425 DX News #1692

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425 DX News #1692

Post by NP3N »

7 October 2023                                            A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1692
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CE0Y   - Luis, CE2ML and Mathias, CE2LR will be active as  XR0Y  from Easter
         Island (SA-001) on  22-29 October,  including an entry in the CQ WW
         DX SSB Contest as 3G0Y.  They will operate CW, SSB and some FT8  on
         the HF bands. QSL both callsigns via CE2ML. [TNX DX World]
CT9    - Helmut, DF7EE will be active again as CT9/DF7EE from  Madeira  (AF-
         014)  on  22-31 October,  including  an entry  in the  CQ WW DX SSB
         Contest as CQ3W.  Before and after the contest he will focus on 60,
         30, 17 and 12 metres SSB and FT8.  QSL both callsigns via  LoTW and
         Club Log's OQRS.
FG     - Once again Philippe, F1DUZ will be active as FG4KH from  Guadeloupe
         (NA-102) from 17 October to 7 November,  including participation in
         the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or via F1DUZ.
JA     - Take, JI3DST  will be active from the Miyako Islands (AS-079)  from
         6 October to 19 December.  He will operate  SSB and CW  as  JS6RRR,
         JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6 and JR8YLY/6, as well as JI3DST/p, JJ5RBH/p  and
         JR8YLY/p on FT8. The QSOs  will be made  available for Club Log and
         LoTW Matching on the IOTA website.
LX     - Once again HB9S (the Geneva based World Scout Bureau Global Support
         Centre) has been invited to take part in the JOTA-JOTI weekend (20-
         22 October) in Luxembourg.  Look for LX9S to be active with several
         stations  on the HF bands  SSB,  CW, FT8  and SSTV,  and  also  via
         QO-100. QSL via LoTW (preferred), or via HB9AOF.
V6     - Miki, JJ2CJB will be active as V63CB from Pohnpei (OC-010),  Micro-
         nesia on  27-31 October.  He will operate mainly SSB,  with some CW
         and FT8, on 40-10 metres,  and will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB
         Contest. QSL via LoTW, or direct to JJ2CJB.
VK9L   - Al, K7AR and Bob, W7YAQ  were due to QRT  from Lord Howe on 3 Octo-
         ber. Their return flight,  however, was cancelled,  and the DXpedi-
         tion has been extended.  Look for VK9LAA to be active with one sta-
         tion on 40-10 metres until 8 October. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW
         or via W7YAQ.
VP8_ant- Serhiy, UW5EHR is a member of the  XXVIII Ukrainian Antarctic Expe-
         dition (2023-24)  at the  Akademik Vernadskyi station  on  Galindez
         Island (AN-006),  Antarctica.  In his spare time  he  is  active as
         VP8/UW5EHR on the HF bands (so far on 20 metres FT8). QSL via LoTW.
VU     - Look for AT30IIH  to be active  until 31 December  to celebrate the
         30th anniversary of the Indian Institute of Hams, whose focus is to
         train  and  bring  young people  into the  amateur radio  community
         (https://www.indianhams.com/). QSL via the bureau or direct, or via
YJ     - Team YJ0TT (NC7M and other five operators) will be active from Efa-
         te  (OC-035),  Vanuatu  from  26 October to 3 November.  They  will
         operate  CW, SSB and  digital modes  on  160-10 metres.  Individual
         callsigns include YJ0SR (N7JI), YJ0ET (NG7E),  YJ0NA (K6VHF, who is
         planning to operate via satellites), YJ0UC (W6UC)  &  YJ0EE (NJ6P),
         who plan to be QRV on 6 metres EME  ("for the very first three days
         to take advantage  of low degradation")  and  terrestrial.  QSL via
         operator's  instructions.  See https://www.dxobsessed.org/home  for
         more information.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

RI0SP ---> This is the  new callsign  for Oleg, RD1A, who was previously QRV
as RI41POL.  He  is participating  in the  North Pole-41 expedition  to  the
Arctic onboard the "North Pole",  a large self-propelled  drifting  research
vessel replacing the drifting ice stations built on ice floes. QSL via RN3RQ

SAC ---> The SSB leg  of the 64th Scandinavian  Activity  Contest  will take
place on  14-15 October,  from  12 UTC on Saturday  to  11:59 UTC on Sunday.
Scandinavian  stations  (Aland Islands,  Denmark,  Faroe  Islands,  Finland,
Greenland, Iceland, Jan Mayen, Market Reef, Norway,  Svalbard & Bear Island,
Sweden) will try to work  as many non-Scandinavian stations as possible  and
vice versa. See https://www.sactest.net/ for complete information.

