425 DX News #1722

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425 DX News #1722

Post by NP3N »

4 May 2024                                                A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1722

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A2     - Remo, HB9SHD  will be active  "casual holiday style"  while touring
         Botswana between  30 April and 13 May.  The callsign issued  by the
         Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority is  A255HD  (Alpha Two
         Five Five Hotel Delta).  He will be QRV on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres
         SSB and maybe FT8. Paper QSL cards will not be available.
A9     - Special event station A91WTIS will be active on 11-17 May to  cele-
         brate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (17 May).
         QSL  via EC6DX.  WTISD  marks  the founding  of  the  International
         Telecommunication Union (ITU),  and  its purpose is  to  help raise
         awareness about  the global innovation gap,  promote digital inclu-
         sion, and spur action to close the digital divide.
BY     - Ten stations (B0CRA, B1CRA,  B2CRA,  B3CRA,  B4CRA,  B5CRA,  B6CRA,
         B7CRA, B8CRA and B9CRA)  from across the country  will be active on
         3-5 May (60 hours) for this year's  "5.5 China Amateur Radio Festi-
         val"  on air event,  organized  by the  Chinese Radio Amateurs Club
         (CRAC). See http://www.crac.org.cn/55 for logsearch and the awards.
         QSL via LoTW, or direct to  CRAC, PO Box 100029-73, 100029 Beijing,
         P.R. China
CN     - In celebration of the  21st birthday of  Prince Moulay Hassan,  the
         heir apparent to the Moroccan throne, special callsign  CN21HM will
         be active on 8-12 May. QSL direct to CN8RAH.
CP     - Members of the  Yaguarete DX Group  (LU1FM, LU2JCW,  LU3FR, LU6FOV,
         LU7HN,  LU7MT,  LU8YD  and  LU9FHF)  will be active as  CP7DX  from
         Tarija, Bolivia on 11-19 May.  They will operate SSB, CW, FT8 (F/H)
         on 160-6 metres,  as well as  SSB and FM  via  LEO satellites.  See
         https://jvp-antenas.com.ar/cp7dx/  for  more  information.  QSL via
         Club Log's OQRS, or direct to LU1FM.
F      - Team TM24U  (Kurt ON5DZ, Luc ON7KZ, Geert ON7USB and Francis ON8AZ)
         will be active from Saint Nicolas Island (EU-094) on 5-10 May. They
         will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 60-10 metres. QSOs will be uploaded
         to Club Log. See https://tm24u.be/ for more information.
GI     - Once again the North West Group ARC  (MN0NWG)  is  running  special
         event station  GB0AEL  between 5 and 31 May  to commemorate the an-
         niversary of Amelia Earhart's transatlantic flight.  QSL via MI0HOZ
         (direct or bureau). On 20-21 May 1932,  Earhart  became  the  first
         woman to  fly nonstop and alone across the Atlantic, leaving Harbor
         Grace on  Newfoundland (Canada), and  landing  15 hours later  near
         Londonderry (Northern Ireland).
I      - The  United Nations Global Service Centre ARC (4U1GSC)  in Brindisi
         is active as 4U29MAY until 31 May. QSL via 9A2AA. The special call-
         sign  promotes  the  International Day of UN Peacekeepers (29 May).
         DXCC wise, it counts for Italy.
PY     - Gus, PT2ADM is QRV as ZW30AS until 31 May. Look or activity on 80-6
         metres  digital and SSB.  QSL via LoTW,  or via PT2ADM  (bureau and
         direct).  This special callsign honours Ayrton Senna, the Brazilian
         Formula 1  driver, on the  30th anniversary of his death during the
         1994 San Marino Grand Prix.
SM     - Ric, DL2VFR will be active as SM3/DL2VFR from Alnon Island (EU-087)
         on 8-11 May, and as SM2/DL2VFR from  Holmon Island (EU-135)  on 11-
         14 May. He will operate  CW and  some SSB.  He might also be QRV as
         SM5/DL2VFR from  IOTA group  EU-084  on 15 or 16 May.  QSL via home
         call; QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.
V4     - Tim, N5TCH will be active  holiday style as V4/N5TCH from  St Kitts
         (NA-104) on 10-17 May.  Most likely he will be QRV during his early
         morning hours. QSL via LoTW; paper cards will not be available.
ZL     - On 22 May 1924 Ivan O'Meara (2AC) in Gisborne, New Zealand made the
         first  trans-Pacific contact with  Carlos Braggio (CB8) near Buenos
         Aires, Argentina on 130 metres,  setting a world record distance of
         just  over 10,000 km.  To commemorate this historic milestone,  the
         Gisborne Branch  of the  New Zealand Association of Radio Transmit-
         ters (NZART) will be using the special callsign ZL100AC  throughout
         the month of May.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3D2CCC ---> The DX Rebel Group's DXpedition to Conway Reef began on 28 April
at around 05.30 UTC.  To date, over 50,000 QSOs have been made, but Internet
access for uploading QSOs  to Club Log is very limited.  The 2-man team will
continue  to run  all the  stations  until the diesel fuel  supply  for  the
generators  is exhausted.  QSL via  Club Log's OQRS.  Updates  are posted to

QSL GALLERY ---> The large collection of QSL cards  on  Les  Nouvelles  DX's
website has been updated. Seventeen different galleries include 22,080 cards
for the  ten Most  Wanted  DXCC  Entities  (2014-23), the  62  deleted  DXCC
Entities, obsolete prefixes,  stations  from  Maghreb  from  1945  to  1962,
Allied Forces stations in Germany (1945-80), special stations  commemorating
ITU and IARU, stations using the United Nations prefix (4U), Antarctic bases
and  TAAF  (Terres Australes  et  Antarctiques  Francaises),  amateur  radio
"globetrotters",  the various  French  DXCC island Entities  in the  Pacific
Ocean,  the Indian Ocean  and  the Americas (1945-1969), pre-1945 countries,
French Departments and CONUS, plus a gallery for cards not accepted by DXCC.
Your participation  is welcome: http://www.lesnouvellesdx.fr/galerieqsl.php.

ROTUMA 2024 ---> The Pacific Islands DXpedition Group (PIDXG)  has announced
that Gregg W6IZT, Hal W8HC, Nathan K4NHW, and other three operators TBA will
be active from Rotuma Island (OC-060) from 15 November to 4 December.  "Pre-
liminary plans call for the team to operate locally with 3 stations in addi-
tion to 2 of Gregg's NexGenRiBs (remote radio systems)  that proved success-
ful during the recent  CB0ZEW DXpedition".  Necessary permits, licenses  and
accomodation have been  secured and  confirmed.  Details will follow in  due

+ SILENT KEY + Richard A. "Dick" Ross, K2MGA  passed away on 27 April,  aged
84. He had been Publisher of "CQ" magazine since 1979, and was its Editor in
the 1960s. As President of CQ Communications, Inc., he was also publisher of
a variety of other magazines,  including "Popular Communications",  "CQ VHF"
and "WorldRadio Online". In addition, he oversaw the production and publica-
tion of CQ books and calendars, the CQ Video Library, and more.  In 2010, he
was given the Dayton Hamvention's Special Achievement Award.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       N4GNR       IY5PIS      IK5WOB      RP79AF      UA6AGE
3V8CB       LX1NO       IY6GM       IK6VXO      RP79AZ      RC9A
4O9KOM      EB7DX       IY7GMB      IK7XNF      RP79CTS     R2BFL
4U29MAY     9A2AA       IY7M        IZ7XNB      RP79CWD     RN3RQ
5P4MG       DJ4MG       J88BTI      EA5GL       RP79FA      RO3F
5P5LI       ON6EF       JD1BMH      JD1BMH   RP79GA      RX6LQH
5Q5W        DL2SWW      JD1BMH      JG7PSJ [d]  RP79GD      RA6ADQ
5Z4VJ       M0URX       JD1BQP      JD1BQP   RP79KF      RW4NW
6D2QRP      XE2M        JD1BQP      JP1IHD [d]  RP79LDD     UA1F
6F0SM       XE2AU       LS5H        EA5GL       RP79ML      RQ7L
8A145KAR    N2OO        LT6M        EC6DX       RP79P       RK9LWA
8A145NI     N2OO        LZ44IZ      LZ1KCP      RP79RF      RA9YON
8A145RA     N2OO        LZ79ZZ      LZ1ZF       RP79RGA     RK9CYA
8A145TI     N2OO        NP2DX       EB7DX       RP79T       R2PT
AM175DD     EC1DD       NP2X        KU9C        RP79TF      UA4YE
AO175FMJ    EA1FMJ      OD5ET       EB7DX       RP79TT      R9CX
AO175HLH    EA1HLH      OD5KU       EB7DX       RP79UR      UA9CKP
AO575GPC    EA5GPC      OD5QB       YO3FRI      RP79X       RD8X
AO575JMW    EA5JMW      OD5TX       IZ8CLM      RP79ZK      RN3RQ
AO575N      EA5N        OD5VB       IZ8CLM      RP79ZKS     RU3T
AO675VQ     EA6VQ       OD5YA       IZ8CLM      SN0MARCONI  SP2FVN
AO875BM     EA8BM       OD5ZZ       N4GNR       T5/IT9HRK   IU5RPJ
C91CCY      K3IRV       OE24M       OE1YPP      TM17FFF     F4GFE
DM5041MK    DB2AD       OH0M/p      OH6KZP      TM17IO      F4BYB
EG2SPA      EA2RCF      OJ0/LA1UW   EA5GL       TM5OIS      F5KRH
EG5LTO      EA5ITJ      OJ0T        EA5GL       V31MA       M0OXO
EP4HR       IK2RZQ      OT24EPIC    ON8APC      V49T        AA4RF
EV79K       EW8BQ       OV6EF       ON6EF       VP8VK       GM3ITN
EV79M       EW1W        OV9M        DF9TM       VP8VPC      VP8LP
EV80OB      EW4A        OX3LX       OZ0J        VP8WA       M0OXO
GB2IMD      GW4TTA      OZ0ROM      DK1VK       XU7GNY      DL4WK
GB6WW       MM0DFV      PA75HS      PH1LMR      YI1YY       IK2DUW
GB9SOS      MW0USK      PA75JOC     PD1RIK      YI3WHR      IK2DUW
HB9W        HB9DKZ      PA75KOC     PC2Y        YI9WPZ      IK2DUW
HV9TVM      IK0PHU      PA75NAVO    PA1FZH      YN9H        EA5GL
II4SEAS     IQ4FE       PE75NATO    PA3DSB      YQ75MSCC    YO2KBQ
IY0GA       IS0JMA      PG75NAVO    PA3DII      ZW1F        PY1TB
IY0IMD      IZ0QPO      PI45IPARC   PI4IPA      ZW2A        PP5AA
IY0M        I0IJ        PJ2/W4IPC   EB7DX       ZW8A        PS8HF
IY0MMR      IQ0RM       PJ4MM       M0URX       ZX7I        PT7BI
IY0TC       IQ0CV       PT1K        EA7FTR      ZX7O        PT7BI
IY1TO       IW1FGZ      PT5J        PP5JR       ZY5A        PP5EI
IY4FGM      I4KMW       PV2K        EA5GL       ZZ5K        PP5RT

