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425 DX News #1616

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 12:02 pm
by NP3N

23 April 2022                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1616

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

5B     - Currently  in Cyprus  until 27 July  [425DXN 1604],  Philipp, DK6SP
         plans to do some DXing between 22 April and 2 May . Look for 5B4AQC
         to be QRV mainly on  30, 17, 12 and 6 metres,  QO-100 Satellite, CW
         and digital modes. QSL via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS.
A2     - Dave, VE7VR will be back to Botswana from 28 April until 26 May for
         a self-drive 4X4 camping safari. He hopes to be QRV daily as  A25VR
         on 40-10 metres CW and SSB. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]
CX     - CW27U is the special callsign for the Radio Club  of the  Uruguayan
         city of Treinta y Tres  (CX1UA)  to celebrate its  27th anniversary
         from 23 April to 8 May.  On  23-24 April  activity  will take place
         from the natural protected area of Quebrada de los Cuervos. QSL via
F      - Using kite supported  antennas,  Patrick, F1LPT  will be active  as
         TM22CAB from 21 April to 1 May during the International Kite Festi-
         val at  Berck-sur-Mer.  He will operate SSB and FT8/FT4  on  the HF
         bands. QSL via eQSL,  or via email  (see;  paper QSLs will
         not be available.
F      - Dom, F5SJB will operate CW only as TM5RDL on 1-15 May.  The special
         callsign commemorates Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle,  who 230 years
         ago composed the words and music of the "Chant de guerre pour l'Ar-
         mée du Rhin" ("War Song for the Army of the Rhine"), later known as
         "La Marseillaise" and adopted as France's national anthem.  QSL via
HV     - HV1CN (from 7 UTC to 13 UTC) and HV0A will be active from the Vati-
         can City on 23 April  for the  International Marconi Day.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
I      - Members of ARI Genova (IQ1GE) will operate  special callsign  II1PA
         on 1-30 May for the 30th anniversary of Porto Antico,  the cultural
         centre dominated by  Renzo Piano's  iconic multi-armed  Bigo Crane.
         QSL via the bureau;  the log will be uploaded to Club Log, LoTW and
J2     - After a two-year forced hiathus, the Mediterraneo DX Club  is orga-
         nizing  a new  DXpedition.  A large  multi-national  team  (IK4QJF,
         IU8LMC,  IZ2GNQ,  IZ3GNG, IZ4UEZ,  IZ8CCW,  DJ5IW,  DL6LZM,  DL8JJ,
         DL8OBF, AG4W, KO8SCA, NG7M and YO8WW) will be active as J28MD  from
         Djibouti on 29 October-7 November.  They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY
         and FT8 on 160-10 metres with four stations and a focus  on the low
         bands.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS,  LoTW  (after 5-6 months),  or via
         IK2VUC.  See  for more information  and up-
         dates. [TNX IZ8CCW]
JA     - Hitoshi, JR0UIU will be active as JR0UIU/0 from Awa Island (AS-206)
         from 30 April to 3 May.  He plans to operate CW, SSB, RTTY and  FT8
         on various bands, and also via stellite.  QSL via home call, direct
         or bureau.
JW     - Knut, LA9DSA will be active as JW9DSA from the JW5E club station in
         Longyearbyen  (EU-026),  Svalbard,  and  as  JW9DSA/p  during  SOTA
         (Summits On the Air) operations between  1 and 8 May.  QSL via LoTW
         and eQSL only. Along with other seven members of  NRRL's Oesterdal-
         gruppen (namely LA1KUA,  LA2VTA, LA6ETA,  LA6FTA, LB1WJ, LB3LI  and
         LB5MG) he will also be QRV as  JW4D  on 3-8 May.  They will operate
         SSB, CW and digital modes on 80-10 metres. QSL JW4D via LA4D.
PY     - Commemorating the bicentenary of the Grande Oriente do Brasil,  the
         largest  Masonic  Obedience  in  South America,  special  callsigns
         PP200GOB,   PR200GOB,  PS200GOB,   PV200GOB,  PW200GOB,   PX200GOB,
         ZV200GOB, ZW200GOB, ZX200GOB, ZY200GOB and ZZ200GOB  will be  acti-
         vated on 1-30 May. QSLs via PT2OP.
V4     - Members  of  the  St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla  Amateur  Radio  Society
         (V44KR) will be operating V49WARD through 5 May. Main activity will
         be on 3845, 7145, 14283 and 18150 kHz SSB,  between 09.00-13.00 UTC
         and 20.00-00.30 UTC (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and 09.00-21.00 UTC
         (Saturday and Sunday).  SKNAARS has been the IARU representative of
         the radio amateurs of the Federation of St. Christopher (St. Kitts)
         and Nevis since 2018. [TNX The Daily DX]
VU4    - Yuris YL2GM (VU3FZC), Deepak VU2CDP and Monoj VU2CPL will be active
         as  VU4W  from the  Andaman Islands on  3-16 May.  More information
         will be available on 1 May.
YB     - Special callsign 8D143K will be activated on  21-24 April  commemo-
         rating the 143rd anniversary since the birth of Raden Adjeng Karti-
         ni (21 April 1879),  a prominent Indonesian activist  who advocated
         for women's rights and female education.  Look for activity on  80,
         40, 20, 15 and 10 metres  SSB CW, FT8  and RTTY,  and via satellite
         IO-86. Electronic QSLs and certificates will be downloadable from a
         dedicated area on the ORARI's website (

