425 DX News #1714

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425 DX News #1714

Post by NP3N »

9 March 2024                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1714

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4X     - Special event stations 4X03I  and  4X04I will be active from Grafon
         (WWL KM70kr, Holyland Square F29BS) and  Haluza  (WWL KM71hd, Holy-
         land Square D24BS),  respectively,  on 8-9 March.  Both  sites  are
         located in the World Heritage-designated area of the "Incense Route
         and the Desert Cities in the Negev". QSLs via 4X6ZM, and  logsearch
         on https://www.iarc.org/incense/.  The  Incense Trade Route  was an
         ancient network  of major land  and  sea trading routes linking the
         Mediterranean world  with eastern and southern sources of  incense,
         spices and other luxury goods.
C6     - Jay, WA1JAY will be active again as WA1JAY/C6A  from Paradise (Hog)
         Island (NA-001),  Bahamas on  15-22 March.  He will operate holiday
         style on the FM satellites,  as well as SSB and FT8/FT4 on  40-10m.
         QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club Log.
FH     - Marek, FH4VVK  will be active as  TO4VV from Pamandzi, Mayotte (AF-
         027) on 23-31 March,  and again on 6-7, 13-14 and 20-21 April.  QSL
         via Club Log's OQRS and LoTW.
GU     - Ron, G4DIY  and  Jay, M0UNN  will be active  again  as  MP7DX  from
         Guernsey (EU-114) on  8-12 March.  They will operate CW and SSB  on
         40-10 metres.  QSL direct to G4DIY;  QSOs will be uploaded to  LoTW
         and Club Log.
KH5    - The Dateline DX Association and  George, AA7JV  have announced that
         permission has been received  from the  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-
         vice for a  13-day DXpedition  to  Jarvis Island  National Wildlife
         Refuge starting around 1 August.
         Jarvis Island (OC-081)  is ranked #18  on  Club Log's  global  Most
         Wanted List (#9 in Europe) and was last on the air in 1990.
         Permission to visit has been difficult  to obtain:  "we have worked
         very hard  for the  past few years  on this permission,  and  after
         demonstrating the success of the  RIB concept with remote operators
         from  various locations  in 2023,  we have received  a permit  that
         allows  4 operators on the boat to visit Jarvis  with 6 stations on
         The on-site team - namely  George (AA7JV), Don (N1DG), Tomi (HA7RY)
         and Mike (KN4EEI) - will install 6 RIB (Radio In a Box) stations on
         the island, and will operate CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H) on 160-6 metres.
         They will be accompanied  by a team of  three USFWS biologists con-
         ducting science. In addition, 25 remote operators from Asia, Europe
         and North America will be running  CW and FT8.
         Details are expected in due course.
OZ     - Stefan, DL7AOS  will be active  holiday style  as  5P5K  from  Romo
         Island (EU-125)  from  23 March to 6 April,  possibly including  an
         entry in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest. He will operate SSB and digital
         modes on 80-6 metres. QSL via DL7AOS (direct or bureau) and LoTW.
PY     - Team ZZ2FF (PS8RV, PU4MDO, PY2AE, PY2ITM, PY4KM and PY4YY)  will be
         active from  Ilha dos Buzios  (SA-028)  on  15-17 March.  They will
         operate SSB, CW and FT8 on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 metres. QSL via
         LoTW and Club Log.
VP8_ssh- Esteban, XQ7UP will be working at the Chilean Antarctic Base Presi-
         dente Eduardo Frei Montalva on  King George Island,  South Shetland
         Islands (AN-010) on 9-15 March. He was supposed to be there on 6-12
         March [425DXN 1713],  but his outgoing flight has been  rescheduled
         due to weather conditions.  He hopes to be  QRV as  XQ7UP/9  in his
         spare time,  and to operate  SSB and FT8  on 40-10m.  QSL via LoTW,
         Club Log's OQRS, or direct to XQ7UP. [TNX The Daily DX]
YJ     - Chris, VK2YUS will be active again as YJ0CA from Port Vila (OC-035)
         Vanuatu on 11-21 March. He will operate SSB on 40-10 metres, mainly
         between 21 UTC and 10 UTC. QSL direct to home call. [TNX NG3K]

CARIBBEAN TOUR ---> Thomas, F4HPX  will be active holiday style as  FS/F4HPX
from St Martin on 13-15 March and again on 24-26 March;  he might also go to
Sint Maarten and be QRV as PJ7/F4HPX. He hopes to be active from the British
Virgin Islands (VP2V) on 16-23 March, if he can get a licence.  From all lo-
cations he will be QRV on 40-10 metres; he says he will  "try to limit digi-
tal modes and use more voice, and try, at least, more CW although I am still
a beginner in this area". QSL via LoTW, eQSL, or via home call (bureau).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

YASME EXCELLENCE AWARD ---> Established  in  2008  by  the  Yasme Foundation
(https://www.yasme.org/), the Excellence Award  is presented to  individuals
and groups who, through their own service, creativity, effort and dedication
have made a significant contribution to amateur radio.  The contribution may
be in recognition of technical, operating or organizational achievement,  as
all three are necessary  for  amateur radio to grow and  prosper.  The Yasme
Excellence Award is in the form of a cash grant and an individually-engraved
crystal globe. The latest recipients, announced on 8 March, are:
* Philip Gladstone, N1DQ: "The Gladstone Signal Spotting Challenge  is named
  for Philip,  the creator and maintainer of the  PSKReporter.info  website,
  also known as the Digimode Automatic Propagation Reporter. Philip has made
  a tremendous contribution to Amateur Radio operating, citizen-science, and
  ionospheric research  through the data  ('spots')  which are collected and
  stored on PSKReporter.info".
* Paul Schreier HB9DST (AA1MI): "Mr. Schreier serves  as a  Board member  of
  the Helvetia Telegraphy Club and is very active in the  Summits On The Air
  program. Paul is always available when it comes to organizing events (e.g.
  World High Speed Telegraphy Championships in 2012  in Switzerland)  or  to
  introduce newcomers in the wonderful world of CW and SOTA".

YASME FOUNDATION GRANTS ---> The Board of Directors of the  Yasme Foundation
has announced that it has made grants  of $5,000 each to the  Foundation for
Amateur Radio (FAR)  and the ARRL Foundation scholarship programs;  YOTA/Ham
Radio 2.0 and HamSCI group activities at Dayton Hamvention;  Contest Univer-
sity (CTU) Dayton; Merzuke Gediktas, TA7YLY for the Czech Republic YL Event.

YOTA CONTEST 2024 ---> The first session of this year's YOTA Contest,  orga-
nized by the IARU R1 Youth Working Group  in cooperation with the  Hungarian
Amateur Radio Society (MRASZ),  will take place on  10 March (1000-2159 UTC)
on the five classic bands CW and SSB.  Everyone can work everyone.  Complete
rules can be found on https://ham-yota.com/contest.

+ SILENT KEY + Bob Heil, K9EID - "the man who defined the sound of live rock
'n' roll music  and  brought  audio engineering principles  into  mainstream
amateur radio use" - passed away on 28 February at the age of 83. He founded
Heil Sound in 1966,  and designed sound systems for legendary musicians such
as The Grateful Dead,  The Who, Joe Walsh, and Peter Frampton.  "Parallel to
his commercial  and  artistic success  in live music,  was his  passion  for
amateur radio.  He was active in ham radio from a young age  and merged  his
expertise in  audio engineering with his love for radio.  Heil Ham Radio was
founded to produce microphones, headsets,  and other gear for radio amateurs
with an emphasis on high-quality audio" [TNX ARRL]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       N4GNR       FM8QR       F5EAN       OE6Z        OE6CLD
3D2RC       RC9O        G4SGX/6Y    M0OXO       OK5Z        OK2ZI
4J0SFR      4K4K        GB8FT       MM0DFV      OK7O        OK1DOL
4K6FO       DC9RI       GM5X        N3SL        OZ0ROM      DK1VK
4O7CC       UA4CC       H40WA       M0URX       P4/WE9V     WD9DZV
4X03I       4X6ZM       HB9W        HB9DKZ      P40L        WA3FRP
4X04I       4X6ZM       HF40RVG     SP1EG       PB31EASTER  PC1K
5H3PV       EA5GL       HK3C        M0URX       PJ2/W4IPC   EB7DX
5H3VJG      M0OXO       HP3AK       K4PWS       PJ4G        K4BAI
5R8IC       F6ICX       IB1D        IK1TAZ      PJ7AA       AA9A
5Z4VJ       M0URX       IB9T        IT9TQH      PT5J        PP5JR
6Y1A        6Y5PW       II2S        IZ2FOS      PV2G        PT2IC
8P2K        KU9C        II4CPC      IQ4DJ       RI1ANE      RN3RQ
8P5A        HA1AG       II4SUCC     IQ4FE       S21RC       EB7DX
9A67AA      9A2AA       II5IDK      IQ5LI       TF3XO       EA5GL
A42K        EA5GL       II7ICE      IZ7WEM      TI1K        EA5GL
A60SHD      EA7FTR      II8ICN      IQ8XS       TI1T        EA7FTR
AO5IWD      EA5URV      II9ICF      IT9MRM      TM0FEC      F5KMB
C21TS       M0OXO       II9IGJ      IT9MRM      TM1K        F8KGM
C4W         5B4WN       IO5O        IK5RLP      TM20VM      F6KSM
C91CCY      K3IRV       IP0A        OM2FY       TM6P        F4DVX
CB1B        HA1AG       IP4X        I4VEQ       V51WH       DK2WH
CQ8M        EA5GL       J38R        M0URX       VI2024PRIDE VK4XSS
CR2N        EA7HBC      J645DS      EB7DX       VK0AI       VK5MQ
CR2X        OH2BH       J73ESL      EA5GL       VP2ERK      DK7PE
CT9ABN      OM2VL       J79WTA      HB9MFM      XU7GNY      DL4WK
CU2KG       OH2BH       KL7SB       N4GNR       XW0LP       M0OXO
E2A         E21EIC      KP4JA       EB7DX       YQ75MSCC    YO2MKI
E2M         E21LLR      LP1H        EA5GL       YR95AR      YO2KBQ
E51ANQ      DJ5NQ       LY11LY      LY2QT       YR95CC      YO2KBQ
ED3X        EA3QP       LY34A       LY5A        YR95CH      YO2KBQ
ED3Z        EA3DZ       LZ543BN     LZ1KCP      YR95IN      YO2KBQ
ED5R        EA5SR       LZ5R        LZ1JZ       YR95LI      YO2KBQ
EE5FALLAS   EA5URV      LZ74IPA     LZ3HI       YR95PE      YO2KBQ
EH5VEF      EA5URV      MD2C        MD0CCE      YR95SE      YO2KBQ
EI30T       EI3ENB      NP4Z        N4AO        ZF1A        K7ZO
FG4KH       F1DUZ       OA4SS       KB6J        ZF1BB       W9KKN
FM5KC       F5VHJ       OE60RRDXA   OE6VIE      ZF2ZO       K7ZO