5Z4GO     Markus Meyer, Roemerstrasse 6, 4148 Pfeffingen, Switzerland
7Q6M      Don Jones, 3130 Wisconsin Ave NW #723, Washington DC 20016, USA
B#CRA     Chinese Radio Amateurs Club, PO Box 100029-73, 100029 Beijing,
          P.R. China
CW1GM     Lupo Bano Negreira, Casilla de Correos 950, 11000 Montevideo,
EI150IMD  Sean Byrne, Corries, Muine Bheag, Co. Carlow, R21 RD21, Ireland
II9IABJ   Andrea Angelillis, Corso Sicilia 24, 95040 Motta Sant'Anastasia CT
JG7PSJ    Hiroyuki Kawanobe, 1-4-1 Mikamine, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi,
          982-0826, Japan
JP1IHD    Koutarou Watanabe, 1-942-27 Ogawa-cho, Kodaira-shi, Tokyo,
          187-0032, Japan
KM1CC     Barbara Dougan, 20 Madison Drive, East Sandwich MA 02537, USA
LT7Y      Gustavo A. Gerbaudo, Calle San Luis 1145, Q8300ASS, Neuquen,
NL7RR/KH9 Thomas F, Mayhan, P.O. Box 2387, Homer AK 99603, USA
OA2/PY3ZY Marcelo Cadaval, Rua Ana Pernigotti 377, Bolaxa, Rio Grande - RS,
          96217-010, Brazil
PJ2ND     Jeffrey A. Maass, 9256 Concord Rd, Powell OH 43065-9625, USA
PX2T      Roberto Zunta, Rua Joao Baruel 161,Sao Paulo - SP,03972-040,Brazil
PX4M      Marcos Rodrigues da Silva, Rua Dona Zulmira Pereira da Silva 601,
          Governador Valadares - MG, 35030-140, Brazil
PX5M      Rodrigo Goncalves, Rua Alfonso Nicolao Bornhofen 163, Blumenau-SC,
          89032-452, Brazil
PZ5TW     Fabio Renato Camboim de Araujo, Passagem Ademar de Barros 68,
          Belem - PA, 66060-650, Brazil
S21AF     Antonio Cannataro, Via Don Minzoni 18, 87040 Marano Marchesato CS,
TR8CA     Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
VO1IMD    SONRA, PO Box 8441 STN A, St. John's NL A1B 3N9, Canada
WH0B      Akio Tagami, 6 Kumi, Tomioka, Oita-shi, Oita, 870-0947, Japan
XW4KV     Vincent Colombo, 32 rue de Gibrand, 17350 Port d'Envaux, France
YJ0CA     Chris Ayres, 3/19-21 Eastern Rd, Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
ZW2WSP    J. Roberto Leonel, Avenida Andorinha 182, Monte Mor - SP,
          13197-428, Brazil
ZZ1M      Aldir Blanc da Silva, Rua Luisa Lyrio do Vale 155, Macae - RJ,
          27923-080, Brazil


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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