to SV2AEL.
SV5    - Olli, DH8BQA will be active holiday style as SV5/DH8BQA from Rhodes
         Island (EU-001) on 26-31 July.  He will operate QRP on 80-6 metres,
         and will participate in the IOTA Contest.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS,
         LoTW and eQSL. [TNX The Daily DX]
TK     - Frans, DJ0TP will be active again as TK/DJ0TP from Corsica (EU-014)
         from 2 August to 4 September. QSL via home call and LoTW.
V4     - Gary, G0FWX will be active again as  V47FWX  from St Kitts (NA-104)
         from 28 July to 24 August. QSL via M0URX's OQRS.
V8     - Celebrating the 78th birthday of  HM  Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan  and
         Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei, special callsign  V84SPU  will be active
         from 20 July to 3 August  on all bands SSB, CW and FT8.  QSL direct
         to  P.O. Box 849,  MPC Old Airport,  Bandar  Seri  Begawan  BB3577,
         Brunei Darussalam.
W      - Don, K6ZO (7Q6M)  and  Brian (WV8BNM)  will be active as  W1N  from
         Nantucket Island (NA-046)  from  23 July to 4 August.  They operate
         CW, SSB, FT4 and FT8. QSL via LoTW.
W      - The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club will be active as  W2T  from  the
         Tucker's Island Lighthouse in the Tuckerton Seaport  (mainland  New
         Jersey) on 3 August, from about 13 UTC to 20 UTC. QSL VIA N2OO.
YJ     - Chris, VK2YUS will be active again as YJ0CA from Port Vila (OC-035)
         Vanuatu between 30 July and 10 August.  He will operate SSB on  40-
         10m, mainly between 21 UTC and 10 UTC. QSL direct to home call.  He
         does not use LoTW or Club Log. [TNX NG3K]

CENTRAL ASIA ---> Darek, SP9DLM and  his son Gregor, SN9GM will be active as
UN/SP9DLM and UN/SN9GM from Kazakhstan from 25 July to 12 August, and as EX/
SP9DLM and EX/SN9GM from Kyrgyzstan on 13-19 August.  Gregor is the youngest
radio amateur in Poland; he passed the exam last year,  when he was 10 years
old. QSL via home calls (bureau preferred), LoTW, eQSL.

IOTA CONTEST ---> The IOTA Contest will be held on  27-28 July  (12.00-12.00
UTC) on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m CW and/or SSB.  Complete details can be found
on the RSGB Contest Committee's website:
The following stations are expected to be active during  the contest weekend
from qualifying islands.  For latest additions please give a look at the an-
nounced operations list maintained by Bill, NG3K:

