425 DX News #1704

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425 DX News #1704

Post by NP3N »

30 December 2023                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1704
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

9A     - 9A100RKZ is the special callsign celebrating  the 100th anniversary
         since Radioklub Zagreb was founded (24 March 1924). Look for activ-
         ity throughout 2024. QSL via 9A1ADE.
F      - Michel, F8GGZ will be active as  TM700MP  on  5-12 January  for the
         700th anniversary  since  the  death of  Marco Polo,  the  Venetian
         merchant and explorer who  travelled  through  Asia  along the Silk
         Road (1271-1295) and gave to Europeans the first comprehensive look
         into China, Persia, India, Japan and other Asian countries. QSL via
         home call.
GW     - Kev, GW0PUH will be active as GB9KW on  2-28 January  using vintage
         equipment  manufactured by  KW Electronics Ltd during the 1960s and
         1970s.  Main activity will be over the "KW Weekend"  (6-7 January).
         Other special callsigns are expected to be on the air,  e.g.  GB2KW
         (Scotland), GB4KW & GB8KW (England).
HB9    - Members of the  Zurich City Police Radio Amateur Club (HB9SP)  will
         be active as HB20SP throughout 2024  to celebrate their club's 20th
         anniversary.  QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW, Club Log  and qrz.com;
         do not send any card via the bureau.
HR     - Alex, K6VHF will be active  again as K6VHF/HR9  from  Roatan Island
         (NA-057) on 3-10 January. This time he will be joined by Paul, NO0T
         and Bill, WT0DX.  Plans are to operate digital modes, SSB and CW on
         80-6 metres, and to participate in the ARRL RTTY Roundup (6-7 Janu-
         ary). QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or via home call.
JA     - Take, JI3DST will be active again as JS6RRR from the Miyako Islands
         (AS-079)  between  5 January and 1 April.  He will be QRV  also  as
         JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6 and JR8YLY/6 on SSB and CW, as well as JI3DST/p,
         JJ5RBH/p and JR8YLY/p on FT8.  QSOs will be made available for Club
         Log and LoTW Matching on the IOTA website.
JW     - Jack, M0PLX  will be active as JW/M0PLX from  Spitsbergen (EU-026),
         Svalbard on 1-5 January. He will operate SSB on 160-10 metres.  QSL
         via SP7DPJ and Club Log's OQRS.  See https://www.facebook.com/M0PLX
         for updates.
OE     - Christian, OE5CCN will be active as OE24BI from  1 January until 30
         June from the city of  Bad Ischl,  one of the  European Capitals of
         Culture for 2024.  All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the
         bureau and LoTW.
PY     - Team ZZ2F  will be active from  Tinhare Island  (SA-080)  on  10-11
         January. Look for activity on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB and FT8.
         QSL via PP2LA.
SM     - SK100FRK is the  special callsign  celebrating the  100 anniversary
         since Falu Radioklubb (SK4AO) was founded. Look for activity from 1
         January until 31 December 2024.  A  very special  diploma  will  be
         available - see https://www.qrz.com/db/SK100FRK.
SM     - SK50B is the special callsign for members of the Botkyrka Radioama-
         torer to celebrate their club's golden jubilee throughout 2024. The
         club was founded on 18 January 1974. QSL via the bureau to SK0HB.
UA     - Special callsigns R2024NY and UE24NY will be active from  30 Decem-
         ber to 8 January for the annual  "Russian New Year"  radio marathon
         organized by the Miller DX Club. QSLs via RQ7L.
VK_ant - Norbert, VK5MQ was active as  VK0AI from  Macquarie Island  between
         late April 2018 and late March 2019. He is now using the same call-
         sign from Casey Station, Antarctica, as time permits.  On 25-26 De-
         cember he was briefly active from a deep-field camp  established at
         Edgeworth David Base  in the Bunger Hills,  450 kilometres  west of
         Casey. QSL via home call.
VP9    - Look for Paul, VP9KF to be active again from Bermuda (NA-005) on 8-
         22 January. He will operate CW only on 160-10 metres, and will par-
         ticipate in the North American QSO Party (https://ncjweb.com/naqp/)
         QSL direct to Paul Evans,  15 Watch Knob Lane,  Swannanoa NC 28778,
         USA. He does not use LoTW. [TNX NG3K]
W      - Club station W2HRU  will be  QRV on  1-6 January  to mark the  25th
         annual  Ham Radio University  educational conference.  Look for SSB
         activity on 80, 40 and 20 metres, as well as FT8 on multiple bands.
         QSL via LoTW, eQSL, the W2 QSL Bureau  or direct to KA2D.  In addi-
         tion, a printable  QSL Certificate will be available.  Detailed in-
         formation can be found on https://hamradiouniversity.org/.
W      - The Straight Key Century Club's annual on-air event,  commemorating
         the club's founding in 2006  and  celebrating the original  instru-
         ments of early radiotelegraphy (straight key, bug and cootie keys),
         will run on 2-31 January.  Look for K3Y to be aired from the ten US
         call areas (K3Y/0 through K3Y/9), plus /KH6, /KL7 and /KP4.  Infor-
         mation  on  the event  and  QSLing  instructions can  be  found  on
ZD7    - Alex, DL1PM and  Rob, HB9ETR have been active as ZD7/DG1PM and ZD7/
         HB9ETR  since 27 December.  They remotely operate  ZD7CA's station.
         "Previously, ZD7 had Internet access solely through a costly satel-
         lite  connection",  Chris says,  "but with the new  undersea cable,
         high-bandwidth connections make such achievements possible".

