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425 DX News #1599

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:21 am
by NP3N

25 December 2021                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin 
                                   No 1599 

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S *** 
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  **** 
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH 
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW 

                     *        TO ALL  OUR READERS        * 
                     * WARMEST THOUGHTS  AND BEST WISHES * 
                     *       FOR A BETTER NEW YEAR       * 

Owing to the ongoing and fluid nature  of the  COVID-19  situation globally, 
announced  activities  might  be  cut short,  postponed,  cancelled  or even 
extended at any time and without notice. 

6W     - Jacques, F6HMJ will be active as 6W7/F6HMJ from Senegal from 29 De- 
         cember to 22 February.  He will operate CW and SSB on 40-10 metres. 
         QSL via home call. [TNX Les Nouvelles DX] 
DL     - Club station DL0IMO will operate special callsign DR50BAWA through- 
         out 2022 to celebrate the  50th anniversary  of the DARC's Intruder 
         Monitoring Service  (  QSL via
         the bureau.  Started in 1972  and formerly known as Bandwacht,  the 
         Intruder Monitoring  is the  German branch  of the  IARU Monitoring 
         System,  whose  primary  objective is  the search,  classification, 
         identification and  initiation of steps leading to the removal from 
         amateur bands of  radio signals  of  non-amateur  stations  causing 
         harmful interference to the amateur services. 
EI     - Special  callsign  EI90IRTS  will be activated  throughout 2022  to 
         celebrate  the  90th anniversary  since the founding  of the  Irish 
         Radio Transmitters Society, Ireland's IARU society. QSL via EI6AL. 
FS     - David, F8AAN  will be active again as  FS/F8AAN  from  Saint Martin 
         (NA-105) on 1-20 January.  He will operate CW only on 40-10 metres. 
         QSL via  Club Log's  OQRS,  LoTW,  or direct to home call.  [TNX DX 
G      - GB100BBC is the special callsign celebrating the  100th anniversary 
         of the  British Broadcasting Corporation  throughout 2022.  The BBC 
         was formed on 18 October 1922, and daily radio broadcasts began  on 
         14 November.  GB100BBC will be on air  from  the  BBC Radio Group's 
         shack at BBC Broadcasting House in central London,  as well as from 
         other BBC premises  and members'  home QTHs around the UK.  QSL via 
         the bureau, LoTW and eQSL; direct cards will not be accepted. 
I      - The World Radiosport Team Championship, which was due to be held in 
         Bologna on 6-11 July 2022, has been postponed to 2023 "in consider- 
         ation of the  worldwide public health challenges  from the Covid-19 
         pandemic" [425DXN 1565]. To promote the event and keep the interest 
         alive, however, ten special callsigns  will be activated between  1 
         January 2022 and  the end of the  IARU HF Championship  (10 July at 
         11.59 UTC). Look for  II1WRTC, II2WRTC, II3WRTC, II4WRTC,  II5WRTC, 
         II6WRTC, II7WRTC, II8WRTC, II9WRTC and II0WRTC to be QRV on the  HF 
         bands CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.  A certificate for working the special 
         stations  will  be  available  after  the  end  of the  event;  see 
 for the rules  and 
         the real-time scoreboard. 
OX     - Nils, SM3UQK has been based at the Nerlerit Inaat Airport in  east- 
         ern Greenland  (NA-018)  since  18 December,  and will remain there 
         until 4 January. In his spare time he is QRV as  OX/SE3A  mainly on 
         20 metres. QSL via SM3UQK, direct or bureau. 
OZ     - Queen Margrethe II acceded to the Danish throne on the death of her 
         father  Frederik IX  (14 January 1972).  Celebrating  Her Majesty's 
         Golden Jubilee,  special callsign OZ50Q  will be activated on  1-31 
         January.  A number of certificates will be available;  complete in- 
         formation can be found on 
OZ     - Special callsign OZ50DDXG will be activated throughout 2022 to cel- 
         ebrate the 50th anniversary of the  Danish DX Group,  founded on 27 
         May 1972. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via OZ1ACB.  Various certifi- 
         cates  will be available, see  for 
         complete information. [TNX OZ1IKY] 
PJ7    - Jeff, VA3QSL will be active holiday style as  PJ7/VA3QSL  from Sint 
         Maarten (NA-105) from 4 January to 6 February.  He will operate CW, 
         SSB and digital modes on 40-6 metres. QSL via home call (direct or 
         bureau) and LoTW. 
PY     - Rafael, PP2OK and  Robson, PY6TV will be active as  ZY6A  from Ilha 
         dos Frades  (SA-023)  on  20-23 January.  Rafael  will operate  SSB 
         (7163, 14230, 21275  and  28475 kHz)  and  Robson will  operate  CW 
         (7018, 14018, 21018 and 28018 kHz).  QSL direct to PY6TV; logsearch 
         on Club Log. 
SP     - Dominik SQ9ORN, Maciek SP9RBL, Pawel SN9PJ and Thomas SP9TL will be 
         active "out in the field"  between  1 January and 14 December 2022, 
         and will operate special callsigns  HF9FIELD  (January, April, July 
         and October),  SN9FIELD  (February, May, August and November)   and 
         SP9FIELD  (March, June, September and December).  QSL via  eQSL.  A 
         certificate  will be available for working  the 3 special stations; 
         the details will be published on 
UA0    - Special callsign R075F will be active from 1 January to 28 February 
         to mark the  75th anniversary  since  the formation of  present-day 
         Sakhalin oblast. QSL via LoTW; paper QSLs will not be issued. 
UN     - Celebrating the New Year, the Almaty Amateur Radio League, in coop- 
         eration with the  Association of  Amateur Radio Services  of  Kaza- 
         khstan,  will be active  as  UP2022HNY,  UO2022HNY,  UN2022HNY  and 
         UP2022SG  (the suffix  stands for  Snegurochka,  the "Snow Maiden") 
         from 25 December to 14 January. QSL via LoTW; two certificates will 
         be available on 
W      - The Straight Key Century Club's annual on-air event,  commemorating 
         the club's founding in 2006, will run on 2-31 January. Look for K3Y 
         to be aired from the ten US call areas (K3Y/0 through K3Y/9),  plus 
         /KH6, /KL7 and /KP4.  Information on the event and  QSLing instruc- 
         tions can be found on 
Z3     - Michael, DF8AN will be QRV as Z38/DF8AN from Skopje,  North Macedo- 
         nia from 29 December to 5 January.  He will operate CW and  digital 
         modes. QSL via home call, direct or bureau; he does not use LoTW. 