Ref.No.     Call/Ops     Island                QSL VIA    
AF-019      IG9ITO       Lampedusa             LoTW      
AS-008      JI3DST/1     Shikine               LoTW      
AS-019      9V1IO        St John's             LoTW      
AS-024      JS6UUC       Ishigaki              Club Log  
AS-135      BI4SSB       Cheniu Shan           BA4TB      
AS-147      JA8COE/8     Yagishiri             JA8COE    
AS-148      DT0IP        Munyo                 LoTW/6K2CFI
AS-150      BY4JN        Lingshan              BA4MY      
AS-154      YM7KK/0      Giresun               YM7KK      
AS-158      BH2WRP       Guanglu               BG2VIA    
EU-001      SV5/DH8BQA   Rhodes                LoTW      
EU-006      EJ9KA        Inisheer              LoTW      
EU-008      GM2T         Tiree                 GM4UYZ    
EU-008      GM7A         Lismore               LoTW      
EU-008      GM7M         Raasay                          
EU-008      MM1E         Gigha                 LoTW      
EU-010      GM7V         Benbecula             N3SL      
EU-012      GM4ALE       Yell                  G4ALE      
EU-012      MM3S         Shetland              LoTW      
EU-016      9A/DL2JRM    Mljet                 DL2JRM    
EU-016      9A/OM2ZZ     Mljet                 OM2FY      
EU-016      9A8DV        Drvenik Veliki        IK6VXO    
EU-021      TF3W         Iceland               TF3MH      
EU-024      IS0/DL1KVN/p Sardinia              LoTW      
EU-024      IS0/OM2FY    Sardinia              OM2FY      
EU-028      IA5/IU2EBO   Elba                  IU2EBO    
EU-028      IR5G         Giannutri             IU3EDK    
EU-031      IC8WIC       Capri                 LoTW      
EU-032      TM5OL        Oleron                F6AJA      
EU-034      ES0IA        Kassaar               LoTW      
EU-038      PA/DA1DX     Texel                 LotW      
EU-048      F4GYM/p      Belle Ile             F4GYM/LoTW
EU-051      IE9/DL3NC    Ustica                DL3NC      
EU-052      J48K         Kastos                LoTW      
EU-052      SV8/DH5FS    Paxos                 DH5FS      
EU-054      IF9/IT9PPG   Favignana             IT9PPG    
EU-057      DK3R         Ruegen                DL1KZA    
EU-064      F4FVI/p      Noirmoutier           F4FVI      
EU-065      TM5K         Molene                F8GGV      
EU-067      J48FT        Tinos                 LoTW      
EU-083      IP1X         Gallinara             IU1JCZ    
EU-084      SK3T         Blido                 LoTW      
EU-088      OZ1AA/p      Anholt                OZ1ACB    
EU-091      II7P         Pedagne               LoTW/IK7RWE
EU-114      MU5E         Herm                  LoTW      
EU-115      EI7M         Ireland               LoTW      
EU-116      GD6EFW       Isle of Man           ON6EF      
EU-116      MD7C         Isle of Man           M0OXO      
EU-120      G4WGE/p      Wight                 G4WGE      
EU-120      G5XV         Wight                 M0OXO      
EU-121      EJ3Z         Inishbofin            EI6GGB    
EU-121      EJ9MV        Bere                  LoTW      
EU-124      MC5A         Flat Holm             LoTW      
EU-129      DK1A         Usedom                DK1A      
EU-129      DL6MHW       Usedom                DL6MHW    
EU-130      II3Y         Barbana               M0OXO      
EU-131      IR3M         Pellestrina           LoTW      
EU-132      SN1A         Wolin                 LotW/SP1EG
EU-136      9A/OM6NM     Losinj                OM2FY      
EU-138      SM/OV2E      Senoren               LoTW/OZ0J  
EU-145      CQ7OTA       Culatra               LoTW      
EU-146      PA/OQ4T      Schouwen-Duiveland    ON4TO      
EU-146      PA2G         Schouwen-Duiveland    LoTW      
EU-146      PB2T         Goeree-Overflakkee    bureau    
EU-146      PE146U       Schouwen-Duiveland    LoTW/PA3EYC
EU-170      9A0A/p       Pasman                9A7R      
EU-172      5P60IOTA/2   Aaro                  OZ1ACB    
EU-172      OV3W         Hjarnoe               LoTW      
EU-172      OV4W         Aaro                  LoTW      
EU-172      OZ/K3ZJ      Fyn                   LoTW      
NA-008      VY0ERC       Ellesmere             M0OXO      
NA-022      VP2EGM       Anguilla              LoTW      
NA-046      K1VSJ        Martha's Vineyard     K1VSJ      
NA-083      KM4WSK       Tangier               KM4WSK    
NA-110      AA4V         Isle of Palms         LoTW      
NA-137      K1IMI        Bailey                N4CW      
NA-137      N1LI         Long                  LoTW      
OC-004      VK2/W7BRS    Lord Howe             M0URX      
OC-013      E51KEE       Rarotonga             LoTW/IK2DUW
OC-042      DV1IIW       Luzon                 LoTW/IK2DUW
OC-086      KH0W         Saipan                KC0W      
OC-088      V85NPV       Borneo                LoTW      
OC-129      DX6EVM       Guimaras              bureau    
OC-130      DX9EVM       Mindanao              bureau    
OC-144      7E4C         Ketawai               LoTW      
OC-235      DX7EVM/9     Camiguin              LoTW      
SA-018      CB7A         Chiloe                LoTW      
SA-071      PV2IC        Couves                EA7FTR    