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CQ DX MARATHON ---> The  CQ  DX  Marathon  is  a  year-long  DX  hunt,  with
participants competing to see who can work the greatest number of  countries
("entities") and  CQ zones  during the calendar year.  The 2024 edition will
start at 00.00 UTC on  1 January and  will end at 23.59 UTC on  31 December.
See https://dxmarathon.com/rules/2024/ for the rules.

MARCONI CLUB'S QSO PARTY DAY ---> The 6th edition will be held on  6 January
from 7 to 21 UTC, on 80, 40 and 20 metres CW. Complete rules can be found on
http://www.ariloano.it/marconiclub/.  ARI Loano Marconi Club is a member  of
the  International  CW  Council (https://internationalcwcouncil.org/)  which
"promotes and aids  in the retention and growth of  International Morse Code
as a mode of communication between amateur radio operators". [TNX IK1QBT]

USI 30TH ANNIVERSARY AWARD ---> Formed  in  1994,  the United States Islands
Awards Program (USI) covers islands - located in lakes, rivers and along the
coastal shore line - that are within the  fifty states of the United States,
and the U.S Territories and Protectorates. To celebrate the programme's 30th
anniversary, USI is offering a special award for both chasers and activators
running  from  1 January to  31 December 2024.  Detailed information  can be
found on https://usislands.org/30th-award/.

WORLD WIDE AWARD 2024 ---  After the successful WRTC Award conducted in Jan-
uary 2023 (1.4 million QSOs),  the  Hamaward Team  has announced  a  similar
"marathon" event - the "World Wide Award" chase that will take place on 1-31
January to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of  Guglielmo Marco-
ni. The WWA combines CW, SSB and digital modes activity  from  special event
stations around the world with real-time award tracking for the chasers: see
https://hamaward.cloud/wwa for complete information. Special event callsigns
include stations from
Canary Islands    EG8WWA
England           GB2WWA
Greece            SX0WWA
Kazakhstan        UP7WWA
Northern Ireland  GB8WWA
Oman              A43WWA
Poland            SN1WWA
Scotland          GB4WWA
Spain             EG3WWA
Wales             GB6WWA
Italy             II0WWA, II1WWA, II2WWA, II3WWA, II4WWA, II5WWA, II6WWA,
                  II7WWA, II8WWA, II9WWA, IR1WWA
Sardinia          IR0WWA
USA               N0W, N1W, N9W
Other  participating stations  include  8A0RARI (Indonesia);  BA3RA, BA7LOK,
BG0DXC, BY1RX, BY2AA, BY4DX, BY5EA,  BY6QS, BY8DX, BY9NX (China);  D4M (Cape
Verde); EX0DX (Kyrgyzstan); YW6CQ (Venezuela).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9AT       IV3JVJ      CX2TQ       IK2DUW      PZ5JW       EA5GL
3W9IL       JF3PLF      CX4DI       EA5GL       R120A       R2BFL
3W9TXR      JH3TXR      CX5UA       IK2DUW      R120I       RN3RQ
4L1AN       N4GNR       D44MCS      OE3MCS      R120M       UA6GG
4L5P        IK7JTF      DT0IP       6K2CFI      R120N       RO6L
4L8A        M0OXO       DU6/PE1NSQ  EA5GL       R120R       RN3RQ
4S7KKG      DC0KK       EH125ATH    EA2URV      R120RAEM    RO9O
5R8VE       F4EZG       EH24HNY     EA5URV      R120T       RN3RQ
5W1SA       JA1DXA      EH5HNY      EA5ZD       R80URAN     UA4AJD
5Z4VJ       M0URX       EL2EF       N2OO        RI0SP       RN3RQ
7X2AC       EA7FTR      EP3ASA      EA5GL       RI1ANC      RN1ON
7X2HF       EA5GL       HC1KX       EA5GL       RI1AND      RN1ON
7X2RF       EA7FTR      HF150WW     SP4LVK      RI1ANE      RQ8K
7X3WPL      7X3DL       HH2AA       EB7DX       S79VU       N4GNR
8P6ET       KU9C        HI3A        EB7DX       TC3AKSA     TA3X
8S80AA      SK5AA       HI6M        EB7DX       TG9ADM      EA5GL
9J2BO       EA5GL       HI8D        NK4Q        TG9ADV      VE7BV
9K2ES       EC6DX       HK3X        M0OXO       TG9AJR      M0URX
9K2GS       EC6DX       HK4GSO      EA5ZD       TG9ANF      VE7BV
9K2JJ       EA5GL       HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       TI5CDA      EA5GL
9K2KO       EC6DX       HS0ZBS      OE2REL      TM100ET     F5SLD
9K2NO       EC6DX       IB2BGBS     IQ2CP       TM100GE     F8GGZ
9K2OD       EC6DX       II2COMO     IK2AQZ      TM200JHF    F5KPO
9K2OW       EC6DX       J79WTA      HB9MFM      V21TT       KU9C
9K2YD       EC6DX       J8TT        PA2LO       V26K        AA3B
9N1CA       EA5ZD       JD1BMH      JD1BMH   V31MA       M0OXO
9N7NQ       JA7NQQ      JD1BMH      JG7PSJ [d]  V85A        EB7DX
A41CK       A61BK       KG4NE       NM7H        VK8NSB      M0URX
A41DX       M0OXO       KL7KC       KL1JP       VP8WA       M0OXO
A41KB       ON7LX       KP2AD       OK1TN       VU4N        W4VKU
A41KJ       N4GNR       KP2M        NZ4DX       WP3A        EB7DX
A41NN       A61BK       KP4DZ       EB7DX       WP3C        M0OXO
A61BR       EA5ZD       KP4ZZ       EB7DX       XE1XR       EA5GL
A61FJ       LZ1YE       LY23XMAS    LY2QT       XU7AKU      JA1DXA
A61Q        EA7FTR      LZ75VAA     LZ1ZF       XV9KL       JN3JBC
A61R        EC6DX       OD5ET       EB7DX       XV9NI       JR1UFN
A91WALD     EC6DX       OD5ZZ       N4GNR       YB0AR       EB7DX
AP2TN       N4BAA       OE0XMAS     OE3XHQ      YB9IPJ      EA7FTR
CE2SV       N7RO        OE205XMAS   OE3XDC      Z21ML       N4GNR
CE3QY       M0OXO       OE40WO      OE8XDX      Z81D        OM3JW
CN2FPU      F6FPU       OF60IRON    OH8DR       ZD7CA       EA5GL
CN2JA       DL2EAD      OH2IPA      OH4MDY      ZP9MCE      EA5ZD
CO2QU       NA7L        OL60KUB     OK2CME      ZS1C        W2ARP
CO7MTL      IK2DUW      OP70IPA     ON6ZV       ZS1SBW      M0OXO
CX1RL       EA5KB       OY1DZ       F5CWU       ZS2DL       M0OXO
CX2CC       EA5KB       PD50VOP     PD0ARI      ZS4JAN      EA5GL
CX2DK       EA5GL       PJ2MAN      EC5AHA      ZS6CCY      K3IRV
CX2RA       EA7FTR      PJ4SON      M0URX       ZT1T        N4GNR

7Q6M     Don Jones, 3130 Wisconsin Ave NW #723, Washington DC 20016, USA
7X4AN    Mohamed Boukhiar, Apartado Postal 30133, 08080 Barcelona, Spain
AO6SS    Pau Balaguer Juaneda, Carretera d'Esporles 65, 07010 Palma
         (Illes Balears), Spain
CB32T    Radio Club Traiguen, Casilla 150, 4730000 Traiguen, Chile
D4K      Massimo Cortesi, Ufficio Forli Centro, Casella Postale 24,
         47121 Forli FC, Italy
EA5GL    Pedro Miguel Ronda Monsell, C/ Maximiliano Thous 16-24,
         46009 Valencia, Spain
EA5ZD    Miguel Rabadan, Apartado Postal 31, 30120 El Palmar (Murcia), Spain
EA7FTR   Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque (Huelva),
EB7DX    David Lianez Fernandez, Apartado Postal 163, 21080 Huelva, Spain
EC6DX    Jose A. Senent, Apartado Postal 85, 07730 Alaior (Illes Balears),
HS0ZIQ   John M. King, PO Box 292, Gibraltar, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
JG7PSJ   Hiroyuki Kawanobe, 1-4-1 Mikamine, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi,
         982-0826, Japan
KU9C     Steven M. Wheatley, PO Box 529, Mount Freedom NJ 07970-0529, USA
M0OXO    Charles Wilmott, 60 Church Hill, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4NG,
         United Kingdom
M0URX    Tim Beaumont, 83 Limbrick Avenue, Coventry, CV4 9EX, United Kingdom
N4GNR    Dan Cisson, 12 Hancock Drive, Toccoa GA 30577-9388, USA
OA1F     Elena P. Moran, Rua do Codesal 5-3 Dcha, 15405 Ferrol (A Coruna),
OH0Z     Laurent D. Thomin, 1615 Beaconshire Rd, Houston TX 77077-3817, USA
OH9SCL   Anssi Puuronen, Kemijoen Itapuolentie 1577, FI-97110 Rautiosaari,
OX3XR    Harry de Jong, Broekdijk 59, 7695 TC Bruchterveld, Netherlands
PJ2ND    Jeffrey A. Maass, 9256 Concord Rd, Powell OH 43065-9625, USA
TR8CA    Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
V44KAI   Richard J. Fiero II, 1054 Cajun Ln, Magnolia MS 39652-3902, USA
VK9DX    Nick Hacko, Suite 403 Level 4, Culwulla Chambers, 67 Castlereagh St
         Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
W4VKU    Krishna K. Kanakasapapathi, 102 Brook Creek Dr, Cary NC 27519, USA
XP3A     Harry de Jong, Broekdijk 59, 7695 TC Bruchterveld, Netherlands
YR0XMAS  Petrica Stolnicu, Buzau 7 - Ghiseu 1, CP 12, 120340 Buzau, Romania


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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