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S *** 
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... **** 
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH 
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW 

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App 
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy! 

2022 CONTEST UNIVERSITY ---> Registration is  now  open for the 2022 Contest 
University (CTU), to be held on 19 May at the  Hope Hotel near Dayton, Ohio. 
See for the details.  This is a new venue 
for all contest-related activities taking place during the Dayton Hamvention 
(CTU, Contest Super Suite, Top Band Dinner, Contest Dinner, etc). 

3Y0J: LATEST NEWS ---> The companies  that  will supply  the team  with  the 
tents and the masts for the yagi antennas have been selected,  and plans are 
in place  for  practising  the critical  beach landing  by  inflatable  boat 
throughout the current winter season in Norway. 
Cezar, VE3LYC  and  Otis, NP4G have joined the DXpedition, while three other 
operators (VE7NY, HA0NAR and RA9USU)  have dropped out of  the team  "due to 
various health and personal issues". 
The team reports that "more than $130,000 out of the total budget" have been 
spent so far. "We have reached an income level of $500,000", they say,  "but 
still critically need  additional  $160,000  support  to be able to make it. 
Going to Bouvet  is a huge undertaking financially  as all our expenses  are 
upfront. If you want to have the opportunity to work the rare #2 DXCC Bouvet 
Island, please consider to donate upfront".  Read the complete Press Release 
#7 on the DXpedition's website ( 

DREAM BIG AND DARE TO FAIL ---> "Regretfully,  none of the  expedition  pro- 
jects I worked on during the course of 2021 came to fruition",  Cezar Trifu, 
VE3LYC says.  "While I couldn't move any  new project forward,  I did  spent 
quite a bit of time though writing a book about the past ones". Its title is 
"Dream Big and Dare to Fail",  and it is  "addressed to all  radio amateurs, 
chasers and activators alike. It will take you through the voyages I carried 
out as a solo operator or team member of various radio expeditions, from the 
Arctic to the Sub-Antarctic regions. You will join me along each journey and 
discover the challenges encountered  in bringing  on the air  remote islands 
belonging to  25 IOTA references,  19 of which ranked in the  Top #30 on the 
IOTA Most Wanted List out of  1136 groups activated to date.  Apart from its 
documentary aspect I wished to provide, I hope that its reading will encour- 
age everyone  to pursue his/her own adventure dream,  whichever may be,  and 
strengthen his/her resolve in coping with all  the ups and downs that it may 
entail.  This project also gave me a new opportunity to acknowledge many  of 
those who helped me bring my own adventure dreams to life". 
The book  (240 pages, full color, with 516 illustrations)  will be available 
for purchase in early January  and  orders accepted via PayPal.  The website 
( will be updated with the details over  the 
next couple of weeks.  For the time being, any inquiries  and expressions of 
interest can be addressed to the author at ve3lyc[@] 

ROCKALL 2022 ---> The dates for the  entire trip [425DXN 1594]  have changed 
to 6-19 June.  Weather permitting,  Nobby, G0VJG aims  to be active from the 
island as  MM0UKI/p  for  1-2 days  during that time frame.  QSL via M0OXO's 
OQRS. Follow Nobby on Twitter (@G0vjg) for updates. [TNX DX World] 


QSLs  received direct  or  through managers:  8J1RL,  9J2BS,  9V1ZV,  CB0ZZ, 
CS2CAT, D60AB,  HC2AO,  IP1X (EU-083),  J5HKT (AF-020),  J5T (AF-020),  L22D 
(SA-022), LT0X (SA-087),  PC20SAIL, PJ4A,  PU0FDN, S9OK,  SX200ME,  TA0/R7AA 
(AS-201), V3A, VK0PD, VK5MAV/p (OC-228), XQ1KZ, YI1WWA. 


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: 


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin 
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH 

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed 
                        in part or full provided that 
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit 

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to 
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ( [email protected])     
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays 


                           Direttore Responsabile 
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW 
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675 
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti 
                                Roma, Italia 
