425 DX News #1708

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425 DX News #1708

Post by NP3N »

27 January 2024                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1708

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

6W     - Gerhard, OE3GEA will be active as 6W/OE3GEA from near Dakar between
         27 January and 4 February. He will operate CW on 30-10 metres.  QSL
         via home call. [TNX DX Newsletter]
8R     - 8R7X  is the callsign for the  14-24 February  DXpedition to Guyana
         [425DXN 1675]. Four young operators (DJ4MX, DK6SP, HA8RT and M0SDV)
         will operate CW, SSB, FT8 and RTTY on 160-6 metres. QSL via M0OXO's
         OQRS and LoTW. See https://8r-2024.com/ for more information.
DL     - DG22SIXTY  is the  special callsign  for  DARC's Ortsverband Gemund
         (G22) to celebrate their 60th anniversary from  1 February until 31
         December. QSL via the bureau.
EA     - Members of URE Valladolid will be active as EG1GOY on 4-11 February
         for the 38th edition of the Goya Awards,  whose ceremony  will take
         place  on  10  February.  QSL via EA1URV  (bureau).  Presented  the
         Academy of  Cinematographic Arts  and  Sciences of Spain,  the Goya
         Awards  are  the  Spanish equivalent  of the  Academy Awards.  [TNX
F      - Francois, F8DVD  will be  active as  TM21AAW  on 4-18 February,  to
         promote the 21st Antarctic Activity Week (18-25 February).  He will
         be QRV from his home QTH in France.  QSL via LoTW, or via home call
         (direct or bureau).
F      - Members  of Radio Club Jean Bart, F6KMB  will be active as TM6C  on
         4-18 February during the traditional Dunkirk Carnival  (Carnaval de
         Dunkerque). QSL via F6KMB.
FK     - After their operation from  Wallis Island (see FW below),  Stan and
         Ted will be active as FK/LZ1GC and FK/LZ5QZ from  Port Ouenghi, New
         Caledonia (OC-032) on  10-18 March.  They will operate CW, SSB  and
         digital modes on the HF bands. QSLs via Club Log's OQRS (preferred)
         or via LZ1GC.
FR     - Thierry, FY4JI  will  be  active on  various bands  as  FR4AV  from
         Reunion Island (AF-016) from 4 February to 11 March. QSL via EA5GL.
FW     - Stan, LZ1GC and Ted LZ5QZ  will be active as  FW8GC and TX8GC  from
         Wallis Island (OC-054) from 19 February to 9 March. They will oper-
         ate CW, SSB, FT8, FT4 and maybe some RTTY on 160-6m.  QSLs via Club
         Log's OQRS (preferred),  or via LZ1GC.  See  https://www.c21gc.com/
         for more information.
TA     - Special callsign TC6EQ will be active on 1-29 February  to commemo-
         rate the earthquake that struck Turkey on 6 February 2023,  causing
         widespread damage and killing nearly 51,000 people.  In particular,
         this activity will honour the memory of  Mustafa Ezer (TA8DX),  who
         lost his life in that catastrophic event. QSL via LoTW.  A certifi-
         cate will be available on https://tadx.org/awards.
VU     - A large team will be active as AU2RS  from  Nachugunta Island  (AS-
         199) on 23-25 February. This IOTA group was activated for the first
         and only time by AT2RS back in December 2008.  Plans are to operate
         SSB, CW and FT8 on 160-6 metres and via satellite QO-100  with five
         stations.  QSL via  M0OXO's OQRS.  See https://www.vu2rs.com/AU2RS/
         for more information.

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Bob, GM4DLG  was active as  ZL7/GM4DLG  from  the  Chatham
Islands on 21-26 January.  His next stops are Norfolk Island (VK9N, 2-7 Feb-
ruary), New Zealand's North Island (ZL1, 9-13 February), New Zealand's South
Island  (ZL4, 14-24 February),  Lord Howe Island  (VK9L,  27 February  to  3
March)  and  Tasmania (VK7, 5-9 March). He operates SSB on 80, 40 and 20 me-
tres. [TNX The Daily DX]

PACIFIC TOUR ---> Hrane, YT1AD and his team (Anatoliy RC9O,  Olga UA9OYL and
Stevan YU3AA)  will be active from  Fiji (3D2),  Samoa (5W)  and  Tonga (A3)
between 8 February and 1 March. They will be using individual callsigns from
each place.  The operation from  Tokelau [425DXN 1700]  has  been  postponed
until late 2024 or 2025.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

Silver (N0AX) wrote a short article explaining  how to operate and  identify
properly according to  the CEPT rules:  "there has been  a lot of  confusion
about  what is and isn't permitted  and required", Ward says.  "We hope this
article will help reduce the number of rule violations and help all stations
operate  properly.  It has been  reviewed by  knowledgeable  individuals  to
be sure this information is accurate". The article can be found on
https://www.onallbands.com/guide-to-fol ... nse-rules/.