9G1SD    David W. Schneider, 1501 SW K St., Grants Pass OR 97526, USA
AZ6H     Cesar Astiz, Calle Valerio Beta 7570, X5022BDF, Cordoba, Argentina
CB6CPC   Radio Club Traiguen, Casilla 150, 4730000 Traiguen, Chile
CB6I     Radio Club Traiguen, Casilla 150, 4730000 Traiguen, Chile
CX5A     Lupo Bano Negreira, Casilla de Correos 950, 11000 Montevideo,
D4K      Massimo Cortesi, Ufficio Forli Centro, Casella Postale 24,
         47121 Forli FC, Italy
D4M      Massimo Cortesi, Ufficio Forli Centro, Casella Postale 24,
         47121 Forli FC, Italy
E7DX     Boris Knezovic, P.O. Box 59, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
EG6DIB   Pau Balaguer Juaneda, Carretera d'Esporles 65, 07010 Palma
         (Illes Balears), Spain
II0IGU   Gianni Messore, Via Rotabile 64, 04023 Formia LT, Italy
II3ICZ   Gianpiero Loconsole, Via Pasqualigo 6/E Int.8, 30174 Mestre (VE),
IY9MM    Alberto Mattei, Via Enrico Millo 20, 96010 Augusta SR, Italy
J62K     William J. Schmidt II, 27427 Myrtle Lake Lane, Katy TX 77494, USA
LA400KBG Trond Nerlie, Braataberga 41, 3614 Kongsberg, Norway
M0URX    Tim Beaumont, 83 Limbrick Avenue, Coventry, CV4 9EX, United Kingdom
M5S      John Warburton, Peers Meadow, Plealey, Pontesbury, Shrewsbury,
         SY5 0UY, United Kingdom
NP2J     Dan Flaig, PO Box 25941, Christiansted VI 00824-1941, USA
NP2R     Liam McGovern, 137 Pine St, Nanticoke PA 18634, USA
OG1F     Timo Klimoff, Yrjonkatu 4 A 15, FI-28100 Pori, Finland
OH8L     Jari Ojala, Latvalammentie 32, FI-92260 Kopsa, Finland
PJ7EE    Gary L. Hunt, 99 Maple Ridge Drive, Morton IL 61550, USA
PR5K     Fernando Augusto Cavalli, Rua Nelson Antonio Farias 31,
         Curitiba - PR, 81030-350, Brazil
PU0FDN   Renner Pedroza, Rua Waldemar Nery Carneiro Monteiro 475 Apt 602,
         Boa Viagem, Recife - PE, 51030-140, Brazil
PX2A     Carlos Adalberto Carareto, Estrada de Santo Amaro 201,
         Sao Paulo - SP, 05544-000, Brazil
SJ2W     Per Eklund, Teaterallen 12-0102 lgh 1102, SE-903 64 Umea, Sweden
T42T     Jim Millner, 7010 Gullotti Pl, Port St. Lucie FL 34952, USA
T88GF    Hirohisa Yukawa, 187-3 Shimakeya, Itoshima-shi, Fukuoka, 819-1335,
TY5C     Luc Thibaudat, 15 rue de Moiscourt, 27140 Gisors, France
V31XX    Bill Kollenbaum, 2446 Belleair Rd, Clearwater FL 33764, USA
VK0DS    David Scott, 4139 Freemantle Road, Bathurst, NSW 2795, Australia
VP5M     James F. Jordan, 11013 Farmwood Dr, Raleigh NC 27613, USA
XW4KV    Vincent Colombo, 32 rue de Gibrand, 17350 Port d'Envaux, France
Z36T     Ace Jevremov, Postfach 14, 82378 Peissenberg, Germany
ZM4T     Holger Hannemann, 262 Waimarama Heights, RD 12, Havelock North 4294
         New Zealand


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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