SOLAR ECLIPSE QSO PARTY ---> The Solar Eclipse QSO Party  is  an opportunity
for radio amateurs to operate before, during and after the October 2023  and
April 2024 eclipses pass over North America. Using various modes (CW, voice,
and digital), two-way QSOs made  during the SEQP  will contribute  to scien-
tific studies focusing on the ionosphere's reaction to the eclipse. Although
the researchers are  most interested  in the participation  of operators  in
North America, amateurs from  all over the world  are welcome to operate and
enter the SEQP.  The events  will take place on  14 October 2023  (1200-2200
UTC) and  8 April 2024 (1400-2400 UTC), on  160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and  6m.
See https://www.hamsci.org/contest-info for information,  including FAQs and

T2C ---> "We are in contact with Dom T22T,  who is  currently staying at our
planned QTH, the Funafuti Lagoon Hotel",  the team  posted  on 1 October  to
their website (https://t2c.mydx.de/).  "There is a lot of unexpected traffic
around the hotel, as well as electrical and acoustic noise due to large land
claim activities including  heavy construction machinery  and overseas work-
ers".  The team will carefully consider  viable solutions and  possibly look
for a second QTH (probably with only part of the team and equipment).  Plans
are for T2C to focus on the higher bands, including 6 metres.  On 23 October
the  160 and 80m antennas will be dismantled,  and the following day half of
the team will fly back home with half of the equipment. The rest of the team
will operate  three stations on 40-6 metres until the end of the expedition.
Updates  will  be  posted  to  the  DXpedition's  website,   as  well as  to
https://twitter.com/T2C_2023 and https://mastodon.radio/@dh5fs.

T22T & T32TT ---> Owing to an outbreak of Influenza Like Illness  in Tuvalu,
team T22T  decided to QRT on 4 October,  earlier than planned.  According to
Club Log's latest statistics,  102,248 QSOs were made on  FT8 (80,179),  FT4
(18,677), CW (2,290) and SSB (1,102). QSL via Club Log's OQRS (direct only).
The Rebel DX Group's next plan is to be active as T32TT (requested callsign)
from  Kiritimati/Christmas Island (OC-024),  East Kiribati  sometime  before
December. Bookmark https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup/ for updates.

TX5S ---> The Perseverance DX Group's  DXpedition to  Clipperton Island  (18
January - 1 February 2024) [425DXN 1684] will have two operating camps:  one
for  CW/Digital/Satellite/EME  and  one for  SSB/Digital. The equipment plan
(transceivers, amplifiers, antennas) for 8 operating positions + a satellite
position has been finalized,  as well as  the information for satellite,  6m
EME and 23cm operations.
The  fundraising campaign is underway: "the long standing DXpedition funding
model is  to split the DXpedition cost equally  between  the expedition team
and the DX community, i.e. organizations and individuals. TX5S donations are
only at  about 40%  of the goal.  No doubt  a sign  of today's  inflationary
impact. But the fact remains - DXpeditions are expensive and  the teams need
your help.  The cash flow challenge is real, we must pay the bills before we
sail", the team's Press Release #6 states. "We ask those of you who have not
yet processed a donation to consider  supporting the project  before we sail
on 11 January 2024": see https://clip.pdxg.net/donate/.  You can also follow
TX5S on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tx5s2024.

W8S ---> The "Manu'atela" left Pago Pago (American Samoa) on 5 October  at 9
UTC with the  W8S Swains Team  onboard.  The initial schedule  was  slightly
delayed by the inclement weather and due to other commitments of the Govern-
ment operated vessel,  serving the local island communities.  The voyage  to
Swains Island will take some 30 hours.  Upon arrival at Swains, the team and
support crew will offload the ship at high tide and go ashore with a landing
craft, sailing up and down several times to offload all the cargo. After the
landing,  the team will start working to set up  two operating camps  and  a
Starlink  Internet  connection  to keep the  DX community  updated.  W8S  is
expected to kick off with a limited setup on 7 October at 6 UTC.

WRTC 2026: SELECTION CRITERIA UPDATE ---> Following  the publication of  the
WRTC 2026 Selection Criteria, the Organising Committee has received feedback
and suggestions for  rule amendments  from the contesting  community.  After
review  some suggestions  were not considered viable  or  did not align with
real world data, but others gave potential to improve the competition.  Fol-
lowing approval from the WRTC Sanctioning Committee, a few changes have been
announced:   https://www.wrtc2026.org/2023/10/05/sel ... ia-update/.
With the first qualifying event approaching imminently, the Selection Crite-
ria are now finalised, and  no further suggestions can be considered.