SWODXA DX DINNER ---> The 39th DX Dinner, sponsored again by  the  SouthWest
Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) and held in conjunction with  the  2024  Dayton
Hamvention, will be on Friday, 17 May  at  the  Marriott  Hotel  in  Dayton.
Tickets can be purchased on https://swodxaevents.org/.

TX5S ---> Operations from Clipperton Island started on  20 January at  02.13
UTC.  At that time there was only  one station running  CW on 17 metres,  as
landing on the island was very challenging, and the team had to stop sending
over equipment when the seas became too dangerous. The camp itself had to be
redesigned on the fly to a smaller footprint.
The weather forecast indicates that the team will need  to depart the island
earlier than originally planned.  The objective is to  safely navigate  over
the reef, which requires cooperation between the tides and winds. Therefore,
the  current plan  is for TX5S  to begin tear down  on  27 January. All non-
essential equipment and  HF antennas will be removed,  but there may be some
low band operation during the local night between Saturday and Sunday. On 28
January, all DXpedition equipment and personnel will be removed.  The Shogun
will depart for San Diego on 29 January for a voyage lasting 7 or 8 days.
QSOs are being uploaded to Club Log and  M0URX.com,  those with early donors
are being uploaded to LoTW within 24 hours.  "Not in Log" and "busted calls"
will be investigated by submitting the form on M0URX's website.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0AQ      EA5GL       C5SP        SP3PS       SN25PCH     SP2KFQ
4U1GSC      9A2AA       CN2DX       EA5GL       SN50GUC     SP2GUC
5R8IC       F6ICX       EE6DSA      EA6URM      SP150WW     SP3PDO
5X4E        IQ3CO    ET3AA       N2OO        TG9AWS      N2OO
5X4E        IZ3ZLG [d]  HK3C        M0URX       TM26PVJ     F8GGZ
5Z4PA       M0URX       J79BH       FM5BH       TR8CR       F6AJA
5Z4VJ       M0URX       LY13LY      LY8O        TX5S        M0URX
7O2WX       IZ8CCW      OE60RRDXA   OE6VIE      UE81M       RQ7L
7Q7CT       EA7FTR      OS75ENSOR   ON4OS       UE81ML      RQ7L
8P5A        HA1AG       OX24KING    OZ1ACB      XV9Q        N4GNR
8Q7SQ       SP5MDB      OY24KING    OZ1ACB      YS3CW       I2JIN
8Q7WR       G3WRO       OZ24KING    OZ1ACB      Z66BCC      DL2JRM
9H/OU2I     OZ2I        P40AA       DL4MM       Z68XX       DL2JRM
A65HS       9K2HS       R900BL      UF1M        ZD7Z        IK2DUW
AT3SM       VU2XE       R900RO      RT1L        ZL7D        EA3FLW
C21TS       M0OXO       SK100KTH    SK0BU       ZX2FF       PY2AE

4L4DX     Alexander Nersesian, 1790 E Indigo Dr, Chandler AZ 85286, USA
4L7T      Alexander Nersesian, 1790 E Indigo Dr, Chandler AZ 85286, USA
9G1SD     David W. Schneider, 1501 SW K St., Grants Pass OR 97526, USA
9N7AA     Slavko Celarc, Ob Igriscu 8, 1360 Vrhnika, Slovenia
D44PM     Massimo Cortesi, Ufficio Forli Centro, Casella Postale 24,
          47121 Forli FC, Italy
D4M       Massimo Cortesi, Ufficio Forli Centro, Casella Postale 24,
          47121 Forli FC, Italy
EA3FLW    Vicente SG, Apartado 45, 08120 La Llagosta, Barcelona, Spain
FY5KE     Laurent Haas, 19 Rue de la Duee, BP 11, 75020 Paris, France
IK2DUW    Antonello Passarella, Via Melchiorre Gioia 6, 20812 Limbiate MB,
IZ8CCW    Antonio Cannataro, Via don Minzoni 18, 87040 Marano Marchesato CS,
J79AN     David Albert, 13 chemin de Pey Broustera, 33340 Gaillan en Medoc,
KM1CC     Barbara Dougan, 20 Madison Drive, East Sandwich MA 02537, USA
M0URX     Tim Beaumont, 83 Limbrick Avenue, Coventry, CV4 9EX,
          United Kingdom
OZ24FX    Allis Andersen, Gyngemose Parkvej 11 2.th., 2860 Soeborg, Denmark
V47TT     Jason A. Sattler, 315 S Ausable Trl, Grayling MI 49738, USA
XW4KV     Vincent Colombo, 32 rue de Gibrand, 17350 Port D'Envaux, France
YB9/F5LIT Emmanuel Gidon, 2 chemin des Longs Champs, 50480 Blosville, France
ZF2PG     Pete Gladysz, 4633 Riverchase, Troy MI 48098, USA


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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