425 DX News #1476
Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 2:52 pm
17 August 2019 A.R.I. DX Bulletin No 1476 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW 9M - Fifteen special event stations located in various Malaysian states and federal territories will celebrate the 62nd anniversary of Malaysia's independence (31 August 1957) from 30 August to 1 September. Active from West Malaysia will be 9M62MA, 9M62MB, 9M62MC, 9M62MD, 9M62MJ, 9M62MK, 9M62MM, 9M62MN, 9M62MP, 9M62MR, 9M62MT, 9M62MW and 9M62MY. Active from East Malaysia will be 9M62MQ (Sarawak) and 9M62MS (Sabah). QSL via operator's instructions. A certificate will be available from the Malaysian DX and Contest Group's website (http://www.9mdxc.com/cq9m). EA - AO7RL will be active from the Mesa de Roldan Lighthouse on 17-18 August. The location falls within rare grid square IM96, and activity will focus on the VHF/UHF bands (50 MHz, 144 MHz, 432 MHz and 1.2 GHz) using Phone, CW and FT8 via TR, MS, EME and satellite. A dedicated HF station will also be QRV. QSL via the bureau, LotW, eQSL or direct to EA7KP. EA - Special event callsigns EG1SDC-EG9SDC and EH1SDC-EH9SDC will be activated on 1-15 September to commemorate Day of Asturias and the principality's patron saint, popularly known as the Santina de Covadonga. This is the 35th edition of the 'SDC' special event. QSL for all callsigns via EA1AUM (direct or bureau), LoTW and eQSL. See http://santina.dxfun.com/ for more information. EL - 30 September-11 October are the dates for the Italian DXpedition Team's operation from Liberia [425DXN 1459]. Eleven operators (I1FQH, I1HJT, I2PJA, I2YSB, IK2CIO, IK2CKR, IK2DIA, IK2HKT, IK2RZP, IZ2XAF and JA3USA) will be active as A82X (CW and SSB) and A82Z (RTTY and FT8) with five stations on 160-10 metres. QSL direct to I2YSB. See http://www.i2ysb.com/idt/ for more information, including band plans, real-time logsearch and OQRS for direct QSLs. EX - A polish team (SP6CIK, SP6OJK, SP9FIH, SP9FOW, SP9TCE and SP9HVW) will be active as EX6QP from the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan on 2-15 September. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 on the HF bands. QSL via SP6OJK. [TNX NG3K] HL - Han, DS2GOO will be active holiday style as DS2GOO/3 from Sapshi Island (AS-080) on 24-26 August. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX HL1VAU] I - Look for IY7M to be active on 18 August from the premises of the lighthouse at Punta San Cataldo (Bari). This activity commemorates the 115th anniversary of the first public service of wireless tele- graphy established by the Marconi Company across the Adriatic Sea, and the 150th anniversary of the lighthouse. QSL via IZ7XNB. [TNX IS0JMA] I - ARI Scandicci, IQ5BL will be active from 24 August to 1 September during the 32nd Italian Para-Archery Championships. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau. This special activity has been endorsed by FITARCO, the Italian Archery Federation. [TNX IZ5FSA] J6 - Bill, K9HZ will be active again as J68HZ from St Lucia (NA-108) from 23 August to 4 October. He operates CW, SSB, FT8 and RTTY on 160-2 metres, and plans to be QRV daily between 20 and 6 UTC. QSL via LoTW (preferred), eQSL, or direct to K9HZ. [TNX The Daily DX] JA - Special callsigns 8J3ICOM (from Kyoto) and 8N3ICOM (portable from various locations) are active until 31 December. The suffix stands for International COuncil of Museums (ICOM), whose 25th General Conference is to be held in Kyoto on 1-7 September. Created in 1946, ICOM is a worldwide organisation committed to promoting and Protecting natural and cultural heritage. All QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau; the log for 8J3ICOM will be uploaded to LoTW. Direct cards should be requested through Club Log's OQRS, or mailed to JARL Kyoto (P.O. Box 21, Mukomachi, Kyoto, 617-8691, Japan). A certificate will be availbale, more information can be found on http://www.khn.co.jp/~shibu/icom2019/icom_e.htm. KH8 - Atsu, 5W1SA is active again as KH8C from Tutuila (OC-045), American Samoa until 25 August. He operates mainly FT8 and FT4 "after sunset" on weekdays and "full time" during the weekends. QSL via LoTW, or via JF1OCQ. OJ0 - Taking part in Market Reef's golden jubilee celebrations, JH4RHF, JE6HIB, DS4EOI and OM5RW (with on-site support by Henri OH3JR/OJ0JR and Pertti OG2M/OJ0MR) will be active as OJ0O on 17-24 August. QSL via Club Log's OQRS. Another OJ0 operation, led again by Henri, is expected to take place on 19-28 September, with participation in the CW leg of the Scandinavian Activity Contest. This will include dismantling the permanent antennas and taking back the used equipment. [TNX OH2BH] PA - Special callsigns PA75OSB (15 August-30 September) and PA75SODS (26 August-22 September) will be activated to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Operation Switchback and the Battle of the Scheldt (Slag Om De Schelde) during World War II. QSL PA75OSB via PC4C (direct or bureau); QSL PA75SODS via PI4ZWN (bureau) or PA3GEO (direct). PA - Arie, PD0ARI will be active as PD538RNI from 28 August to 25 September. His love for radio started in the early seventies while listening to Radio Veronica (which transmitted on 538 metres) and Radio Northsea International (RNI). When the Dutch government passed its anti-pirate legislation, both offshore stations had to close down on 31 August 1974. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. PA - Special callsign PH100KLM will be activayed from 1 September to 30 November to mark the centenary of KLM, the flag carrier airline of the Netherlands and the oldest airline in the world still operating under its original name. QSL via the bureau to PA3DVA. TA - Special callsign TC113PTR will be activated on 31 August and 1 September to memorialize the opening of the first wireless telegraph station in the Ottoman Empire, established at Patara near Gelemis (Antalya) on 31 August 1906. QSL via TA4E. YO - Dan, YO9FNP will be active again as YO9KXF/p from Fericirii Island (EU-191) on 16-19 August. He will operate mainly CW with some SSB and FT8 on 40 and 20 metres. QSL direct to YO9FNP (see https://www.qrz.com/db/YO9KXF/p for PayPal instructions). [TNX DX World] Z8 - Diya, YI1DZ has returned to Juba, South Sudan and hopes to be QRV again as Z81D by 17 August. He operates SSB and FT8 on 80-10m. His contract in South Sudan runs to 10 October. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via OM3JW. He does not use LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX] BALTIC WAY 30 ---> On 23 August 1989 hundreds of thousands people formed a human chain spanning across Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, demanding the reestablishment of the independence of the Baltic States. Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the "Baltic Way", memorial stations ES30WAY, LY30WAY and YL30WAY will be active on 19-25 August. This is a joint project of the amateur radio societies of Estonia (Eesti Raadioamatooride Uhing, ERAU), Lithuania (Lietuvos Radijo Megeju Draugija, LRMD) and Latvia (Latvijas Radio Amatieru Liga, LRAL). QSLs via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW and eQSL. A certificate will be available; see http://lrmd.lt/30WAY for instructions. =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** **** GOOD TO KNOW ... **** =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy! HAPPY 150! ---> 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth (2 September 1869) of Hiram Percy Maxim (W1AW), first president and cofounder of the ARRL, and the League is again holding an operating event to celebrate his legacy. This operating event is open to all amateurs, and the goal is straightforward: find stations operating in the event, many adding "/150" to their call signs, and contact as many a s possible during the 9-day celebration, from 31 August to 8 September. W1AW and all ARRL members are eligible and will append /150 to their call sign during this event (this includes DX Stations who are ARRL members, who may operate as callsign/150 if permitted by the regulations of their country of license). See http://www.arrl.org/hpm150-birthday-celebration for complete information. A dedicated logging programme developed by Scott Davis, N3FJP can be downloaded for free: http://www.n3fjp.com/hpmaxim.html IOTA: TRANSFER OF CREDITS FROM AS-117 TO AS-206 --- > "All old AS-117 credits issued for operations from islands which now belong to AS-206 have been transferred to AS-206. Additionally, old AS-117 operations from islands now within AS-206 which have logs at Club Log enabled for QSO matching, as well as old IOTA Contest logs which fall in this category have been appropriately amended to be used toward AS-206 credits. Please direct any questions you may have on this topic to info[@]iota-world.org" [VE3LYC, https://iota-world.org/, 8 August 2019] IOTA: TRANSFER OF OLD AS-025, EU-019, AND EU-133 CREDITS --- > "All old credits issued for operations from islands which used to be at one time part of these island groups but are now within AS-204, EU-190, and EU-117, respectively, have been transferred. In case the respective chasers already had credits for the latter groups, their original credits were revoked. EU-117 and EU-133 have been re-organized after Malyy Visotsky Is. lost its DXCC status in 2012, but the credit transfer was postponed until now. Old operations from the above island groups which have logs at Club Log enabled for QSO matching, as well as old IOTA Contest logs which fall into this category have been appropriately amended to continue to be used toward IOTA credits. Please direct any questions you may have on this topic to info[@]iota-world.org" [VE3LYC, https://iota-world.org/, 14 August 2019] MIDWAY ISLAND 2020 ---> Ron, KH6DV has announced that "for a number of very good reasons" the February 2020 KH6VV/KH4 DXpedition to Midway [425DXN 1474] has been postponed. "Some of the things we are working on will take a number of months - one will take 4 or 5 by itself. We could postpone for just a couple months but then we would be operating during the summer with its associated terrible conditions. We have decided to plan for the first two weeks in October 2020". [TNX DX World] QSL R63RRC ---> The logs for the IOTA DXpedition to Popigay-Ary Island, AS-063 (15,265 QSOs logged between 24 July and 3 August) have been posted to Club Log and the OQRS has been enabled: https://clublog.org/logsearch/R63RRC Those who do not use Club Log should go direct and mail their request to EU7A (maildrop): Andrey N. Teterukov, P.O. Box 13, 212030 Mogilev-30, Belarus. =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* QSL ROUTES ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile I2VGW =================================================================== CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER CALL MANAGER =================================================================== 3B8CW N4GNR E73M E73Y P3N RW3RN 3V8CB LX1NO EA6/EA3HSO N4GNR PA75OSB PC4C 3Z1919PS SP9PNB ED2FPA EA2RCA PJ4/AH2P EA4AK 4K6N RW6HS EF1A EA1XT PJ4DX M0URX 4L2M EA7FTR EF2A EA2OT PJ7TM K2GSJ 4S7YSG JA2SWH EF5Y LoTW R105WWS RV3YR 4X/KL7SB N4GNR EG7FPM EA7RCM RA1ALA/8 RA1ALA 4X6FR 4X6OM EG7SCC EA7HBC RK30DR R1II 4Z4AK 4Z5MU EH3FPT EA3RCY SE7M SM7GUY 5B4AMX LZ3SM EM44T DH5FS SK7BORE SK7DX 5E6A EA7FTR EN60KSR UT1KY SL1HF SM7EXE 5R8PX IK2DUW EX8NR RW6HS SN0ARCO SP9KJU 5R8UI IZ8CCW F/OE6MBG EB7DX SN0RUN SP5PPK 6W1TA F5PRU FK8CE N4GNR SN1919PS SP9KDU 7S2W SM2EKM FK8GX W3HNK SN2B SP3CGK 8Q7GB IZ2DLV H31A HP1AVS SN75PW SP5ZIP 9A01GPPVC 9A5WW H44MS DL2GAC SN75W SP7IWA 9G5AR N4GNR HC5DX W3HNK SN7Q SP7GIQ 9J2BO G3TEV HF1919PS SP9ZHR SN86LOT SP1PMY 9K2BS EC6DX HG0FLOYD HA5GY SO1944W SP5PSL 9N1AA N4GNR HH2JR W3HNK SQ1919PS SP9PKM 9Q6BB W3HNK HK3C M0URX SW9AA LZ1PM 9V1YC W5UE HK7AAG EA5GL SZ6P SV1BJW A91FTDMC A92AA HL74V 6K0MF T45FM RW6HS AM500SEV EA7URF HO1D HP1RCP T88US JF1OCQ C37AC EA3QS II8FTDM IK8YFU TM0BSM DK5OPA C37FF C37URA IR2Q IK2PFL TM14FAJ F5KHP C37NL C37URA IR8D IZ8JAI TM230RF F4DTO C91CCY K3IRV KH8C JF1OCQ TM25GC F5KMY CB3DIA CE3GCA LG80T LA2T TM500LV F1IOZ CN2KW ON4KWT LX75V LX1JH TM75DP F4AHJ CN8KD EA5XX LX8FTDM LX1TI TM75LM PA2JWN CP5HK EC6DX LY783SUN LY4TB TM8FTDM F1ULQ CR3EE OZ2I LZ19YOTA LZ1BJ TO8FTDM F1ULQ CR3W DL5AXX LZ50ZF LZ2UW VK2IA DK2BJ CS5SUB CS5NRA LZ5R LZ1YQ VK8ZJZ EB7DX CT9ABR OZ2I OD5ET EB7DX VY0ERC M0OXO CX2BR EA5GL OD5FTDMC K3IRV VY2ZM EA7HBC DA0FONTANE DK6AN OE19FTDMC OE1SGU W2T N2OO DK100WDWR DL7USC OH0UDG M0OXO YO15IPA YO3AS DK100WDWR DL7USC OL88YL HB9FPM ZL6FTDMC F1ULQ DQ600UNI DL5KVV OM8A OM2VL ZS9V M0OXO DU1IST JA1HGY ON75PPA ON6WL ZV50Y PT2OP E2A E21EIC P33W UA3DX ZW8T PS8HF 7X4AN Mohamed Boukhiar, Apartado Postal 30133, 08080 Barcelona, Spain 9L1YXJ Mark A. Brewer, 2160 Freetown Pl, Dulles VA 20189-2160, USA CQ0ODX Oeste DX Gang Associacao, Rua do Moinho 3, Seixal, 2530-267 Lourinha, Portugal EG8CAN Apartado Postal 112, San Cristobal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 38200 Spain EG8HKT Apartado Postal 178, San Cristobal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 38200 Spain EL2BG I.Richmond W.K. Harding, 6141 Clifton Avenue Ext, Jacksonville, FL 32211, USA GB5RO David Wishart, Curcum, Swannay by Evie, Orkney, KW17 2NS, United Kingdom JF1OCQ Hiroyuki Miyake, 1-3-6 Asakura-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunma, 371-0811, Japan RA1ALA Mikhail B. Lipin, Novokolomyazhsky prospekt 11-630, Sankt-Peterburg, 197375, Russia TO5M Christopher Hillier, 29 Round Pond Rd, Portugal Cove-St Philips, NL A1M 2Z4, Canada ZD7BG Gilbert Legg, PO Box 157, Jamestown, STHL 1ZZ, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ZD7DL Daniel Leo, PO Box 97, Jamestown, STHL 1ZZ, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ZD7FT Peter Constantine, PO Box 33, Jamestown, STHL 1ZZ, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ZD7GWM Garry Mercury, Dairy Farm Cottage, Longwood, STHL 1ZZ, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ZD7JC John Cranfield, PO Box 229, Waterfall View, The Briars, STHL 1ZZ, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ZD7MY Barrie Williams, PO Box 107, Jamestown, STHL 1ZZ, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ZD7VC Bruce R. Salt, PO Box 5, Jamestown, STHL 1ZZ, St. Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean ZY160CAT Adriano Gomes, Caixa Postal 182, Catalao - GO, 75701-970, Brazil **************************************************************************** 425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org 425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly **************************************************************************** 425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed in part or full provided that "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit Contributors are invited to send their DX information to Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ ([email protected]) The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays **************************************************************************** Direttore Responsabile Gabriele Villa, I2VGW Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675 Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti Roma, Italia ****************************************************************************