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

TX5N ---> The team  has been  QRV  from Raivavae  (OC-114),  Austral Islands
since 17 April at 06.40 UTC. They are making about 4,000 QSOs a day. "Inter-
net on the island is erratic and very slow",  the team reported on 20 April.
"We are having  difficulty uploading  anything more  than short emails.  Our
satellite service provider has a problem on their end, with no resolution in
sight". They are also experiencing constant high winds, gusting to about  55
km/h: "one hexbeam guy rope  that was secured  to a small tree stump  pulled
the stump  out of  the ground  and  down came  the hexbeam,  one  fiberglass
spreader broke. Time to remove and replace the broken spreader  with a spare
part was about one hour.  We had to wait for a break in the wind  to restore
the antenna to its fully extended height. The worse news is the 160m antenna
is exhibiting a high SWR,  faulting the amplifier  at about 300 watts".  QSL
via M0URX  (see  for the  QSL policy).  Please
refrain  from emailing  the team  about  busted/missing calls:  "we are  not
checking for missing or busted calls  from the island.  Please work us again
if you don't see your contact in the log.  After the DXpedition  M0URX  will
research missing/busted QSOs".

+ SILENT KEY + Einar Enderud, LA1EE passed away on  11 April, aged 79.  Back
in January-February 1987  he and  Kare Pedersen, LA2GV  conducted the  first
ever operation from Peter I Island (3Y1EE and 3Y2GV). He participated in the
December 1989-January 1990 DXpedition to Bouvet (3Y5X), and operated also as
FO0EEN from Tubuai, Austral Islands (December 1998-January 1999).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3A5M        3A2ARM      DU1/NF0O    K8CW        PI4COM      PA1AW
3B8FP       N2OO        DU1VGX      EA5GL       PI750GAZ    PI4GAZ
3W3B        E21EIC      DU3LA       W3HNK       PJ2CF       EA5GL
3Z200IL     SP8KJX      DV1IIW      IK2DUW      PJ2MAN      EC5AHA
3Z6V        SP6DVP      E797WARD    E73Y        PJ4EVA      M0URX
4J6D        DC9RI       EG1DCL      EA1URV      PJ4KY       M0URX
4L8A        M0OXO       EG1PEA      EA1RKA      PJ4MM       M0URX
4L9QQ       M0OXO       EG5DMR      EA5RKB      PW2F        PY2NA
4X0T        4Z5FI       EG5WRD      EA5K        PY5ZHP      SP7CVW
5P0WARD     OZ1ACB      EG7CDM      EA7RCM      PZ5JW       EA5GL
5X4E        IQ3CO    EH4WRD      EA4RCH      R108M       RK3LC
5X4E        IZ3ZLG [d]  EL2EF       N2OO        R1994YU     RQ7L
6Y5HN       EA5GL       EP2C        EA5GL       R1996VK     RQ7L
7X2ET       M0NPT       ES5TTT      N4GNR       R2014NC     RQ7L
8Q7DX       E73Y        EY8ZE       W0VTT       RI1PA       UA1QV
9A0DIG      9A3SM       FG8OJ       M0OXO       S79VU       N4GNR
9A22WARD    9A3JB       FS/KC9FFV   IZ1MHY      SK5A        SM5GMZ
9A302AA     9A2AA       FY4JI       EA5GL       SM2U        SM0CXU
9J2BO       EA5GL       GB4GCT      M0OXO       SN200IL     SP8ZKX
9J2BS       EA5GL       GI7SQW/p    G7SQW       SN70ETI     SP2AYC
9J2MYT      EA5GL       HH2AA       EB7DX       SO200IL     SP8KBZ
9J2RD       IZ8CCW      HP2DFA      EC6DX       SP200L      SP9PEE
9K2OW       EC6DX       HP3SS       AC2OV       T88SS       EA5GL
9K9WARD     EC6DX       HZ1CY       A61BK       TF3WARD     TF3MH
9N7MK       S57MK       HZ1TT       A61BK       TI2YO       EA7FTR
A43WARD     A47RS       HZ1WARD     HZ1SAR      TM5OIS      F5KRH
A60ZHD      EA7FTR      II2OM       IK2AQZ      TM97WARD    F6BEE
A60ZHD/1    A61BK       II5RCH      IZ5RHU      TO8N        DF8AN
A60ZHD/10   IZ8CLM      IR0IAR      IK6IJF      TT8SN       DL9USA
A60ZHD/2    EA7FTR      IY1TIT      IK1HLG      TX5N        M0URX
A71VV       M0OXO       J28JD       EA5GL       V85A        EB7DX
A91WARD     EC6DX       J79MN       DF8AN       VK9NT       M0OXO
A92EE       EC6DX       JV5A        WV6E        VP2V/N2IEN  EB7DX
A93LT       EC6DX       JW0X        M0URX       VP9HE       KN3X
AO5PAZ      EA5URV      JW100QO     M0URX       VP9IN       EC6DX
AP2TN       DJ9ZB       LC5Z        M0OXO       XE3E        EA5ZD
C31CT       EA3QS       LS2D        EC6DX       XR1D        XQ1FM
C37AC       EA3QS       LS5H        EA5GL       XT2MAX      EA5GL
C91AHV      EA5GL       LT6M        EC6DX       YB0AZ       W4JS
CB4R        XQ3SK       LZ1GLASS    LZ1KAK      YB0ECT      W2FB
CN97LAH     EA7FTR      LZ50YE      LZ1YE       YB0TOP      EB7DX
CN97NOA     CN8NOA      NP2X        KU9C        YS1RR       DJ9ZB
CN97PA      CN8PA       OA4GL       EA7HBC      YU75ACR     YU1ACR
CN97QR      CN8WW       OD5KU       EB7DX       Z21GC       K3IRV
CN97SG      EA7FTR      OD5TX       W4JS        ZB2TT       M0URX
CO2WL       HA3JB       OG16M       OH8EJW      ZF1EJ       K6AM
CO3JR       EA7FTR      OG2P        OH2PM       ZF2RX       KC1KUG
CO6XE       RW6HS       OL1T        OK6DJ       ZP5DNB      IK2DUW
CO8CY       KP4SX       OL5GMA/p    OK3EQ       ZP6TT       IK2DUW
CP6GR       DF9GR       OL8R        OK1DRQ      ZP9HTL      EA7FTR
CQ84AS      HBCRV       OR100RCBE   ON4GDV      ZS6CCY      K3IRV
CX1RL       EA5KB       OY/8S5A/p   SM5NAS      ZW5B        K3IRV
CX2DK       EA5GL       P29LL       EA7FTR      ZX4X        PY4HI
DQ44WCA     DF6EX       PA44WFF/p   PA9CW       ZZ5K        PP5RT