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       N4GNR       EF4HQ       EA4URE      SN230BEM    SP9PTA
3DA0AQ      EA5GL       EI0HQ       EI4BZ       SP1944LIB   SP9PBB
3Z250KB     SP2ZCI      EP4HR       IK2RZQ      SP230BEM    SP3PDO
5C25NOA     CN8NOA      GR2HQ       M0OXO       TC50KKTC    TA2JM
7E4K        YE4FNN      HB40OK      HB9OCR      TI5/N3KS    M0URX
9A0HQ       9A2EU       HC2GRC      LY5CA       TI8/N7ZG    EA5GL
9G5AE       SM6KNL      HC5RF       HC5VF       TM17FFF     F4GFE
A41CK       M0OXO       HD1QRC93    NE8Z        TM2024P     F6CQU
A42K        M0OXO       II1FS       IQ1TG       TM24PRS     F4DTO
A60UED      EA7FTR      IQ5PJ       IU5RTR      TM37JO      F5CWU
B1HQ        BA4EG       J38PE       8P6PE       TM40JO      F6DZU
B4HQ        BA4EG       LZ/LU9ESD   LZ1YE       TM51JO      F5JYD
B5HQ        BA4EG       LZ0HQ       LZ1BJ       TM60JO      F5KMB
B7HQ        BA4EG       OA4SS       KB6J        TM62OG      F5MZE
C37HQ       C37URA      OE0HQ       OE3KAB      TM67JO      F1LFL
C91CCY      K3IRV       OL66EF      OK2RAC      TR8CR       F6AJA
CP6CL       M0OXO       OZ1HQ       OZ1ACB      VE2CSI      M0URX
CR6B        CT1EHX      PA6HQ       PA1AW       VK2/W7BRS   M0URX
CS5HQ       CT1REP      PC6HELL     PC1K        VP2EGM      GM5RDX
CS5POTA     CT1REP      PJ2HQ       KU9C        XR88RG      CE4RG
CT9/OM3RG   OM2FY       PW100UEB    PY2OP       XV9Q        N4GNR
D90M        HL3AMO      RI1ANE      RN3RQ       YN9H        EA5GL
DA0HQ       DL5AXX      RI1K        R1BET       YT0HQ       YU1SRS
DT0IP       6K2CFI      S50HQ       S58MU       Z38DX       YU1FW
DX0HQ       DX1PAR      SN0HQ       SP3CGK      Z68XX       DL2JRM
E2HQ        E21EIC      SN100RPO    SP9KKA      ZF1A        K7ZO
E51KEE      IK2DUW      SN2024RPO   SP3PGR      ZZ100UEB    PY2OP

5C25FT   BP 50029 Casablanca Ghandi, 20026 Casablanca, Morocco
DL0SOP   Georg Tretow, Postfach 1114, 23931 Grevesmuehlen, Germany
HG0HQ    Szabo Karoly, Fuzesgyarmat, Aradi u. 42, 5525, Hungary
KH0/WB6Z Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura Machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma,
         371-0811, Japan
PF24KWF  Maurice van de Ven, 13 Frieslandlaan, 4926 GE Lage Zwaluwe,
TK24C    Sebastien Sauvannet, 4 Route de Villequiers, 18800 Gron, France
VK0DS    David Scott, 4139 Freemantle Road, Bathurst, NSW 2795, Australia
YE4FNN   Abet Suhaian, Jl. Achmad Rosidi Hamzah No. 115, Bintang,
         Kecamatan Rangkui, Kota Pangkal Pinang 33138, Indonesia


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia
