425 DX News #1642

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425 DX News #1642

Post by NP3N »

22 October 2022                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1642

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

F      - Members of Radio Club de Wingles (F4KLR)  will be active as  TM90GF
         for fifteen days  between  29 October  and  17 December,  typically
         during the  weekends.  The special callsign  memorializes the  90th
         anniversary  of  the  death of  general  Gustave-Auguste Ferrie,  a
         pioneer  in the field of  military radio  communications.  All QSOs
         will be confirmed  automatically via the bureau  and  eQSL;  direct
         QSLs via F4KLR.
FH     - Marek, FH4VVK has established the  Radio Club of the Foreign Legion
         Detachment in Mayotte (DLEM),  callsign FH4KS.  The newly born club
         station is expected to be active  on the HF bands  on the first and
         third Friday of the month, as well as during SSB contests.
FJ     - Janusz, SP9FIH and  Lech, SP9FUY  will be active as  FJ/SP9FIH  and
         FJ/SP9FUY, respectively, from St. Barthelemy (NA-146) from 29 Octo-
         ber to 14 November (http://fj.dxpeditions.org). They will be QRV on
         30, 20, 15 and 12 metres. FJ/SP9FIH will be active during the CQ WW
         DX SSB Contest on 15 metres. QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
FS     - I8QLS, I8ULL, IC8WIC, IK8ENH,  KC9FFV, N7QLS, W1NA and FS4WBS  will
         be active as  TO5M  from  St. Martin (NA-105) on 24-31 October, in-
         cluding an  entry in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  QSL via LoTW only.
         [TNX NG3K]
I      - Luca, IK5AEQ will be active as IH9/IK5AEQ  from  Pantelleria Island
         (AF-018) on 25-30 October.  He will be QRV on 40-6 metres SSB, RTTY
         and FT8,  and will participate  in the  CQ WW DX SSB Contest  (most
         likely on 10 or 15m). QSL via LoTW, Club Log, or via home call (di-
         rect and bureau).
J6     - Bill, K9HZ  has been back on  St. Lucia (NA-108)  since 15 October,
         and  will be active  again  as  J68HZ  until 5 November.  This will
         include a multi-operator entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. QSL via
         LoTW (preferred),  eQSL  or  direct only to K9HZ;  the QSOs will be
         also uploaded to Club Log. [TNX The Daily DX]
JA     - Hide, JO1CRA will be active as JO1CRA/JS6  from  Ogimi, Okinawa Is-
         land (AS-017) on 25-28 October. QSL via Club Log's OQRS or via home
         call (direct or bureau).
T33    - Team T33T will be active from Banaba Island (OC-018) for 10-12 days
         supposedly during the first half of November.  Plans are to operate
         CW, SSB and FT8 (F/H) on 160-6 metres with up to 7 stations "on air
         permanently". QSL via Club Log's OQRS. Updates  are  expected to be
         posted to https://www.facebook.com/rebeldxgroup.
TA     - Commemorating the  99th anniversary  of the proclamation of the Re-
         public of Turkey (29 October 1923),  Soyhan, TA2IJ  and his friends
         (TA2AO, TA2DA, TA2FB, TA2FT and TA0ACL) are active as  TC99TC until
         31 October. QSL via LoTW, or direct to YO3IJ. A certificate will be
         available for download after 31 October: https://logman.taqst.net/.
V4     - Gary, G0FWX will be active again as V47FWX from  St. Kitts (NA-104)
         on 19-26 October. He will operate SSB only as time allows.  QSL via
         M0URX's OQRS.
VK9    - Mikio, JA3GEP will be active as VK9QO from both Cocos (Keeling)  on
         25-27 October,  and Christmas Island on 28-31 October. This will be
         a QO-100 satellite operation. QSLs via LoTW and eQSL,  or direct to
         JA3GEP. See https://www.jamsat.or.jp/?p=2001  for more information.
         [TNX The Daily DX]
VP5    - Rich, NN2T will operate  FT8 as  VP5/NN2T  from the  Caicos Islands
         (NA-002) from  20 October to 1 November.  QSL via LoTW (preferred),
         or direct to home call; logsearch on Club Log.
YB     - Look for YB0GIN/4, YB0SHR/4, YB1JYL/4, YB4FZK/p, YB4GBT/p, YC5YC/4,
         YD4GMC/p, YE4IJY/p, YF4FIC/p, YF4IFT/p, YF4IHG/p and YG4IJV/p to be
         active from Teluk Gembira Beach on Belitung Island (OC-144) on  28-
         30 October.  Additionally, a side trip to  Tanjung Marangbulo beach
         on nearby Seliu Island (OC-144)  will take place on  29-30 October,
         with  YB1JYL/4, YC5YC/4, YE4IJ/p and YF4ICC/p  expected to partici-
         pate.  QSL via operator's instructions.  The  Indonesian Beaches on
         the Air's website can be found at https://www.ibota.id/
Z6     - Rene, DL2JRM will be active again as Z68XX  from Gjilan, Kosovo  on
         27-31 October, including an entry in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest.  QSL
         via DL2JRM, direct or bureau; logsearch on Club Log.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CY0S --- > The 2023 Sable Island CY0S DXpedition team has announced that  "a
well known  DXer  and  DXpeditioner",  who wishes  to remain anonymous,  has
offered  "to match  any donations  to the  CY0S DXpedition  from this  point
forward until arrival on the island on 20 March 2023. For example, if a con-
tributor  donates 100 USD  to the DXpedition,  this  100 USD  will  then  be
matched for a total of 200 USD".
Meanwhile, the team is working on the antennas and is  "continuing to manage
and fine tune gear based on the very strict weight limitations for the DXpe-
dition. The team is limited to a total of 2965 lbs [1345 kg], which includes
the weight of the operators, radio gear, antennas,  antenna mast,  long mast
stakes for the loose sand,  coaxial cables,  food  and personal gear.  Every
pound of weight counts and this is a huge challenge".

INDEXA NEWSLETTER ---> The  Fall 2022 issue (#137) of  the  International DX
Association's Newsletter is now available for download on the INDEXA website
(https://indexa.org/newsletters.html).  Highlights include:  "A Message from
INDEXA President Bob Schenck, N2OO"; "Contest Participation from 5T in DXpe-
dition Style" by  Johannes Hafkenscheid, (PA5X/5T5PA);  "ZL7/K5WE DXpedition
to Chatham Island"  (September 2022) by  Jeff Martin, K5WE;  "VU4W - Andaman
Islands" (April-May 2002) by Yuris Petersons, YL2GM;  a wrap-up of the  69th
W9DXCC Convention  (September 2022),  and news of the 3Y0J Bouvet  and  CY0S
Sable DXpeditions.

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER      CALL        MANAGER
3B9FR       M0OXO       EG1JAM      EA1UVR      NP2AR       EB7DX
3DA0AQ      EA5GL       EH3WRC      EA3ZK       OG50YL      OH2YL
3G1D        XQ1FM       EH5DNE      EA5PC       OH0EG       SP1EG
3V8CB       LX1NO       EI14JOTA    EI4GRC      OH0Z        W0MM
4K6FO       DC9RI       EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      ON4JOTA     ON4GDV
4L1AN       N4GNR       EL2DT       N2OO        OR78CLM     ON6HC
4L1BB       EA5GL       EP2FAR      RW6HS       P40L        WA3FRP
4L6QL       RW6HS       EY8DL       EA5GL       PA6JAM      PD5CW
4O9KOM      EB7DX       EY8MM       W0VTT       PJ4RF       EA5GL
4X0VK       4X6ZM       FK1TS       M0OXO       R100PA      RZ3LC
5B4AMX      LZ3SM       GB2RE       G0UKN       R30SRR      RN3RQ
5R8FG       IZ6BRJ      GB5BSC      G4HCC       R700SSR     R0SI
6E2RCG      XE2ML       H25A        LZ3SM       SN0RUN      SP5PPK
7S5S        SM5CSS      HB9SPACE    HB9ACA      SN0TITIUS   SP2KFQ
7X2TT       EA5GL       HI8J        RW6HS       SN1956ROK   SP3PGR
8P2K        KU9C        HL0S        HL2CFY      ST2BSS      ST2M
9H6PSG      9H1PI       HL22NSF     HL0UHQ      TF3XO       EA5GL
9K2OD       EC6DX       HS0ZJF      ON4AFU      TM100BBC    F8GGZ
9K9JOTA     9K2RA       HZ1JOTA     HZ1SAR      TM12M       F5FAB
A41DX       M0OXO       IB2PHIL     IW2HAJ      TM400MO     F4DTO
A41KJ       N4GNR       II1TRM      IQ1TO       TM80WFF     F4GYM
A43JOTA     A47OS       II4JOTA     IZ4UFB      TO2DL       DL7DF
A44A        A47RS       II9JOTA     IT9LIZ      TT8SN       DL9USA
A62A        EA7FTR      IO4JOTA     IQ4AX       TY0RU       R7AL
AM100RCE    EA4URE      IQ1SV       IZ1JIZ      UK8IF       RW6HS
AP2HA       JA1WIO      IQ1UA       IZ1PMC      V44RR       EA5ZD
AP2TN       N4BAA       IQ3UD       IV3IXN      V47FWX      M0URX
C4W         5B4WN       IQ3WW       IZ3XNJ      VK2W        VK2BV
CE2SV       N7RO        IQ4FE       IQ4FE       VL3E        VK3TZ
CE4MBH      IZ1MHX      IQ6AN       IQ6AN       VP2MOK      WA5POK
CR5ERT      CT2IMG      IS0/OM2TW   OM2FY       VP6MW       W0VTT
CR5EVM      CT1KNA      IY1TO       IW1FGZ      VP8KCA      G5KC
CR5FNL      CT2GZE      IZ1CCK      IZ1BWB      VP8VK       GM3ITN
CR5TOR      CT2IXX      JY5MM       IK2DUW      XV9BPO      EA5GL
CT9ABV      DL5AXX      KL7J        N3SL        ZF2AA       VE3IKV
D2EB        IZ3ETU      LX9S        HB9AOF [d]  ZF2HK       AA5HK
DP9S        DK8ZM       LX9S        LX9S     ZF2MJ       N6MJ
DQ44WCA     DF6EX       LY770CT     LY1CT       ZM1A        ZL3CW
EA9KB       EA7FTR      LZ110BA     LZ1ZF       ZZ5BB       PP5DZ

3A/DL2SBY Kasimir Bastian, Grunaeckerstr. 39, 71069 Sindelfingen, Germany
7X4AN     Mohamed Boukhiar, Apartado Postal 30133, 08080 Barcelona, Spain
9H6BPS    Marconi Amateur Radio Circle, Triq L-Anzjani, L-Imtarfa, MTF 1510,
9H6SGM    Mosta Scout Group, 55 Dun Edgar Salamone, Triq It-Torri, Il-Mosta,
          MST 3501, Malta
A65PX     Herbert S. Wolfson, P.O. Box 368, Ardmore PA 19003, USA
DL7DF     Sigi Presch, Wilhelmsmuehlenweg 123, 12621 Berlin, Germany
EI10JOTA  John C. Holland, 12 Stepaside Park, Dublin 18, D18 YD60, Ireland
J68HZ     William J. Schmidt II, 27427 Myrtle Lake Lane, Katy TX 77494, USA
OA1F      Elena P. Moran, Rua do Codesal 5-3 Dcha, 15405 Ferrol (A Coruna),
TC99TC    Soyhan Erim, Strada Putul de Piatra 5 Apt 5, 010669 Bucharest,
V73MS     Michael Stewart, PSC 702 Box 8164, APO AP 96557, USA
VE3FIRE   Fire Prevention Week Special Event, c/o Siemens Fire Safety USA,
          8 Fernwood Road,  Florham Park NJ 07932, USA
VJ4T      Kenneth A. Bawden, PO Box 537, Gatton QLD 4343, Australia
VP2MDA    Larry D. Anderson, 8717 Louis Poiroux Rd, Theodore AL 36582, USA
VP2MLB    Louis L. Barrett, 595 N 2200 W, West Point UT 84015, USA
VP2MXH    Clifford E. Hauser, 3331 Summer Glen Dr, Grove City OH 43123-9344,
VP2MYV    Cheryl H. Pratt, 110 Niagara Ln, Oak Ridge TN 37830, USA
VP2MZN    Glenn Dixon, 587 N 2575 W, West Point UT 84015, USA
YJ0MB     Michael Boorne, P.O. Box 127, Artarmon, NSW 1570, Australia
ZF2CH     Chris Hillier, 29 Round Pond Road, Portugal Cove NL A1M 2Z4,
ZM4T      Holger Hannemann, 262 Waimarama Heights, RD12, Havelock North 4294
          New Zealand


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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