425 DX News #1721

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425 DX News #1721

Post by NP3N »

27 April 2024                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1721

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5X     - Jack, NP2OR has been active as 5X3L from Kayabwe ("just a few steps
         from the  equator line"),  Uganda since 20 April,  and  will remain
         there until sometime in May. He will be QRV on 20, 10 and once in a
         while on 40 metres.  QSL via LoTW,  or direct via  Club Log's OQRS.
         Updates will be posted to https://hamradiosafari.blogspot.com/.
9X     - Harold, DF2WO  will be active again as  9X2AW  from Rwanda on  2-17
         May. He will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands  and
         6 metres. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS. [TNX The Daily DX]
EA     - Celebrating the  75th anniversary of the  Union de Radioaficionados
         Espanoles (URE),  Spanish  amateurs  are allowed  to replace  their
         Normal  prefix  from 1 to 31 May  as follows:  EA stations  can use
         AO#75,  EB stations can use AN#75,  and  EC stations can use AM#75,
         where "#" is the digit of their call area. For example, EA1FMJ will
         use AO175FMJ, EC5BUH will use AM575BUH, EB7KA will use AN775KA.
EA     - Once again the Federacion Digital EA will operate special callsigns
         AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU on
         3-12 May to celebrate Europe Day,  the anniversary  of  the Schuman
         Declaration (9 May 1950) that paved the way to the  European Union.
         See https://www.fediea.org/eudota/ for more information. QSL direct
         to EA3RKF.
F      - Special callsign  TM13JO  will be active on 8-15 May  as the  Paris
         2024 Olympic Torch Relay  passes through the  French Department  of
         the Bouche du Rhone.  QSL via F5SDD.  Also active  during the  same
         time frame are expected to be TM83JO from the Department of Var (8-
         12 May) and  TM04JO from the Department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence.
         QSLs via operators' instructions.
         They will be followed by a large number of other special callsigns,
         which in the following weeks will cover the progress of the Olympic
         Torch  as it crosses other  Departments and Territories  until  its
         arrival  in  Paris on  26 July.  The  Association des Radioamateurs
         Vauclusiens (F5KPO)  organizes the  "Olympic Torch Relay Challenge"
         for contacts made with those stations - see
         https://www.qrz.com/db/TM00JO for the details, and
         https://www.oly24.fr/awardform.html for the certificates.
FO     - Hiroyuki, JI1JKW  will be active  holiday style as  FO/JI1JKW  from
         Bora Bora  (OC-067),  French Polynesia  on  26-30 April.   He  will
         operate SSB, CW and FT8 on 40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 and 6 metres. QSL
         via LoTW, or via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
JW     - Knut, LA9DSA will be active as JW9DSA  from Svalbard from  29 April
         to 5 May. He will operate mainly SSB, with plans to go portable for
         SOTA and possibly also POTA activations. QSL only via LoTW or eQSL.
OE     - Sylvia, OE5YYN  will be active  as  OE20SOTA  between  1 May and 31
         October  to mark  the  20th anniversary  since  Austria joined  the
         Summits on the Air programme.  A certificate will be available, see
OK     - Sixteen special event stations, representing the teams competing in
         the  87th Ice Hockey World Championship  to be held  in  the  Czech
         Republic (10-26 May),  will be  active  from  27 April  to  26 May:
         OL87DL,  OL87F, OL87G,  OL87HB,  OL87LA,  OL87OE,  OL87OH,  OL87OK,
         OL87OM, OL87OZ,  OL87SM, OL87SP,  OL87UN, OL87VE, OL87W and OL87YL.
         Look for activity on 160-10 metres  SSB, CW and digital modes.  QSL
         via LoTW and eQSL;  paper QSLs will not  be issued,  but 3 certifi-
         cates will be available: see https://ol87whc.cz/ for information.
ON     - Members of Club Radio Durnal (ON4CRD)  will be active as  OR90AL on
         1-31 May.  The special callsign  marks 90 years  since the death of
         Albert I, King of the Belgians,  who died in a mountaineering acci-
         dent at the age of 58. QSL via the bureau.
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active again as OX3LX from Greenland between  26
         April and 9 May. In his spare time he will operate FT8, RTTY and CW
         from Kangerlussuaq (grid GP60),  Nuuk (grid GP44) and Paamiut (grid
         GP51). QSL via OZ0J; QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.
SP     - Marking the 25th anniversary since Poland joined the North Atlantic
         Treaty Organization, special callsign  HF25NATO will be active from
         1 May to 31 August. A certificate will be available for download on
         https://hf25nato.spaward.pl.  QSL via LoTW,  or via Club Log's OQRS
         (only  100  "limited edition QSL cards"  will be  distributed  on a
         first-come, first-served basis)
UA     - A very large number of Russian stations using special  prefix  RP79
         (where the letter P stands for 'pobeda', i.e.  'victory')  will  be
         active on 1-9 May to celebrate the 79th anniversary of the  end  of
         World War II. More information, including the list of participating
         stations  and  their  QSL routes,  is expected to  be available  on
         https://pobeda.srr.ru/ in due course.
XE     - Special event station 6E0RM will be active on 17-26 May  during the
         10th edition of the Rally Maya Mexico. Activity is expected to take
         place  on  40-6 metres  from  Merida  (17-18 May, grids EL50, EL51,
         EL40), Campeche (19 May, grid EK49),  Uxmal (20-21 May, grid EL50),
         Valladolid  (22-23 May,  grid EL50),  and  Cancun (24-26 May,  grid
         EL61). QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

IOTA-60 DINNER  IN FRIEDRICHSHAFEN --- > "To celebrate  60 years  since  the
founding of the IOTA programme,  an anniversary dinner  will be organized on
Friday, 28 June 2024, between 19:00 and 23:00,  at the V2O Bio Restaurant in
the Zeppelin Museum,  Friedrichshafen.  The event offers an opportunity  for
chasers and activators  to share time  together,  chatting  about topics  of
common interest, such as past and future expeditions, technology trends, and
goals".  Tickets should be purchased  in advance, by  no later  than  31 May
(there will be  no on-site availability  to join the dinner  and/or  pay for
it).  See https://www.iota-world.org/management-news.html  for more informa-
tion and detailed instructions.

N5J: JARVIS ISLAND IOTA/POTA News ---> "Since  the  Dateline DX  Association
announced plans for activating Jarvis Island this summer, many have asked if
we could arrange with IOTA and POTA program organizers to secure approval of
our DXpedition.
Jarvis is one of the rarest of the  IOTA counters,  having been off  the air
for 34 years. It is needed by 82% of IOTA program participants.
Because of the requirements  set by the permit of the USFWS,  while the sta-
tions, antennas and power are all set up on Jarvis Island,  the local opera-
tors must conduct the DXpedition from the MV 'Magnet' which will still be in
the Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge, just offshore.
Both the  IOTA and POTA  programs have agreed to recognize QSOs  made by the
local operators but will not allow QSOs made by internet remote operators to
count.  Therefore  QSOs made by  AA7JV, HA7RY, N1DG, KO8SCA and KN4EEI  will
count for the awards (IOTA OC-081 and POTA K-0115).
Daily uploads by the N5J team to Club Log will identify the operators. Addi-
tionally, at the beginning of each operator shift  the team will endeavor to
post on the cluster  the callsign of the operator  so chasers have some real
time notice. At this time, all phone operations are expected to be by the at
island team as well, giving that mode 100% IOTA/POTA certainty.
In addition to the five operators mentioned above,  there is an  experienced
team of  24 operators from 8 countries operating up to 6 stations around the
clock, ensuring DXers around the globe have ample opportunity to add an ATNO
or band fill to their DXCC totals".
Website:  https://jarvisisland2024.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1359664908071770/

SWODXA DX DINNER ---> The 39th DX Dinner, sponsored again by  the  SouthWest
Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) and held in conjunction with  the  2024  Dayton
Hamvention, will be on Friday, 17 May  at the  Marriott at the University of
Dayton.  The keynote speaker will be  Dave Anderson, K4SV,  veteran  of many
DXpeditions.  The "DXpedition of the Year"  and the inductees into the CQ DX
Hall of Fame  will be announced  during the event;  https://swodxaevents.org
for the tickets and the list of DX Dinner prizes. [TNX AJ8B]


QSLs received direct or through managers: 3A2MW, 3C3CA, 4K0CW, 5W1SA,  5X7O,
6W/IV3FSG,  6Y1V, 6Y3Y,  7O2WX, 8P6ET,  A31DL,  A44A, A71/ON5UR, A73A, AU2RS
(AS-199), BM0QSO,  BW2/JP1RIW, C21TS,  CB0ZA,  CB0ZW,  CN3A, CO2AV, DS1TUW/2
(AS-122), E6AM, EL2DT, FM4LV, H44MI, H44WA, HH2AA, HI3K, HK3C, HV0A, HV5PUL,
J62K, J69KZ, J79BH, K3KO/4 (NA-069), KH0/KC0W, KP2B,  NP3Y, P4/WE9V,  P40AA,
TY2AA,  TZ4AM, UN9L,  V47T, V51MA,  V7/N7XR,  V85AHV, VP5/K0PC, VP5Z, VP6MM,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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