3G22V      Esteban Asenjo Castruccio, Casilla 27194 Sucursal Apumanque,
           7559001 Las Condes, Region Metropolitana, Chile
7Q7CT      JH1AJT Team, P.O. Box 8, Oiso-machi, Naka-Gun, Kanagawa, 255-0003
CN97ZG     Hassane Zaouj, BP 4169, Fes Ain Kadous, 30102 Fes, Morocco
CO6HLP     Gherardo Pannoli, Via Dante Alighieri 13, 14035 Grazzano Badoglio
           AT, Italy
EH5SSC     Radio Club Carthago, Apartado Postal 176, 30200 Cartagena
           (Murcia), Spain
FY5KE      Jacques Mazzoni, 678 route de l'Egalite, 74290 Talloires Montmin,
ID9/IK8YFU Alessandro Pochi', Via Pio La Torre 79, 89024 Polistena RC, Italy
KH6CW      Harry D. Hart, 599 Ridge Street, Reno NV 89501-1721, USA
LA9PJA/p   Carlos Ferreira, Johan Bjerknes vei 5 B, 3039 Drammen, Norway
LX5IGRY    Joel Erpelding, 22 Duerfstross, L-9165 Merscheid, Luxembourg
M0URX      Tim Beaumont, 83 Limbrick Avenue, Coventry, CV4 9EX,
           United Kingdom
PR3A       Fabio Martins, Rua Joao Evangelista da Costa 787, Apto 503A,
           Coloninha, Florianopolis - SC, 88090-301, Brazil
PX4M       Marcos Rodrigues da Silva, Rua Dona Zulmira Pereira da Silva 601,
           Governador Valadares - MG, 35030-140, Brazil
PX5M       Rodrigo Goncalves, Rua Alfonso Nicolao Bornhofen 163, Blumenau-SC
           89032-452, Brazil
ST18WARD   Magdi Osman Ahmed Abdelrahim, 15-130 Crystal Lane, Sherwood Park
           AB T8H 1S4, Canada
W1W        Marc Bowen, 2006 Liberty Dr, Greensboro NC 27408, USA
XR22F      Esteban Asenjo Castruccio, Casilla 27194 Sucursal Apumanque,
           7559001 Las Condes, Region Metropolitana, Chile
ZV5M       Amelio Alves de Marins Filho, Rua Sezino Ramos 2097, Guaraguacu,
           Pontal do Parana - PR, 83255-000, Brazil
ZW7I       Pedro Wagner de Mello, Rua Jose Fialho 108, Itapissuma - PE,
           53700-000, Brazil
ZY2WCX     Vinicius Lenci, Rua Antides Ferro 175, Pedreira - SP, 13920-000,
ZZ4WTT     Romulo O. Martins, Avenida Alberto Sebastiao de Oliveira 415,
           Sao Joao do Oriente - MG, 35146-000, Brazil


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia
