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425 DX News #1456

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2019 9:23 am
by NP3N
30 March 2019                                             A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1456

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

E6     - Alex, 5B4ALX has been joined by Tim, NL8F during his E6ET operation
         from Niue Island (OC-040) through 2 April. During the weekend  Alex
         will participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest  as  E6ET (SOSB 20m),
         while Tim begin be operating with his own call E6AW. [TNX The Daily
EA     - Celebrating the 70th anniversary  of the  Union de Radioaficionados
         Espanoles,   Spain's  IARU  member  society  (,
         Spanish radio amateurs are allowed to use special prefixes on  1-30
         April:  EA  stations  can sign  AM + call area + 70 + suffix  (e.g.
         EA4ZZZ can use AM470ZZZ),  EB stations can sign AN + call area + 70
         + suffix (e.g. EB4ZZZ can use AN470ZZZ),  EC stations can sign AO +
         call area + 70 + suffix (e.g. EC4ZZZ can use AO470ZZZ).
F      - Celebrating the  50th anniversary  of  the  ATL Radio Club (F6KBK),
         special event station TM50KBK will be active on 1-15 April. QSL via
         F4GTB, LoTW and eQSL.
F      - Jerry, F4HJO  will  be  active  as  F4HJO/p  from  Belle Ile en Mer
         (EU-048) on 13-21 April. He will operate SSB, RTTY and FT8 on 80-15
         metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS, or via the bureau to home call.
F      - World Amateur Radio Day marks  the foundation of the  International
         Amateur   Radio  Union  (Paris,  18  April 1925).  The  Reseau  des
         Emetteurs Francais (REF,  the French  IARU member society)  will be
         active as TM94WARD on 13-21 April for World Amateur Radio Day 2019.
         QSL via LoTW and the bureau.
FW     - Nobby, G0VJG  now expects  to be active  as  FW/G0VJG  from  Wallis
         Island (OC-054) [425DXN 1453] starting on or around 8 May  for  two
         weeks, with the possibility of a short side trip  to  Futuna Island
         (OC-118). He will operate SSB and  FT8 Fox & Hound  on  40-6 metres
         (maybe also on 60m).  Before the  FW operation  he will  be QRV  as
         3D2AS from Fiji starting on  3 May for five days.  QSLs via M0OXO's
         OQRS. [TNX M0OXO]
J2     - Chris, EA3NT will be active  as  J20NT  from  mainland Djibouti  on
         13-14 April, while waiting for his  J20DX team mates  [425DXN 1455]
         to arrive. QSL via EA3NT.
KH8    - Joe, OZ0J and Palle, OZ1RH will be active as KH8/OZ0J and KH8/OZ1RH
         from  Tutuila (OC-045),  American Samoa  between  16  and  22 April
         [425DXN 1454]. They will be QRV on 80-15 metres CW, SSB and FT8 Fox
         & Hound with  two  stations.  Their  band  plan  can  be  found  on  On 80 and 60m they will
         operate only CW and FT8 with a focus on Europe and the Americas  at
         their sunrise (around 16.30 UTC), and on Africa, Asia  and  Oceania
         at their sunset (around 5 UTC).  They plan to upload their logs  to
         Club Log on a daily basis,  depending  on their connection  to  the
         Internet. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS and eQSL; traditional cards
         for both callsigns should be sent direct to OZ0J.
KL     - Mike, K9AJ and  Bruce, KD6WW [425DXN 1440]  will be active  as  K7Y
         from  Khantaak Island,  in  the  Yakutat  County  Group  of  Alaska
         (NA-250, new one for  IOTA) on  10-13 May.  Plans are "to be on the
         island & set up by local sunset on Thursday, May 9"  (early morning
         hours on 10 May UTC), and to "cease operations & break camp  around
         local  sunrise  on  Monday, May 13"  (around 12-13 UTC).  They will
         operate mainly  CW on 40, 30, 20 and 17 metres, with  some SSB  and
         possibly some FT8 as well. If conditions allow, they will have  two
         stations QRV  during most of their operation.  Bruce, N9BX  will be
         their pilot station. They will not be able to upload their logs  to
         Club Log during the operation, as there is no  Internet access from
         the  island.  QSL  via  Club Log's OQRS, or  via  K9AJ  (direct  or
         bureau). The Club Log Matching function will be enabled at a  later
         date. [TNX K9AJ]
VE     - The Yukon Canam Contest Club (VY1AAA) has secured  Canadian special
         prefixes for use by all Canadian licensees from 28 March through 28
         May: VEs can use CK,  VAs can use CJ,  VYs can use CZ,  and VOs can
         use CY. The special prefixes are celebrating  the  50th anniversary
         of  the  Official Languages Act  of  Canada.  The  club itself  has
         secured the special call CZ1Z (QSL via LoTW). [TNX DX World]
VK     - Tim, NL8F will be active as  VK4COF/p  from  Fraser Island (OC-142)
         for a few days sometime between 4 and 10 April. [TNX The Daily DX]
XT     - Once again Harald, DF2WO will be active as XT2AW from  Ouagadougou,
         Burkina Faso on 7-26 April. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS and LoTW. [TNX The
         Daily DX]

CQ WW WPX SSB CONTEST --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (30-31 March):
Call        Category          Country               QSL        
3V8SF       SOSB 160m         Tunisia               LoTW/LX1NO 
3Z6V        SO                Poland                LoTW/SP6DVP
4L/F5RAV    SO                Georgia               F5RAV      
4Z7Z        SOAB HP           Israel                4X1DX      
7W7W        M/?               Algeria         
8P1W        SOAB LP           Barbados              KU9C       
8T8A        SO                India                 VU3ELR     
A42K        M/2               Oman                  LoTW       
B1Z                           China                 EA7FTR     
B4T                           China                 BA4TB      
BP0P        M/?               Taiwan          
BW/JG1WBB   SOSB              Taiwan                JG1WBB     
BW/JI1NLJ   SOSB              Taiwan                JI1NLJ     
BW/JL3RDC   SOSB              Taiwan                JL3RDC     
CB1H        M/?               Chile                 LoTW       
D4C         M/M               Cape Verde            LoTW       
DU6/N6SS    SOSB 40m          Philippines           N6SS       
E2A         SOAB HP           Thailand              LoTW/E21EIC
E6ET        SOSB 20m LP       Niue                  IZ4AMS     
EB8AH       SOAB HP           Canary Isls           LoTW       
ED9E        M/?               Ceuta and Melilla     EA9CD      
EF9Z        SOAB              Ceuta & Melilla       LoTW/EA5KB 
IG9MO       M/?               AF Italy              IK4ALM     
IO5O        M/S               Italy                 LoTW       
KH2KY       M/?               Guam                  LoTW/JA1MFR
LY29A       SOAB              Lithuania             LY5A       
MU2K        SOAB LP           Guernsey              GU8ITE     
NP2P        SO                US Virgin Islands     LoTW       
P44W        SOAB LP           Aruba                 LoTW/N2MM  
PJ2T        M/?               Curacao               LoTW/W3HNK 
PJ4K        SOAB              Bonaire               KU9C       
PJ4R        SOAB              Bonaire               LoTW/WD9DZV
RL3A        M/S               Russia (EU)           W3HNK      
SI9AM                         Sweden                ON3UN      
TM3Z        SOAB              France                F4DSK      
TM5CQ                         France                F4FRG      
TO2BC       SO                French Guiana         LoTW/DL7BC 
V31VP       SOAB HP           Belize                WB0TEV     
V85RH       SO                Brunei                LoTW       
VC2W        SOAB HP           Canada                LoTW       
VC2Z        M/S               Canada                LoTW       
VP5P        M/?               Turks & Caicos        LotW/N2OO  
VP9I        M/2               Bermuda               LoTW/WW3S  
WP4X        SO                Puerto Rico                      
YB2BOB      SOSB 20m          Indonesia             LoTW/YB2BOB
YB2DX       SOAB              Indonesia             LoTW/YB2DX 
YB9ZGD      M/S               Indonesia             YB9ZGD     
YC9DE       M/2               Indonesia             LoTW/YB3MM 
YJ0CA       SO                Vanuatu               VK2YUS     
YV1KK       SOAB HP           Venezuela             LotW/OH0XX 
Z66Y        M/S               Kosovo                Z62FB      
ZL7C        M/?               Chatham Islands       ZL2AYZ     
ZV1FF                         Brazil                LoTW/PS8RV 
ZZ4A        M/?               Brazil                LoTW       
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by  Bill, NG3K  at - good contest to
you all!