XW0LP ---> Simon has moved to a new QTH in  Luang Prabang, Laos  which has a
large garden and much clearer path to Europe.  He is active on  160, 40, 20,
15,  17,  12, 10  and 6 metres  ("I am authorised to use 6m  because  I am a
resident in Laos, not a visiting tourist"). QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.  "To avoid
my measly signal  being drowned out  on the 'standard' FT8 frequencies",  he
says, "I will usually operate on the 'alternative' FT8 frequencies.  To save
you the trouble of listening out for me on these less-common frequencies,  I
have written a small php file on my server that informs you  if I am  online
or  QRT,  and  provides you  with  the  frequency that  I am  listening  on:

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3DA0AQ      EA5GL       E77DX       E73Y        RO80OK      RN7A
4L8A        M0OXO       EG5NDO      EA5URV      SN100AXL    SP5KAB
4O1OK/p     OK1VEI      EG7BSP      EA7URF      SO84PPP     SP3PDO
5W0LM       9A3MR       EG7DMT      EA7RCM      SO84PSZ     SP3PDO
5X1S        OZ2HC       FG8OJ       M0OXO       SP84PPP     SP3PDO
5X3K        OK6DJ       FS4WBS      IZ1MHY      SP84PSZ     SP3PDO
5X7W        M0OXO       G6ZZ        M0OXO       SU1SK       N2OO
6M23VGC     HL4CAF      GM2V        N3SL        T32AN       EB7DX
6W/IV3FSG   IK2DUW      HB9SPACE    HB9ACA      TF3XO       EA5GL
7Q7CT       EA7FTR      HS0ZOA      EB7DX       TM20KGN     F8KGN
9G5AF       EA5GL       HZ9WSW      HZ1SAR      TM400BPA    F5KDC
9N1CA       EA5ZD       II3RDV      IV3EHH      TM9C        F5OHM
AM23SF      EA1CW       II4SML      IQ4FE       TX6D        DL7DF
AM25UPCT    EA5K        IR1VKTR     IQ1EE       VK5KI       M0OXO
AO6MTPH     EA6SB       MD7C        M0OXO       VP8BTR      M0OXO
AP2FLY      IK2DUW      MJ0X        M0RTI       VP8KCA      G5KC
AT50JOS     VU2JOS      OE40WO      OE8XDX      XU7AKU      JA1DXA
C91CCY      K3IRV       OK8CX/p     DL7CX       XW0LP       M0OXO
CN2JA       DL2EAD      OY1OF       M0URX       ZD9W        YL2GN
D2EB        IZ3ZLT      PA100ETM    PE1RDP      ZF1EJ       K6AM
D44PM       IZ4DPV      PA44WFF/p   PA9CW       ZF2MJ       N6MJ
DL100RADIO  DF2NU       PA5150EVH   PF1SCT      ZF2MS       W5LAC
DL60KIRN    DF1WR       PF99MILL    PF9W        ZL7DX       M0OXO
DP0GVN      DL5EBE      PJ2CF       EA5GL       ZP5TDX      EA5GL
E750ESP     E73ESP      RI0SP       RN3RQ       ZY3WCV      PU3PYA

A65PX      Herb Wolfson, P.O. Box 368, Ardmore PA 19003, USA
AH2R       Sato Kouetsu, 9-15 Aoba, Nakayama-machi, Yamagata, 990-0411,
AO6URB     Pau Balaguer Juaneda, Carretera d'Esporles 65, 07010 Palma
           (Illes Balears), Spain
DL7DF      Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany
HV0A       Francesco Valsecchi, Via Bitossi 21, 00136 Roma RM, Italy
J88PI      Brian Price, PO Box 2020, Llanharan, Pontyclun, CF72 9ZA,
           United Kingdom
OK6DJ      David Beran, Dolni Kamenice 55, 34562 Holysov, Czech Republic
OQ23BIA    Peter Destoop, Oeselgemstraat 73, 8720 Dentergem, Belgium
OZ11A      Leif Nielsen, Stenhoejvej 280, 9900 Frederikshavn, Denmark
PJ2ND      Jeffrey A. Maass, 9256 Concord Rd, Powell OH 43065-9625, USA
T71SNM     ARRSM Radio Club, Casella Postale 77, 47890 San Marino,
           Repubblica di San Marino
TM0DCD     Jean-Claude Munier, Residence Louis Best, 5 avenue de Lorraine,
           55100 Verdun, France
TR8CA      Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
TZ4AM      Gregory J. Carter, 808 Paris Mountain Rd, Rockmart GA 30153, USA
V73AH      Ulrich Krieg, OT Soellichau, Feldstr. 26, 06905 Bad Schmiedeberg,
V73ML      Lisa M. Marks, PSC 701 Box 958, APO AP 96555, USA
YL2GN      Ziedonis Knope, P.O. Box 55, Balvi LV-4501, Latvia
YR50PUSKAS Puskas Tivadar Radioklub, str. Pescarilor nr. 41, 520041
           Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania
ZF2OO      Jim Millner, 7010 Gullotti Place, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952, USA


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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