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0I: POSTPONED ---> "On March 26 the vessel had been approaching a Cyclonal
storm wandering nearby Bouvet Island", the 3Y0I Press Officer posted to  the
DXpedition's  website.  "The captain  analyzed  the latest  weather  reports
indicating a chance to break through the storm - it hadn't been that  strong
at that time. Unfortunately, the storm developed and intensified in a matter
of an  hour.  Around  5-6 o'clock GMT,  just  70 nautical miles  off  Bouvet
island, the ship has been hit by a series of 11+ meters (36+ ft)  tall waves
+ wind exceeding 83 knots/h  (approx. 160 km/h).  The fierce oceanic  forces
swept past the upper deck, taking one of the radars, including VSAT, VHF and
HF marine antennas, off the mast  and throwing  them all overboard.  The hit
was  so  hard  the  vessel  tilted  as  much  as  45  degrees".  Under  such
circumstances "the captain of the MV Atlantic Tuna  had to take a  difficult
but responsible decision to take a course back to  Cape Town, South Africa".
The 3Y0I DXpedition is not cancelled, though. "Once they reach Cape Town and
go through a detailed  technical inspection  of the vessel",  the  3Y0I Team
Leader (Dom, 3Z9DX) "will decide when and how the DXpedition will take place
again. Repeat: we're definitely talking about rescheduling the expedition to
the nearest  possible  and  reliable term,  not aborting  or suspending  our
plans". Read the latest updates on
- "3Y0I to be continued"!     (Press Release #6, 28 March)
- "Hams simply rock"          (Press Release #5, 27 March)
- "3Y0I postponed"            (Press Release #4, 27 March)
- "Bouvet vs. Hams 2:0?"      (Press Release #3, 27 March)
- "Furious 50s, how are you?" (Press Release #2, 25 March)

CASS AWARD ---> The annual  Cass Awards  (  honour
the wisdom  and  spirit  of  Cass WA6AUD (SK) and  encourage DXpeditions  to
maximize the number of  DXers worked with a  Plaque for the  single-operator
DXpedition that works the most unique callsigns within 2 weeks or less,  and
a  Plaque  for  the  "unlimited"  DXpedition  that  works  the  most  unique
Janusz Wegrzyn, SP9FIH  has won  (for  the  second year in a row)  the  2018
Single-Operator Cass Award "by working 8257 unique stations during his  one-
man DXpedition to St. Eustatius Island as PJ5/SP9FIH".
Yuris Petersons YL2GM, Kaspars Uztics YL1ZF  and  Girts Budis YL2KL  "worked
18,812  unique  stations  as  3C0W  on  Annobon Island,  winning  the  first
Unlimited Cass Award and demonstrating an outstanding effort to log as  many
DXers as possible".

CY0C: SABLE ISLAND 2020 ---> Permission has been granted for a DXpedition to
Sable Island (NA-063) sometime in in autumn 2020.  The team  for  the August
2019 CY9C DXpedition  to  St. Paul Island (  [425DXN 1451]
will be the primary makeup of the Sable team.  "The permit process took over
a year of  emailing,  phone calls,  and furnishing documents.  Sable at this
point  is no longer easily  'permitted'  for  Ham Radio DXpeditions,  as the
policies have changed with the change in administration.  In fact our permit
finally was graciously  authorized  as a  'one time special use permit'.  We
believe  that  it is  very probable  that  permits  in  the  future  may  be
essentially 'nil' for a  very long time.  Among other policies,  visitors to
the island  are  not  permitted  overnight stays.  Thankfully,  we have been
authorized  to  stay there  for  7-8 days ($300 per person per day).  We are
grateful and excited and look forward to meeting the challenge of a sizeable
operation as if it were the last one for a very long time".

DXCC YEARBOOK ---> The 2017 ARRL DXCC Yearbook, which includes  the  Clinton
B. DeSoto Challenge  top scorers  and the  Annual Listing, can be  found  at ... 202018.pdf.
The Annual Listing of DXCC membership contains the call signs  and  credited
totals for new awards and endorsements during the calendar year period  from
1 January through 31 December 2018. The DXCC Honor Roll includes  those  who
are within 9 entities of the ""current" Entity count for Mixed,  Phone,  CW,
and  Digital modes.  As of 31 December 2018, there were 340 Entities on  the
DXCC List, and entry level DXCC Honor Roll was achieved at level 331.

IOTA  DXPEDITIONER  OF  THE  YEAR  2018 ---> The   inaugural  Island   Radio
Expedition Foundation's (IREF) "IOTA DXpeditioner of the Year" Award will be
presented at the 34th DX Dinner, to be held on 17 May at the  Marriott Hotel
in Dayton (tickets can be  purchased  at  The DX
Dinner is held in conjunction with the Dayton Hamvention and is sponsored by
the Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA).  The  new award  from  IREF will
join the  list of  awards  presented annually  at  the DX Dinner,  including
DXpedition of the Year, DXpeditioner of the Year (DXCC) and the presentation
of the CQ DX Hall of Fame inductees.  Details on the  "IOTA DXpeditioner  of
the Year" award can be found at

NORTH MACEDONIA ---> After nearly three decades of disagreement  on the name
of the  country called  Macedonia  (otherwise  known  as  FYROM,  the Former
Yugoslav  Republic  of  Macedonia), the  dispute  between  Greece  (SV)  and
Macedonia (Z3) was settled in June 2018  with an agreement that  the country
should  rename  itself  "Republic  of  North  Macedonia"  (Republika Severna
Makedonija). After the agreement was ratified by both sides, it entered into
force on 12 February 2019. DXCC wise, only the Entity name has changed.  You
will find it listed as "North Macedonia" on  LoTW, and  as  "North Macedonia
(Republic of)" in the  March 2019 edition of  the  ARRL DXCC List.  The DXCC
"country code" number remains 502.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B9FR       M0OXO       CS2TCB      CT1ARR      OD5VB       EA5GL
3V8CB       LX1NO       CS2TCM      CT2JYO      OG60IPA     OH4MDY
3W3B        E21EIC      CS2TCS      CT7ABF      OL50MR      OK1MR
3W9JF       EA5GL       CS2TCT      CT1ARR      P3X         5B4AMM
4D3X        W3HNK       D4Z         HB9DUR [d]  P40L        WA3FRP
4K6FO       DC9RI       D4Z         IK2NCJ   P44W        N2MM
4L6QL       RW6HS       DL1250G     DL8SCU      PD38EU      PD5MVH
4L8A        K1BV        DR50DIG     DH1PAL      PJ2DX       W0CG
5B4AGN      M0URX       E51HMK      DK2HM       PJ4/KK9A    WD9DZV
5P1PT       DL1PT       E6AF        SP9FIH      PJ4K        KU9C
5T5PA       PA5X        E6ET        IZ4AMS      PJ4KY       M0URX
6E0P        XE1EE       E7CW        E73ESP      PJ7TM       K2GSJ
6W/IK5BSC   IK2DUW      EA8/G3XAQ   G3SWH       PS2T        K3IRV
6W/IV3FSG   IK3GES      EE100V      EA5YJ       R108M       RK3LC
8P6DR       G3RWL       EG2AZF      EA2URZ      R125IL      RZ5D
9H3FC       G4UDG       EG8TSI      EA8URE      R1961G      RV3LZ
9H3HI       DL7VFM [d]  EH1FSJ      EA2DVN      RD0B/p      RD0B
9H3HI       EU4CK    EH5TYF      EA5RKB      SI9AM       ON3UN
9H3JD       DL7VFM      EM1U        UT7UA       T88US       JF1OCQ
9K9A        EC6DX       EO65QRC     UR4QZZ      TG9AJR      M0URX
9M19TEA     9M2CDX      EP2C        EA5GL       TM29FFA     F5KOU
9M2CNC      G4ZFE       EP2LMA      EA5GL       TO2BC       DL7BC
9V1YC       W5UE        EP4HR       IK2RZQ      TY2AC       DL9USA
A35JP       JA0RQV      EV125IL     EV6C        UP0L        DL8KAC
A71YY       M0OXO       GB100RAF    G8FC        V31RF       K8NDS
B5/IK7YTT   IW7EGQ      HC5TLM      HC5VF       VA7XW/VE1   VE7ACN
C4W         5B4WN       IG9MO       IK4ALM      VE7ACN/VE1  VE7ACN
C7A         UA3DX       II0BIKE     9A5URI      VP2ETE      W3HNK
C91CCY      K3IRV       IS0/OM8A    OM2VL       VP5/AF3K    N2OO
CJ3A        VE3AT       J28PJ       F1TMY       VP5/W2TT    N2OO
CN2AM       M0OXO       J43N        SV1NK       VP8CTR      DL5EBE
CN2CL       CT1QP       JT5DX       JT1CO       VY0ERC      M0OXO
CN2FA       RN2FA       JW6VDA      OH6VDA      XZ2C        JH1NBN
CN2MA       LY5W        LY800SMG    LY2NZ       YO3IPA      YO3AAS
CN3A        IK2OHG      LZ50ZF      LZ2UW       YU73BFG     YU8A
CR5O        CT7AJL      MJ5Z        M0CFW       ZL7C        ZL2AYZ
CS2CTS      CT1ARR      NA8O/KH2    JK1FNL      ZV1FF       PS8RV

6Y5KB    Kasimir Bastian, Gruenaecker Str. 39, 71069 Sindelfingen, Germany
EA5GL    Pedro Miguel Ronda Monsell, C/ Maximiliano Thous 16-24,
         46009 Valencia, Spain
G8FC     RAF Amateur Radio Society, Royal Air Force Cosford, Wolverhampton,
         WV7 3EX, United Kingdom
IZ4AMS   Alessandro Gromme, Via G.M. Savani 20, 41125 Modena MO, Italy
J52EC    Livio Pesavento, Via Antonio Bertoldi 19, 37141 Verona VR, Italy
OA4TT    John Henry, 8345 NW 66 St #B4451, Miami FL 33166, USA
RD0B     Valery N. Savin, P.O. Box 45, Dikson, Krasnoyarsky kray, 647340,
SP9FIH   Janusz Wegrzyn, pl. Pilsudskiego 6/9, 45-706 Opole, Poland
VE3LYC   Cezar Trifu, 4986 Bath Rd., Bath, ON K0H 1G0, Canada
VE7ACN   Mikhail Zavarukhin, 7581 Mark Crescent, Burnaby, BC V5A 1Z2, Canada
YJ0CA    Chris Ayres, 3/19-21 Eastern Rd, Turramurra, NSW 2074, Australia


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               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia
